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Short Definition : silly; senseless; Ex. inane remarks; N. inanity

(adj) devoid of intelligence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inane

Remember the word insane. Insane person doesnt have a mind to think and understand and hence he is void.

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in + an + end; finishing a story using in and an, having no idea or intelligence.

i nane


Short Definition : lifeless; not animate

(adj) belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things
Example Sentence
  • the word `car' is inanimate
(adj) not endowed with life
Synonyms : non-living nonliving
Example Sentence
  • the inorganic world is inanimate
  • inanimate objects
(adj) appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse
Synonyms : breathless pulseless
Example Sentence
  • an inanimate body
  • pulseless and dead
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in + animate."Animation" means something moving,having life. "Inanimate" means without life, lifeless.


Short Definition : speechless; producing indistinct speech; not articulate; not expressing oneself clearly

(adj) without or deprived of the use of speech or words
Synonyms : unarticulate
Example Sentence
  • inarticulate beasts
  • remained stupidly inarticulate and saying something noncommittal
  • inarticulate with rage
  • an inarticulate cry
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jis ki baton ma artificialness nazar aye...uski speach achi nai hoti

"articulate" rhymed with particular == ie his speech was not going in a particular direction so , he remained speechless , or started producing indistinct speech

jisko bolne ke liye articles (words) nahin mil rahe

jo bolne ke art mai late ho

inarticulate-in speech competition i was speechless and at that instant i uttered only the articles like "the","is"


Short Definition : begin formally; install in office; induct into office by a formal ceremony; N. inauguration; ADJ. inaugural

(verb) commence officially
Synonyms : kick off
(verb) open ceremoniously or dedicate formally Definition
(verb) be a precursor of
Synonyms : introduce usher in
Example Sentence
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall ushered in the post-Cold War period
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i formally say in august(inaugurate) we will install new computer in office


Short Definition : strikingly bright; shining with intense heat; emitting visible light when heated; Ex. incandescent light bulb; CF. candle

(adj) emitting light as a result of being heated
Synonyms : candent
Example Sentence
  • an incandescent bulb
(adj) characterized by ardent emotion or intensity or brilliance
Example Sentence
  • an incandescent performance
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candle ki light is incandescent

IN the LIGHT of the SCENTED CANDLE....which emits light bcoz of being heated as wella as gives out nice smell bcoz of being scented....:)


Short Definition : singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula; (the saying of) words used in magic; CF. enchant

(noun) a ritual recitation of words or sounds believed to have a magical effect
Synonyms : conjuration
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incantation

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incantation--read it as inc(h)antation..chanting of magical words etc.

Ink-can-stay-tion. YOu have a shirt and a new rule in office which says that you have to have ink on your shirt. So you repeatedly do Bhajan or recite magical recitation to kepp ink on your shirt. Ink-can-stay-tion. incantation

incantation-- in+cane+station ,means In a cane(pepsi cane or mirinda cane) there is a whole indian station which is a magic (how it can be possible)....


Short Definition : disable; N. incapacity: lack of capacity

(verb) make unable to perform a certain action
Synonyms : disable disenable
Example Sentence
  • disable this command on your computer
(verb) injure permanently
Synonyms : disable handicap invalid
Example Sentence
  • He was disabled in a car accident
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in(not)+capacity: making someone incapable or injuring him badly.

incapacitate starts from incap so does incapable

IN CAPACITy of a person there is abATEment

make someone incapable/disable by injuring them permanently


Short Definition : imprison

(verb) lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
Example Sentence
  • The suspects were imprisoned without trial
  • the murderer was incarcerated for the rest of his life
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incarcerate

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(Hindi) inकारागारate, (Bengali) inকারাগারate. Amazingly, in Latin 'carcer' pronounced /karker/, means prison (Bengali কারাগার; Hindi कारागार).

incarcerate : sounds like in + car + sit + rate so think like this policemen asking a thief in[ki] car ke seat ke niche jo samana than wo tune kausi rate me becha bol de nahi to tuje 10 saal ka incarcerate kar dunga

in+car+carate(karate == unit of diamond) ie if you have stolen diamonds in your car you will be imprisoned , going to the jail ,,

IN + CAR + CIGARETTE - due to a ban on smoking, if you smoke cigarettes even in the car, you may be IMPRISONed.

in + car + carate(unit of gold or diamond) >> when u smuggle gold or diamonds, u may get caught and may be imprisoned..

if u get cancer, u r mostly confined to ur house

Incar+Cera+te Look for cera (or cere/ ceramane) mean jail

incarcerate-the word seems like Nepali ratera to kill and so the consequences is the imprision


Short Definition : endowed with flesh; invested with bodily form; personified; Ex. devil incarnate; V: give bodily form to; embody

(verb) make concrete and real Definition
(verb) represent in bodily form
Example Sentence
  • He embodies all that is evil wrong with the system
  • The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist
(adj) possessing or existing in bodily form
Example Sentence
  • what seemed corporal melted as breath into the wind
  • an incarnate spirit
  • `corporate' is an archaic term
(adj) invested with a bodily form especially of a human body
Example Sentence
  • a monarch...regarded as a god incarnate
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Incarnate=In+Carna(l)te thus in carnal or in flesh as carnal=flesh.... so something in flesh or given bodily form, or personified


Short Definition : act of assuming a human body and human nature; one who personifies something; personification; Ex. previous incarnation/reincarnation

(noun) a new personification of a familiar idea
Synonyms : avatar embodiment
Example Sentence
  • the embodiment of hope
  • the incarnation of evil
  • the very avatar of cunning
(noun) (Christianity) the Christian doctrine of the union of God and man in the person of Jesus Christ Definition
(noun) time passed in a particular bodily form
Example Sentence
  • he believes that his life will be better in his next incarnation
(noun) the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.
Synonyms : personification
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incarnation

You Know CARNATION it is garage chain where almost all the type of cars are repaired, Similarly in INCARNATION religion which believes that we have Manny lives

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