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    fatuous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fatuous

    (adj) devoid of intelligence
    Synonyms : asinine , inane , mindless , vacuous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fatuous

remembles FAT ASS an ass is considered foolish

focus on 'fat' in this word ..for some foolish people fat people are generally foolish

generally fat people in US are foolish!!

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Fatuous - "Fatu" In hindi Fatu means one who dont have much confidence in doing things. So Fatu is one who dont have brain(barinless) and foolish, thats why he is not that so confident

faLtu bolne wala - foolish n insane!

INFATUATED means unintelligently and foolishly in love. Fatuous means unintelligent or foolish.

fat buddhi meaning stupid..

Focus on the FAT in the word, then think of Larry the Cable Guy, who is fat, who makes fatuous comments, and who seems content with his foolishness.


Fatuous = 'fataha'

fatuous=think of a fellow who becomes fat by eating and does not spend any time to become intelligent; foolishly self-satisfied

FArTuous......what will you call your friend farting frequently??? IDIOT

remember those lame-tards in MTV Roadies who call each other fattu instead of Phattu? boy are they FOOLISH.

Fatuous is always worn by stupid & uncultured person.

fattos hain woh

FAT-U ous:u gotta b inane asinine to b fat..

sounds like farthin.. farthing in crowd is too foolish and silly

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