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    remit - Dictionary definition and meaning for word remit

    (noun) the topic that a person, committee, or piece of research is expected to deal with or has authority to deal with
    Example Sentence
    • they set up a group with a remit to suggest ways for strengthening family life
    (noun) (law) the act of remitting (especially the referral of a law case to another court)
    Synonyms : remission , remitment
    (verb) send (money) in payment
    Example Sentence
    • remit $25
    (verb) hold back to a later time
    Example Sentence
    • let's postpone the exam
    (verb) release from (claims, debts, or taxes)
    Example Sentence
    • The taxes were remitted
    (verb) refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision
    Synonyms : remand , send back
    (verb) forgive
    Example Sentence
    • God will remit their sins
    (verb) make slack as by lessening tension or firmness
    Synonyms : slacken
    (verb) diminish or abate
    Example Sentence
    • The pain finally remitted
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for remit

If you are admitted to MIT on education loan , it will be too long before you REMIT the loan

To emit is to release...remit also mean to release or pardon a sin or crime..hence relate remit with emit..

as a merit, i remit u of ur sins!!

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if you are able to get into MIT you are absolved of not getting into IIT

Remission of her depts will certainly aid Sarah in her remission. She cant remit her payments and her matter shall be remitted to the agancy for reconsideration.

break it like Rest after mission, that means a person feel relax after his mission.

break it like Rest after mission, that means a person feel relax after his mission.

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