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Short Definition : existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary

(adj) having existed from the beginning; in an earliest or original stage or state
Example Sentence
  • aboriginal forests
  • primal eras before the appearance of life on earth
  • the forest primeval
  • primordial matter
  • primordial forms of life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for primordial

"primordial" = "prime" + "order" =first in the order = existing at the beginning , rudimentary

mordial (moral) so as we know moral values exists from begning

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BEETLE is one of the PRI(FIRST) ... MORDIAL(MODEL) of VOLKSWAGON, that existed from the begining of VW company.

i am used to drink vodka with lime chordial from primordial times

PRIM + ORDIginal

pri(pre) + mor(my) + dial >>> this watch company exists even before from the time my grandfather brought this Dial...

primordial=pre+mordial(begining+existance) which means existing from the begining.


Short Definition : groom oneself with care; adorn oneself

(verb) dress or groom with elaborate care
Synonyms : dress plume preen
Example Sentence
  • She likes to dress when going to the opera
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for primp

Relate primp to prom. People groom themselves with care before proms.

relate with pimp who grooms their girls for their clients.

PRIMP is just an extension of PRIM! The same meaning.


Short Definition : unspoiled; remaining in a pure state; characteristic of earlier times; primitive; Ex. an old book in pristine condition

(adj) completely free from dirt or contamination
Example Sentence
  • pristine mountain snow
(adj) immaculately clean and unused
Example Sentence
  • handed her his pristine white handkerchief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pristine

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sounds like priest(ine) means pertaining to priests which is to remain in pure state.

pristine; fresh teen,a virgin!!!

pri(pre)+tine(time) "purana zamana"....so characteristics of earlier times..

PRE+EINSTEIN: pertaining to earliest times, viz before einstein

pristine ~ PRINT and FIRST. First printed books are fresh and clean.

sounds as listerine, that keeps our mouth clean....

Pristina is virgin.

a PRIEST maintains no STAINS in his surroundings i.e.,pure

Priest are of pure soul

PRI+STINE->PRE + STAIN..anything before getting stained is clean

Hindi- Pustaine Haveli - imagine one that is maintained - characteristic of earlier times; primitive, unspoiled


Short Definition : lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; hardship; want; CF. deprive

(noun) a state of extreme poverty Definition
(noun) act of depriving someone of food or money or rights
Synonyms : deprivation
Example Sentence
  • nutritional privation
  • deprivation of civil rights
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for privation


Take it as PRIVACY.. what do YOU need for privacy, a room, house, but if you dont even have that then? its a life of hardship i.e., a lack of the basic things that people need for living

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In Private companies, u r Deprived of ur Rights and have to do Hard work...

Add DE to PRIVATION and it becomes DEPRIVATION which is a synonym of PRIVATION, meaning the state of being deprived.

PRIVATION- private tuition/education. one cant afford private education for their kids if they are poor and living in hardship


Short Definition : secret; hidden; not public; made a participant in something secret; Ex. privy chamber government; Ex. be privy to a discussion; CF. private

(noun) a room or building equipped with one or more toilets Definition
(noun) a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate Definition
(adj) hidden from general view or use
Synonyms : secluded secret
Example Sentence
  • a privy place to rest and think
  • a secluded romantic spot
  • a secret garden
(adj) (followed by `to') informed about something secret or not generally known
Example Sentence
  • privy to the details of the conspiracy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for privy

priv(PRIVATE)+Y.......SO A PRIVATE DISCUSSION IS ALWAYS secret and hidden from others.


Short Definition : pry; move with a lever; value highly; esteem; Ex. his most prized possession; N: something captured during war-time (esp. an enemy ship)

(noun) something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
Synonyms : award
Example Sentence
  • the prize was a free trip to Europe
(noun) goods or money obtained illegally Definition
(noun) something given as a token of victory
Synonyms : trophy
(verb) hold dear
Example Sentence
  • I prize these old photographs
(verb) to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
Synonyms : jimmy lever prise pry
Example Sentence
  • The burglar jimmied the lock
  • Raccoons managed to pry the lid off the garbage pail
(verb) regard highly; think much of
Synonyms : esteem prise respect value
Example Sentence
  • I respect his judgement
  • We prize his creativity
(adj) of superior grade
Synonyms : choice prime quality select
Example Sentence
  • choice wines
  • prime beef
  • prize carnations
  • quality paper
  • select peaches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prize

The 1st runner up tried to "prize" the first place prize from the winner's hands.

