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Short Definition : transparent; limpid(crystal clear); clear in meaning; easy to understand

(adj) transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity
Example Sentence
  • the cold crystalline water of melted snow
  • crystal clear skies
  • could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool
  • lucid air
  • a pellucid brook
  • transparent crystal
(adj) (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable
Example Sentence
  • writes in a limpid style
  • lucid directions
  • a luculent oration
  • pellucid prose
  • a crystal clear explanation
  • a perspicuous argument
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pellucid


a PELican flew over the LUCID water.

pellucid means TRANSPARENTLY CLEAR...so break it as PALE+ LUCID..PALE(which is close to transparency when u imply to vision)...n lucid means clear...so PALE+LUCID means transparently clear :)

Remember that lucid means clear/ And that pellucid is just an alternative/ Word that is so very near/ In meaning and use as an adjective



Short Definition : fenced enclosure for animals; confining space; Ex. sheep pen; V: confine in a pen; enclose

(noun) a writing implement with a point from which ink flows Definition
(noun) an enclosure for confining livestock Definition
(noun) a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
Synonyms : playpen
(noun) a correctional institution for those convicted of major crimes
Synonyms : penitentiary
(noun) female swan Definition
(verb) produce a literary work
Synonyms : compose indite write
Example Sentence
  • She composed a poem
  • He wrote four novels
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pen

The refill in the PEN is CONFINED to just some SPACE.Outer covering acts as a FENCED ENCLOSURE so that refill won't come out while writing things down on paper.

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Short Definition : self-imposed punishment for sin; Ex. do penance for one's sins; CF. penitent

(noun) remorse for your past conduct
Synonyms : penitence repentance
(noun) a Catholic sacrament; repentance and confession and atonement and absolution Definition
(noun) voluntary self-punishment in order to atone for some wrongdoing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penance

'penance' can be read as 'pain on us' what we take as a punishment on ourself for our sins.

penanace is similar to penalty wich is given for wrong activities

Big punishment if you are asked to write answer without a pen that is without a pen..answer!

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imagine if you go without PENIS for a week. big punishment

Penance = Pin in Ass. One can only do that if really repentant or Penitence.

writing answer in a pen(animals place) is a punishment

penance = pen + ance; with pen write you confession.


Short Definition : strong inclination; strong liking (esp. for something that is disapproved of by other people); Ex. penchant for fast cars

(noun) a strong liking
Example Sentence
  • my own preference is for good literature
  • the Irish have a penchant for blarney
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penchant

p+enchant- something that enchants you, you have a strong liking for that.

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chant- verses are chanted by sages because they have a strong inclination towards spiritualiism.

Some fool is chanting his pen because he likes it so much.

think of a pendant that you wear and love very much

penchant sounds like pention............generally retired people have strong liking towards pention

PEN(pen frnd) chant(chatting) some one chatting wit pen frnd will have strong inclination in chatting

I remembered this word by the following mnemonic and neva 4 got the meaning.. : PEANUT CHAT - every loves peanut chat , hav a strong inclination over it..affinity, fondness, passion... ;)

A new parker PEN comes in the mkt and you have a strong desire for it and hence you CHANT about it where ever you go..

a PENDULUM has a penchant to swing back and forth.

in hindi.. chant is a person who will go for what he likes and take risks even if its disapproved.. especially in the context of getting dates...

rhymes with pungent which also means taste or smell


Short Definition : not yet decided or settled; impending; Ex. pending decision; PREP. while awaiting; until; Ex. delay the decision pending his return

(adj) awaiting conclusion or confirmation
Example Sentence
  • business still pending


Short Definition : hanging; suspended

(adj) having branches or flower heads that bend downward
Example Sentence
  • nodding daffodils
  • the pendulous branches of a weeping willow
  • lilacs with drooping panicles of fragrant flowers
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pendulous

remember a pendulum, hangs downward

aaavu penda veyagane kinda padtundi...hehe....lol


Short Definition : enter into; pierce; permeate; see through; grasp the inner significance of; understand

(verb) pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance
Synonyms : perforate
Example Sentence
  • The bullet penetrated her chest
(verb) come to understand
Synonyms : bottom fathom
(verb) become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions
Example Sentence
  • It dawned on him that she had betrayed him
  • she was penetrated with sorrow
(verb) enter a group or organization in order to spy on the members
Synonyms : infiltrate
Example Sentence
  • The student organization was infiltrated by a traitor
(verb) make one's way deeper into or through
Example Sentence
  • The hikers did not manage to penetrate the dense forest
(verb) insert the penis into the vagina or anus of
Example Sentence
  • Did the molester penetrate the child?
(verb) spread or diffuse through
Example Sentence
  • An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration
  • music penetrated the entire building
  • His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penetrate

penetrate: pen + enter (sound like) . means enter in something...


Short Definition : repentant; N.

(noun) (Roman Catholic Church) a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor) Definition
(adj) feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
Synonyms : repentant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penitent

inside a tent if you do some thing wrong with a girl by giving penni(money) you will repent it later.

read it as pentant.. rhymes with repentant

penniless:: if u become penniless u repent ur deeds.

he invested his peni in the tents,then booom,he lost all...


Short Definition : study of prison management and criminal rehabilitation

(noun) the branch of criminology concerned with prison management and prisoner rehabilitation
Synonyms : poenology
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for penology

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"penology" is the study of people who have been "penalized" .. and penalized people are kept in the prison..

pen is a place whr animals are kept.. a prison is like that only.. so penology is the study of prisons

imgaine India's most wanted host who is behind bars; Pen =Pen = journalist = the guy i mentioned


Short Definition : dreamily or deeply thoughtful; sadly thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness; contemplative; CF. think over

(adj) deeply or seriously thoughtful
Example Sentence
  • Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man
(adj) showing pensive sadness
Synonyms : wistful
Example Sentence
  • the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for pensive

With a pen in your mouth, you are always indulged in somekind of thought.

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pensieve is a word in harry potter which is collection of thoughts. so it is like indulging in thoughts.

PENSIVE=PEN+SAVE....with a PEN in your mouth you are dreaming about your SAVIngs(SIVE)

pensive means become "pen mouth mein rakh kar" sochna.

ex-pensive=when u wana buy something but it is too costly , u must b too sad.pensive means too sad.

keeping the PEN in mouth and SIVEing(chewing) so u are dreaming and thinking something instead of writing : hence contemplative

Pensive = Pen+Sive with a pen anyone can be dreamily thoughful in writing.

pain + sive >> when we are in pain especially given some loved one then we are always in PAINFUL THOUGHTS...

pensive = pen + si(si=silicon) + ve(about); When you are writing about the properities of silicon you are always serious so that donot mix property with germanium.

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