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Short Definition : give up something (with reluctance); yield; release; Ex. relinquish power/the claim to the land/his hold on my arm

(verb) part with a possession or right
Synonyms : free give up release resign
Example Sentence
  • I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest
  • resign a claim to the throne
(verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to
Example Sentence
  • We are dispensing with formalities
  • relinquish the old ideas
(verb) turn away from; give up
Synonyms : foreswear quit renounce
Example Sentence
  • I am foreswearing women forever
(verb) release, as from one's grip
Synonyms : let go let go of release
Example Sentence
  • Let go of the door handle, please!
  • relinquish your grip on the rope--you won't fall
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relinquish

Its quite opposite to what it spells "Re - link - Wish"

Relin(Release)+quish(wish; So release ur wish;

re+LIN+QUI(t)=> assume we are walking on a line & if we quit it, it z called as GIVE UP

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re(sound like arre)+linquish(lankesh)ab to haar man jao

re + link >> think of a situatn where u have caught a rope... to better the grip on u release ur previous grip and grip again.. relate it

when released from hostages he was re(a)l-in-(kush/happy)state .

relinquish your kingdom before I vanquish your country.


Short Definition : enjoy; savor; N: enjoyment; zest

(noun) vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
Synonyms : gusto zest zestfulness
(noun) spicy or savory condiment Definition
(noun) the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth Definition
(verb) derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
Synonyms : bask enjoy savor savour
Example Sentence
  • She relished her fame and basked in her glory
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for relish

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Relish gives a +ve connotation, Relish and DISH rhyming words. Relish means tasty dish


Sounds like release ur Piss.When u do that u get enjoyment

similar to release. A prisoner fells a great relish when he is released

I really Relish Irish dance

relish detergent makes ur clothes white wearing it u enjoy...

liss ko kiya apne kiss to aap ne njoy kiya(relish)


Short Definition : reparable

(adj) capable of being remedied or redressed
Example Sentence
  • remediable problems
  • a remediable setback
  • not a crime but only a remediable blunder
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remediable

Re+medi+able; Think as remedicable, so reparable

remediable : re+ made some thing which can be made again must be reparable.


Short Definition : recollection; V. reminisce: recollect the past

(noun) a mental impression retained and recalled from the past Definition
(noun) the process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort)
Synonyms : recall recollection
Example Sentence
  • he has total recall of the episode
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reminiscence

can break it as re + mini + scene - recollecting mini scenes from our past memories

remind a past scene

Reminiscence:- rem[A]in+ in + scene

re means here think like replay some thing from the past song..so reminiscence means recall,recollect... -sudheer.k

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re + mini skirt = i keep recollecting the past of school when girls used to wear mini skirts <3. haha just to remember the word, m not a perve

rhymes with the word remembrance


Short Definition : suggestive of something (in the past); of reminiscence

(adj) serving to bring to mind
Example Sentence
  • cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note
  • a campaign redolent of machine politics
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for reminiscent

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Reminder for Rem and then a cent..like a perfume. So yoou apply that perfume/scent and it reminds you of something. Too bad i guess.

just little modification to above: take it backwards,this SCENT IS REMINding me of something.


Short Definition : negligent; careless about a duty

(adj) failing in what duty requires
Example Sentence
  • derelict (or delinquent) in his duty
  • neglectful of his duties
  • remiss of you not to pay your bills
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remiss

re+MISS you miss something repeatatively because of NEGLIGENCE, CARELESSNESS.

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repeat+miss, A negligent person will repeatedly miss important things

Everything is amiss because he's remiss.

Remiss:U repeatedly miss ur duty when u are negligent

When your sister is remiss in her chore of sweeping the floor, you say to her, "You MISSed a spot."


u miss the opportunity again and again cuz u r negligent

re=again...miss=miss a questn in exam....ie he missed the question again in the exam,,ie he is being negligent


Short Definition : temporary moderation (of disease symptoms); remitting of a debt or punishment; cancelation of a debt; pardon; Ex. The disease went into remission; Ex. Christians pray for the remission of sins.

(noun) an abatement in intensity or degree (as in the manifestations of a disease)
Synonyms : remittal subsidence
Example Sentence
  • his cancer is in remission
(noun) a payment of money sent to a person in another place Definition
(noun) (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)
Synonyms : remit remitment
(noun) the act of absolving or remitting; formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remission

The intermission in RGV ki Aag is just a remission, the headache would start again soon. [;)]

ISRO resheduled the satellite launch MISSION till the REMISSION of weather

The job of 007 is one filled with hardships .. Even when he is ill he has to undergo a mission as soon as the disease is in remission ..

sounds like INTERMISSION as in hindi fims.Thus it means a small break..

Break it as Rest after Mission, every person feel relax after completing mission.

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comes from remit

Remission of her depts will certainly aid Sarah in her remission. She cant remit her payments and her matter shall be remitted to the agancy for reconsideration.


Short Definition : transmit (money) in payment; free someone from a debt or punishment

(noun) the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with
Example Sentence
  • they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life
(noun) (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)
Synonyms : remission remitment
(verb) send (money) in payment
Example Sentence
  • remit $25
(verb) hold back to a later time
Example Sentence
  • let's postpone the exam
(verb) release from (claims, debts, or taxes)
Example Sentence
  • The taxes were remitted
(verb) refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
Synonyms : remand send back
(verb) forgive
Example Sentence
  • God will remit their sins
(verb) make slack as by lessening tension or firmness
Synonyms : slacken
(verb) diminish or abate
Example Sentence
  • The pain finally remitted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remit

If you are admitted to MIT on education loan , it will be too long before you REMIT the loan

To emit is to release...remit also mean to release or pardon a sin or crime..hence relate remit with emit..

as a merit, i remit u of ur sins!!

if you are able to get into MIT you are absolved of not getting into IIT

Remission of her depts will certainly aid Sarah in her remission. She cant remit her payments and her matter shall be remitted to the agancy for reconsideration.

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break it like Rest after mission, that means a person feel relax after his mission.

break it like Rest after mission, that means a person feel relax after his mission.


Short Definition : remitting of money; amount of money remitted

(noun) a payment of money sent to a person in another place


Short Definition : remainder

(noun) a small part or portion that remains after the main part no longer exists
Synonyms : leftover
(noun) a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold
Synonyms : end oddment remainder
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remnant

remnant, break it as rem[remaining] + nant[amount] => balance/remainder.

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