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Short Definition : pierce; put a hole through

(verb) make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation
Synonyms : punch
Example Sentence
  • perforate the sheets of paper
(verb) pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance
Synonyms : penetrate
Example Sentence
  • The bullet penetrated her chest
(adj) having a hole cut through
Example Sentence
  • pierced ears
  • a perforated eardrum
  • a punctured balloon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perforate

visualize this - water flowing through a pipe at a perfect rate. or perfrate, but WTF theres an O in the middle?

Pierce+Fork+Ate.. Pierce the food with fork to eat.

imagina a boxer ..perforate=perfect force at a rate ..then we call its a punch..on a paper ..lly hole appears(pierced)

perfect with an O(like a hole) in middle, perOfect. so not perfect, it has hole.

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while PERFORming gun shooting ...bullet PENETRATED in chest with high RATE


Short Definition : done routinely and with little care; superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; Ex. perfunctory kiss

(adj) hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough
Synonyms : casual cursory passing
Example Sentence
  • a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the house's structural flaws
  • a passing glance
  • perfunctory courtesy
(adj) as a formality only
Synonyms : pro forma
Example Sentence
  • a one-candidate pro forma election
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perfunctory

PARAI(other's)+FACTORY - if you are told to take care of somebody else's factory, you would casually care about it

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per+FUNC+tory .. FUNC stands for function i.e. job.. so if you are doing a job quickly just to finish it and not caring enough about it.. doing job superficially.. it is called a perfunctory act..

Perform+hurry....perform in a hurry....perfunctory....

perfunctory has FUNCTionARY who is an official, we all know how officials approach their work.. they lack care, enthusiasm or interest in their work and do it just for formality

Many people think that the PERFect, FUN job would be to make a lot of money but not have to put much effort into the work.

per+FUN+FACTORY so working in the factory is not fun or interesting as you do same thing again and again so LACK INTEREST,U START DOING THINGS SUPERFICIALLY AND U HAVE NO ENTHUSIASM FOR THE WORK.

p+er+funct+ory--- ER(error) in FUNCT(function)—if there is error in function or something, that means IT IS DONE CARELESSLY, DONE CASUALY

Picture a PERSON working a boring job on an assembly line in a FACTORY: a PERson FUNCKTORY

She thought "I'm perfect already, so why do I need to put any effort or care into this project?"

Simply doing the function.

har (hindi every) function in perfunctory manner in this office

per function if you have a specific time limit then you will do it superficially


Short Definition : point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth; CF. apogee

(noun) periapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is nearest to the Earth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perigee

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it has opposite meaning with APOGEE

moon yahan per essy feel karta hai b'coz it's nearest to the earth


Short Definition : outer boundary; length of the outer boundary; circumference

(noun) the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
Synonyms : border margin
(noun) a line enclosing a plane areas Definition
(noun) the size of something as given by the distance around it
Synonyms : circumference


Short Definition : walking about from place to place (to work); moving; Ex. peripatetic school of philosophy

(noun) a person who walks from place to place Definition
(noun) a follower of Aristotle or an adherent of Aristotelianism Definition
(adj) of or relating to Aristotle or his philosophy
Example Sentence
  • Aristotelean logic
(adj) traveling especially on foot
Synonyms : wayfaring
Example Sentence
  • peripatetic country preachers
  • a poor wayfaring stranger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peripatetic

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peripatetic sounds like par pe tic tic....means wandering on legs.

peri+pat+etic--peri means around, + pat or path means road to walk on, therefore peripatetic means to walk around.

Pronounced as Peri- Pathetic : To Walk (peri) On path in a pathetic way => Keep walking and walking

(peri -> with foot) (patetic -> potato) when u kick a potato with foot it wanders here and there

PED is Latin for foot. It takes a PAIR OF PED to walk the PATH = PAIR OF PED PATH

There used to be one program on NDTV "Walk the Talk". It was Peripatetic interview program

think of your periappa ...he travels from place to place


Short Definition : of a periphery; marginal; outer; of minor importance; not central; Ex. peripheral nerve/interest

(noun) (computer science) electronic equipment connected by cable to the CPU of a computer
Example Sentence
  • disk drives and printers are important peripherals
(adj) on or near an edge or constituting an outer boundary; the outer area
Example Sentence
  • Russia's peripheral provinces
  • peripheral suburbs
(adj) related to the key issue but not of central importance
Example Sentence
  • a peripheral interest
  • energy is far from a peripheral issue in the economy
  • peripheral issues
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for peripheral

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Villages on the Periphery of any country are of less importance...i.e peripheral

Computer Peripherals do not come with the motherboard. eg: keyboard, mouse

remind from "periphery" which means at the edge of sth


Short Definition : outside edge especially of a round surface; perimeter; Ex. periphery of the town

(noun) the outside boundary or surface of something
Synonyms : fringe outer boundary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for periphery

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PIER-FERRY, takes you along the edge of the shore


Short Definition : false testimony while under oath; V. perjure oneself: testify falsely under oath

(noun) criminal offense of making false statements under oath
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perjury

per(phir)+jury -> jury ke saamne saach batt sy phir jana

Perjury sounds like forgery which is a criminal offense.

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jury ke saamne (galat) per (galat) (galat) per (galat) (galat) per (galat)

purge the correct jur(isdiction) by giving false testimony under oath

abjure-> renounce adjure-> plead conjure-> conspire; magic related; perjure:lie in court

Perjury rhyms with: BADJURY==> BADJURY dare dorogh mige

Perjury sounds like forgery followed by jury -> bad + jury -> false testimony in front of jury or while under oath

POOR-JURY, feel bad for the jury because they were lied to

consider it as PER(person) + JURY . This person is giving wrong statements to jury under oath.

If u have watched GoalMal Returns >> Munni girl frnd of vasoli bhai commits perjury by giving false testymony I was the same girls who enjoyed tht nights with this boy's


Short Definition : that can be permeated; penetrable; porous; allowing liquids or gas to pass through; V. permeate: spread or flow throughout; charge

(adj) allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through
Example Sentence
  • permeable membranes
  • rock that is permeable by water
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for permeable

Just remember permit permission


Short Definition : allowing much freedom; lenient; Ex. permissive society

(adj) not preventive Definition
(adj) granting or inclined or able to grant permission; not strict in discipline
Example Sentence
  • direct primary legislation is largely permissive rather than prescriptive
  • permissive parents
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for permissive

permissive person tends to give permission to everyone...means lenient

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