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Short Definition : beginning; in an early stage

(adj) only partly in existence; imperfectly formed
Synonyms : inchoate
Example Sentence
  • incipient civil disorder
  • an incipient tumor
  • a vague inchoate idea
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incipient

inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...wen only d initial payment is given, ur house wil be partially constructed!!

in (inside) + sipi (shankh in its former stage) - not fully developed

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IN+SIP ient....a person who drinks for the first time takes alcohol in sips coz he is a beginner....incipient

last year sapient withdrew their job offer from all the freshers. If you ask a guy where he got placed and if he answers In Sapient. Then you'll think, abhi to bachaa hai, bohot seekhne ko hai

incipent:in+cip(sip)+pie+ent.some one taking in pie as by sipping is not developed person now only getting developed.

The Incip-ient will soon be a recip-ient because he is coming-in-to -being

a baby is IN his mother's womb SIPPING sustenance through the umbilical cord (IN - SIPPING)

in+ sip+ ient>>> a small kid start his feeding with sips of milk.. He is JUST COMING INTO BEING in this world but NOT FULLY DEVELOPED..

initial + patient = beginning.

IN+ci(SEA)+pi(PEE).when you go IN the SEA for the first time you PEE and thus BEGINS your journey of PEEING IN THE SEA.lol :)

In early stages, babies cannot cew so they are given nourishment in sips... in liquid form

incipient = inc (increment) + pie + ent; Whatever increment we have got from our job it is very little value what should we get.


Short Definition : (appreciatively) cutting; sharp; Ex. incisive remarks; V. incise: make a cut into

(adj) having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
Example Sentence
  • an acute observer of politics and politicians
  • incisive comments
  • icy knifelike reasoning
  • as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang
  • penetrating insight
  • frequent penetrative observations
(adj) suitable for cutting or piercing
Example Sentence
  • incisive teeth
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incisive

incisive can be correlated with our incisor teeth. which is very sharp both in human and animal, and they use it to cut food thus incisive= incisor= cutting

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Incisive-> It has come from Incision cutting, esp. by a surgeon. Also , Incision sounds similar to scissor (which are your four sharp teeth) used for cutting.

incisive---incisor...cisor which is used to cut something is sharp :)

incisive sounds like insensitive >>> some one who is insensitive can kill someone with some sharp device or his words, etc


Short Definition : arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist; Ex. incite a riot/the crowd to rebellion

(verb) give an incentive for action
Example Sentence
  • This moved me to sacrifice my career
(verb) provoke or stir up
Example Sentence
  • incite a riot
  • set off great unrest among the people
(verb) urge on; cause to act
Synonyms : egg on prod
Example Sentence
  • The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incite

rhymes with excite which also means arouse to action.

in site. if you work hard. ure name will appear on uni website. good incentive to work

incite sounds like inside.a person who has a inside revenge is provoked.

in + site >>> wot we cal 'andar ki aawaj' in hindi makes us do or provokes us to do things... thts t meaning here..


Short Definition : stormy; unkind; unmerciful; CF. clement

(adj) (of weather or climate) severe Definition
(adj) used of persons or behavior; showing no clemency or mercy
Example Sentence
  • the harsh sentence of an inclement judge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inclement

clemen(t)cy means kind, while inclement means unkind, rude,(for a person) stormy(for weather).

bosses are always incleament when theres time of increament

INCLEMENT = IN(negative) + CLIMATE = Bad Climate/Weather

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clemen(t)(cy) sounds like mercy and means the same. so inclement means merciless, unkind.

sounds like implement i.e. implementing Cunning ideas..


Short Definition : slope; slant; Ex. steep incline

(noun) an elevated geological formation
Synonyms : side slope
Example Sentence
  • he climbed the steep slope
  • the house was built on the side of a mountain
(noun) an inclined surface connecting two levels
Synonyms : ramp
(verb) have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined
Synonyms : be given lean run tend
Example Sentence
  • She tends to be nervous before her lectures
  • These dresses run small
  • He inclined to corpulence
(verb) bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well
Example Sentence
  • He inclined his ear to the wise old man
(verb) lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow
Example Sentence
  • She inclined her head to the student
(verb) be at an angle
Synonyms : pitch slope
Example Sentence
  • The terrain sloped down
(verb) feel favorably disposed or willing
Example Sentence
  • She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to expres their religious beliefs
(verb) make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief
Synonyms : dispose
Example Sentence
  • Their language inclines us to believe them
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incline

I incline to recline on the Sofa


Short Definition : tending or leaning toward; bent; V. incline: slant; dispose; be disposed; tend

(adj) (often followed by `to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency
Example Sentence
  • wasn't inclined to believe the excuse
  • inclined to be moody
(adj) at an angle to the horizontal or vertical position
Example Sentence
  • an inclined plane
(adj) having made preparations
Synonyms : disposed fain prepared
Example Sentence
  • prepared to take risks


Short Definition : tending to include all; all-inclusive; Ex. inclusive charge

(adj) including much or everything; and especially including stated limits
Example Sentence
  • an inclusive art form
  • an inclusive fee
  • his concept of history is modern and inclusive
  • from Monday to Friday inclusive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inclusive

Everything is IN the CLOSET.


Short Definition : with identity concealed; using an assumed name; ADJ.

(adj) with your identity concealed Definition
(adv) without revealing one's identity
Example Sentence
  • in Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the East India company
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incognito

consider the word reCOGNITiOn. INCOGNITO can be remembered as IN(-ve prefix)+reCOGNITiOn, i.e avoiding recognition among the public and to do that you conceal your identity or use an assumed name.

Cognition means knowledge. Incognito means without knowledge.

IN (NOT) + Cognition (Recognizable) -> Incognito - Not Recognizable.

almost every one will be using the google chrome's incognito window to watch porn, it doesn't come up in your browsers history.. i.e. your identity is safe/concealed


Short Definition : unintelligible; muddled; unable to express one's thoughts in an orderly manner; illogical; lacking cohesion; not coherent

(adj) without logical or meaningful connection
Example Sentence
  • a turgid incoherent presentation
(adj) (physics) of waves having no stable definite or stable phase relation Definition
(adj) unable to express yourself clearly or fluently
Synonyms : tongue-tied
Example Sentence
  • felt tongue-tied with embarrassment
  • incoherent with grief
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incoherent

opposite of coherent.


Short Definition : not spacious; inconvenient

(adj) uncomfortably or inconveniently small
Example Sentence
  • incommodious hotel accommodations
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for incommodious

relate commodious of in-COMMODIOUS with accommodate thus incommodious is something which does not have much of an accomodating capacity and so it is not spacious and is inconvenient to live in or use.

Commode - spacious toilet... incommodious - not spacious!

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