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prize=pri+ze pri(sounds like pry) which means to open/break/press by force


Short Definition : explore with a probe or tools; investigate; N: slender instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity; device designed to investigate an unknown region; thorough investigation; Ex. space probe

(noun) an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities
Synonyms : investigation
Example Sentence
  • there was a congressional probe into the scandal
(noun) a flexible slender surgical instrument with a blunt end that is used to explore wounds or body cavities Definition
(noun) an exploratory action or expedition Definition
(noun) an investigation conducted using a flexible surgical instrument to explore an injury or a body cavity Definition
(verb) question or examine thoroughly and closely
Synonyms : examine
(verb) examine physically with or as if with a probe
Synonyms : dig into poke into
Example Sentence
  • probe an anthill
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for probe

In the Movie the MUMMY, when the Hero attempted to ROB("pROBe") the treasure of Egypt,he EXPLORED or INVESTIGATED new Facts about the MUMMY.

"probe" = "problem" , when you 'explore with tools' the new things , new problems arise :)

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probe a wire used to connect from oscilloscope to the circuit to analyse the wave form and voltage. means tool for analysis

(For engineers) In electronics, a probe normally used with oscilloscope to examine waves.

a probe is connected to oscilloscope to TEST signals

Perfect ROBE Examination:investigation questioning done to find how perfect robe is made

Police uses probe to bit prisoner while investigation.


Short Definition : uprightness; honesty; incorruptibility

(noun) complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
Example Sentence
  • in a world where financial probity may not be widespread
  • he enjoys an exaggerated reputation for probity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for probity

PRO(pahle)+beti(ladkiya) sounds like girls first 'something having high morale'

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Probe is done to verify probity.So probity=neccessity (or reason ) for probe.

basically this word is taken from latin probus..means honesty..............

A PROBATION Officer tries to keep former criminals HONEST.

A father telling is daughter Please(P) roh(RO) mat Beti(bity) you have not lost your integrity or moral values.

Let them probe, they wont find any mistakes - probity

probity= PRO+BT = Professer Balgangadar Tilak.. He was a man of uprightness and Incorruptibility...!!!

remember it as 'probe with integrity' means keep moral principles intact,be honest..

PROBE-BETI... The father suspects the Daughter has taken to Drugs and compromised her INTEGRITY, so he probes/investigates the BETI

Probity = No Problem guy

When Police bits prisoner (probity)with probe .then he becomes honest.

now a days probability of finding a honest person is very less

Probe+it- probe ur conscience to grow in uprightness, honesty.

means to examine or investigate, Probe is done to verify probity

Probe a murder without being corrupted

What is the probability of signal integrity

Kobe has no probity. (you have to know Kobe Bryant's history for this to work)

prob(lem)+beti: beti is very sincere n honest so they will not get any problems

Probity - A probe goes in Tea ... or In - Tea - Gree(n) Tea to check its Hones - Tea


Short Definition : causing a problem; open to doubt; doubtful; unsettled; questionable; Ex. Whether the arena will ever be completed is problematic.

(adj) open to doubt or debate
Example Sentence
  • If you ever get married, which seems to be extremely problematic
(adj) making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
Example Sentence
  • a baffling problem
  • I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast
  • a problematic situation at home
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(Doubt)you always have doubts with while solving problems.


Short Definition : inclination; natural tendency (esp. towards something bad)

(noun) a natural inclination
Synonyms : leaning propensity
Example Sentence
  • he has a proclivity for exaggeration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proclivity

Acclivity- an upward slope; Declivity --a downward slope; Proclivity -- a natural inclination

pro(forward) + clivity( think of cliff or high slope, prone to slipping towards it), so a strong predispostion/inclination to... something

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Pro (for) + Clivity = inclination. An inclination for something

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