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Short Definition : ancestor

(noun) an ancestor in the direct line
Synonyms : primogenitor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for progenitor

Pro + Genesis

Pro + Genes >> the genes before us.. our ancestors..

Progeny is children. Progenitor is the ancestor.

progeny producer...progeny=children


Short Definition : children; offspring; descendants

(noun) the immediate descendants of a person
Synonyms : issue offspring
Example Sentence
  • she was the mother of many offspring
  • he died without issue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for progeny

Progeny = Provide Gene i.e ur offsprings.

pro(forth)+ genes >> offspring which has next level genes of his father/mother

progenitor son...progeny


Short Definition : forecasted course of a disease; prediction; CF. prognostic

(noun) a prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
Synonyms : forecast
(noun) a prediction of the course of a disease
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prognosis

prognosis = pro+diagnosis, pro= think forward, diagnosis = cause of disease, it means to predict the features of a disease before the disease itself.

PROGNO(PREGNANT)SIS(SISTER)-> how can we PREDICT that..by seeing her vomiting or stomach :)


Short Definition : predict (according to present indications)

(verb) make a prediction about; tell in advance
Example Sentence
  • Call the outcome of an election
(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prognosticate

PROgKNOWsticate. a PRO KNOWS enough to make a prediction

It sounds like prog(program)+nosticate(no ticket)-we can predict that there are no more tickets left for the program

Root Word:prognosticus Means See

It can be thought of as prognosis which means to predict..

Pro - diagnosticate , predict features of disease b4 disease itself.

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Resembles to Diagnostic so foretell


Short Definition : so high as to prohibit purchase or use; tending to prevent the purchase or use of something; prohibiting; inclined to prevent or forbid; Ex. prohibitive tax

(adj) tending to discourage (especially of prices)
Synonyms : prohibitory
Example Sentence
  • the price was prohibitive


Short Definition : missile; fired or thrown object (such as stone or bullet)

(noun) a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets but is not self-propelled
Synonyms : missile
(noun) any vehicle self-propelled by a rocket engine
Synonyms : rocket
(adj) impelling or impelled forward
Example Sentence
  • a projectile force
  • a projectile missile


Short Definition : member of the working class; blue collar guy; N. proletariat: working class (who have to work for wages)

(noun) a member of the working class (not necessarily employed)
Synonyms : prole worker
Example Sentence
  • workers of the world--unite!
(adj) belonging to or characteristic of the proletariat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proletarian

proletarian=petrolian the person who fills petrol wears blue color n is working class

sorry for the last wrong post. here is the correct one : pro+letarian means literacy se pahle. means working class who wears blue dress generally. remember workers at petrol pumps.

pro+letarian means literacy se pahle. means working class who wears blue dress generally. remember workers at petrol pumps.

proletarian--- here we have letarian(literature), so the people who doesn't have any literature r likely to be the working class people in an industry.

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Pro+vegetarian- People of working class cannot be pro-vegetarian as their jobs are energy intensive.

pro leterarian has a letter in it. a letter man worjking in post office) is is a proletararian


Short Definition : grow rapidly (in numbers); spread; multiply; N. proliferation

(verb) grow rapidly
Example Sentence
  • Pizza parlors proliferate in this area
(verb) cause to grow or increase rapidly
Example Sentence
  • We must not proliferate nuclear arms
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proliferate

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life rate=its always increasing

PRO+LIFE+RATE--> promote life rate

pro + life + rate : increase in rate of production (pro) of life (living organisms) causes population to increase rapidly

(PROLI)petrol (RATE)rate increase rapidly and quickly these days!!

pro + life + rate : in our professional (pro) life, we should work at faster rate to grow rapidly.

rapidly+lift+rate i.e,flourish


Short Definition : producing offspring or fruit in abundance; fertile; fecund; abundantly fruitful; producing abundant works; Ex. prolific writer

(adj) intellectually productive
Synonyms : fecund fertile
Example Sentence
  • a prolific writer
  • a fecund imagination
(adj) bearing in abundance especially offspring
Synonyms : fertile
Example Sentence
  • flying foxes are extremely prolific
  • a prolific pear tree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prolific

"Production Lifted"--> They produced large amounts of the product = Their production was lifted up in amount = They were PROLIFIC.

PROLIFIC is PROFITic. (profitable, because of high yield)

prolific ~ pro (production) + life; now try to relate meaning of prolific with 'production of life'.

prolific- pro lifts, professional bodybuilders lift great quantities.

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Pro(good) + lific(life) >>> a person lives Pro life when he/she is highly intellectual and productive in every sense...


Short Definition : tedious wordiness; verbosity; ADJ. prolix: wordy; verbose; diffuse

(noun) boring verbosity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prolixity

COMPLEXITY - complex words, work are always difficult and boring to understand.

"lexikon" means workbook..."lexicographer" is dictionary writer...writer of words n words n..more words....

Shixit logon ki Prolixity ek pareshaani hoti hai...

PROLIXITY ~ pro (professor) + li (literature) + X (exam); My literature professor have advised me to avoid prolixity while giving any exam.

Pro+ lexicon = in favor of more words,so much that he goes over and over again to more words! so verbose .

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lex means speech/word.. pro(PROfound)+lix+ity means profound/many words.. who shows off many words or who airs many words

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