• word of the day


    objurgate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word objurgate

    (verb) express strong disapproval of
    Synonyms : condemn , decry , excoriate , reprobate
    Example Sentence
    • We condemn the racism in South Africa
    • These ideas were reprobated
    (verb) censure severely
    Synonyms : castigate , chasten , chastise , correct
    Example Sentence
    • She chastised him for his insensitive remarks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for objurgate

sounds like AAP+JAO+GATE...my teacher SCOLDED me a lot and asked me to stand near the college gate

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

objurgate:obj(object)+ur+gate-if u take any prohibited objects in the gate,then security will scold u)

JUR(jor kore) GATE (doroja). Can we think that "JOR KORE GATE OUT KORA". And we do that after a very bad upbraid/castigation.

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