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Short Definition : repulsive to the sight; ugly; repugnant; Ex. hideous face/scream

(adj) grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror
Example Sentence
  • subjected to outrageous cruelty
  • a hideous pattern of injustice
  • horrific conditions in the mining industry
(adj) so extremely ugly as to be terrifying
Synonyms : repulsive
Example Sentence
  • a hideous scar
  • a repulsive mask
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hideous

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write it like hide+ous.and ous sounds simillar to "us"...and when do we hide ourselves ? Its when we see something ugly and unpleasant.

wen u look ugly, u tend to hide i.e. HIDE .. US .. ( urselves)


Short Definition : arrangement by rank or standing; authoritarian body divided into ranks; body of persons having authority

(noun) a series of ordered groupings of people or things within a system
Example Sentence
  • put honesty first in her hierarchy of values
(noun) the organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hierarchy

hierarchy: we can memorize as, high + rank i.e. ranking high to low


Short Definition : picture writing; ADJ.

(noun) writing that resembles hieroglyphics (usually by being illegible)
Synonyms : hieroglyph
(noun) a writing system using picture symbols; used in ancient Egypt
Synonyms : hieroglyph
(adj) resembling hieroglyphic writing
Synonyms : hieroglyphical
(adj) written in or belonging to a writing system using pictorial symbols
Synonyms : hieroglyphical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hieroglyphic

hieroglyPhIC...observer PIC in the word...easy to remember..

here(heiro) we are writing(graphic) about pictures(phic)

HIGHER OGEL(LOOKING)PIC(TURE)..will be a special piucture


Short Definition : highly pretentious or inflated

(adj) pretentious (especially with regard to language or ideals)
Synonyms : high-sounding inflated
Example Sentence
  • high-flown talk of preserving the moral tone of the school
  • a high-sounding dissertation on the means to attain social revolution
(adj) of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
Example Sentence
  • an exalted ideal
  • argue in terms of high-flown ideals
  • a noble and lofty concept
  • a grand purpose
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for high-flown

an INFLATED baloon will FLOW HIGH ..


Short Definition : boisterous mirth(merriment; laughter); ADJ. hilarious: full of laughter

(noun) great merriment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hilarity

hilari..hilari(american president candidate).....she laughed loudly when she come to know about her selection as president.

hilarious... means laughing boisterously

hilarious crime >>> funny crime stories.. making the crime funny to the looking people..


Short Definition : furthest behind; farthest to the rear

(adj) located farthest to the rear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hindmost

hind=behind.. hind most.. most behind or furthest behind..

split it as HIND(I)+MOST....hindi is de most hated subject in school....al de students used to go furthest behind in class

Hindustan is hindmost in most of the games.


Short Definition : block; obstacle; V. hinder

(noun) something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress Definition
(noun) any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome Definition
(noun) the act of hindering or obstructing or impeding
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hindrance

hindrance...HIDE-ENTRANCE....which means obstructing..obstacle or block


Short Definition : understanding the nature of an event after it has actually happened

(noun) understanding the nature of an event after it has happened
Example Sentence
  • hindsight is always better than foresight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hindsight

Its can be remembered as sight to see behind in time to understand what has actually happened ....

see it as beHINDSIGHT.. foresight- seeing before occuring and Hindsight- seeing after occuring.

hind+ sight : hind means delay, so delay in sight , so delay in understanding the events

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word starting with hind are actually starting with behind. example - hindmost, hindsight

u are able to identify a car only when u see it form the backside...i.e u get to know abt sth only when it has passed..

hindsight=hind(back)+sight(to observe) means to observe, analyse and understand after things happened


Short Definition : one who serves for hire (usually used contemptuously); one who works solely for compensation; Ex. hireling politician

(noun) a person who works only for money
Synonyms : pensionary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hireling

When you hire a person, he works only for money.


Short Definition : hairy; having a lot of hair

(adj) having or covered with hair
Synonyms : haired hairy
Example Sentence
  • Jacob was a hairy man
  • a hairy caterpillar
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hirsute

some one who wears a hir(hair)+sute(suit)....so someone who wears a suit of hairs to look like jamvant( a hindu mythological character)...who was very hairy)...

hirsute : hair suit...natural hair suit by body hair.(hairy)

when he took off HER(girlfreind's) SUIT... he was shocked to see her body was covered with hairs... and ran away LOL...

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Choti's hirsute tummy at friends wedding compelled me to msg her askin her to shave it off

Almost sounds like hippies who have lots of shaggy hair.

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