• word of the day


    perforate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word perforate

    (verb) make a hole into or between, as for ease of separation
    Synonyms : punch
    Example Sentence
    • perforate the sheets of paper
    (verb) pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance
    Synonyms : penetrate
    Example Sentence
    • The bullet penetrated her chest
    (adj) having a hole cut through
    Synonyms : perforated , pierced , punctured
    Example Sentence
    • pierced ears
    • a perforated eardrum
    • a punctured balloon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for perforate

visualize this - water flowing through a pipe at a perfect rate. or perfrate, but WTF theres an O in the middle?

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Pierce+Fork+Ate.. Pierce the food with fork to eat.

imagina a boxer ..perforate=perfect force at a rate ..then we call its a punch..on a paper ..lly hole appears(pierced)

perfect with an O(like a hole) in middle, perOfect. so not perfect, it has hole.

while PERFORming gun shooting ...bullet PENETRATED in chest with high RATE

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