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    bask - Dictionary definition and meaning for word bask

    (verb) derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
    Synonyms : enjoy , relish , savor , savour
    Example Sentence
    • She relished her fame and basked in her glory
    (verb) be exposed
    Example Sentence
    • The seals were basking in the sun
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for bask

Baskin N Robbin's Ice Cream, Remember? Costly one; We really enjoy going there and having ice creams.

Basketball player Michel Jordan lives luxury life.

bask--look for word bask in basketball--Playing BASKetball gives pleasure as well as warmth to the body.

Bask reminds bath :) You can bath in the sun, water, love, etc.

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remember US's basking ridge.. where people live luxurious life

bask is similar to BASS(a deep musical sound)and you receive please from BASS.

BASS is going to increase after task.

Hound of BASKAR vills; baskar vills was a luxurios place


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