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    vacuous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word vacuous

    (adj) devoid of intelligence
    Synonyms : asinine , fatuous , inane , mindless
    (adj) devoid of significance or point
    Synonyms : empty , hollow
    Example Sentence
    • empty promises
    • a hollow victory
    • vacuous comments
    (adj) devoid of matter
    Example Sentence
    • a vacuous space
    (adj) void of expression
    Synonyms : blank
    Example Sentence
    • a blank stare
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for vacuous

vacuous can be seen as vacuum which means, a region empty of matter.

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Latin "vacuous" means empty; similar to vacuum

vACUOUS--is seems like(in Hindi) bACUOUS (bacvaas-->Lacking in ideas) lol

The space within a VACUUM tube is devoid of all matter.

vacuous sounds like vacant means emty

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