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Short Definition : slightly obscure; misty; unclear; N. haze: light mist or smoke; confused state of mind

(adj) filled or abounding with fog or mist
Synonyms : brumous foggy misty
Example Sentence
  • a brumous October morning
(adj) indistinct or hazy in outline
Example Sentence
  • a landscape of blurred outlines
  • the trees were just blurry shapes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hazy

hazy - when you are lazy, things are unclear to you...

Just woke up in the foggy morning half asleep and lazy. The morning is quite misty and hazy.

for lazy things are hazy!



Short Definition : moving with the head leading; headlong

(adj) with the head foremost
Synonyms : headlong
Example Sentence
  • a headfirst plunge down the stairs
  • a headlong dive into the pool
(adv) with the head foremost
Synonyms : headlong
Example Sentence
  • the runner slid headlong into third base


Short Definition : hasty; rash; headfirst; ADV.

(adj) excessively quick
Synonyms : hasty
Example Sentence
  • made a hasty exit
  • a headlong rush to sell
(adj) with the head foremost
Synonyms : headfirst
Example Sentence
  • a headfirst plunge down the stairs
  • a headlong dive into the pool
(adv) with the head foremost
Synonyms : headfirst
Example Sentence
  • the runner slid headlong into third base
(adv) at breakneck speed
Synonyms : precipitately
Example Sentence
  • burst headlong through the gate
(adv) in a hasty and foolhardy manner
Synonyms : rashly
Example Sentence
  • he fell headlong in love with his cousin
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for headlong

Sounds as headstrong,i.e; adamant or unthinkingly daring (person who is very strongheaded)

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Haveing a LONG HEAD is symbollic to being haughty (because they think they are smart). Someone who is haughty is very rash and headlong.

I rush everywhere and therefore I hate people who take a LONG time to HEAD out

In the headl(ONG_bak) movie, the fight seens are very RUSH & HASTY

one whose head is long (figuratively),will try to put his head first in everything i.e.being hasty n rash...

( those ppl whose hairs are long are hasty n rash in combing their hair.. as they are hasty...)


Short Definition : willful; stubborn; unyielding; determined to have one's own way; CF. no 'excessive'

(adj) habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for headstrong

Headstrong is a person whose head is strong and hence he doesnt change his opinions, so he is stubborn

HEAD STRONG is a person who has got too much 'HEAD WEIGHT' and thus he is stubborn and unyielding..


Short Definition : conducive to good health; Ex. healthful mountain air

(adj) conducive to good health of body or mind
Example Sentence
  • a healthful climate
  • a healthful environment
  • healthful nutrition
  • healthful sleep
  • Dickens's relatively healthful exuberance
(adj) free from filth and pathogens
Synonyms : sanitary
Example Sentence
  • sanitary conditions for preparing food
  • a sanitary washroom


Short Definition : possessing good health; healthful

(adj) having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease
Example Sentence
  • a rosy healthy baby
  • staying fit and healthy
(adj) financially secure and functioning well
Example Sentence
  • a healthy economy
(adj) promoting health; healthful
Example Sentence
  • a healthy diet
  • clean healthy air
  • plenty of healthy sleep
  • healthy and normal outlets for youthful energy
  • the salubrious mountain air and water
  • carrots are good for you
(adj) exercising or showing good judgment
Example Sentence
  • healthy scepticism
  • a healthy fear of rattlesnakes
  • the healthy attitude of French laws
  • healthy relations between labor and management
  • an intelligent solution
  • a sound approach to the problem
  • sound advice
  • no sound explanation for his decision
(adj) large in amount or extent or degree
Example Sentence
  • it cost a considerable amount
  • a goodly amount
  • received a hefty bonus
  • a respectable sum
  • a tidy sum of money
  • a sizable fortune


Short Definition : person who verbally harasses others; V. heckle: verbally harass as with gibes (by interrupting a speaker or speech)

(noun) someone who tries to embarrass you with gibes and questions and objections
Synonyms : badgerer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heckler

rhymes with Hitler...so the meaning goes as one who verbally assaults Jews

generally a abusive person shouts at most of the people "WHAT THE HECK?" so a person who is abusive uses this statement, hence a HECKLER!

Mr. Heckles of FRIENDS always harasses everyone verbally.

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"Hakle" are often hecklers ..... no offense guys....just a mnemonic...

paresh rawal in judaai movie was a heckler :D

a heckler should become hackla( in hindi a person who can't speak fluently)


Short Definition : one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life; CF. hedonism: practice of living one's life purely for pleasure

(noun) someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures
Synonyms : pagan pleasure seeker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hedonist

hey..don... is.. hedonist...don enjoys all the pleasures of life so he believes in pleasure as the aim of life

hedonist="He"(reference to God)+"Don't" +"Exist"->someone who doesn't believe in the existence of God and is only interested in the pleasures as the sole aimof life

I dont heed GOd.

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hedonist = head + on + his; i.e. some one taking pleasure by putting head on his arm.


Short Definition : pay attention to; N: close attention

(noun) paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people)
Example Sentence
  • his attentiveness to her wishes
  • he spends without heed to the consequences
(verb) pay close attention to; give heed to
Synonyms : listen mind
Example Sentence
  • Heed the advice of the old men
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heed

heed sounds like seed - If you sow a seed and do not (heed) pay close attention to it by watering and giving manure ... it will not grow and flower in future.

sounds like HIDE.so he hind it with kind attention

hey this sounds like heap. now many times my mom gives me a heap of rice to see if it has any insects in it. now u gotta that stuff gingerly.

Heed is the Need of everyone... Everyone wants attention of others...

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He gave a keen HEED while purchasing the WEED

HEED - Think of HEAR means listening and paying attention to something

read it as HEAD...pay close attention to mind ur HEAD...


Short Definition : not noticing; disregarding

(adj) marked by or paying little heed or attention
Synonyms : unheeding
Example Sentence
  • We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics
  • heedless of danger
  • heedless of the child's crying
(adj) characterized by careless unconcern
Synonyms : reckless
Example Sentence
  • the heedless generosity and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large fortunes
  • reckless squandering of public funds
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heedless

relate it to headless ...a headless person can't notice anything..

sounds like NEEDLESS, a person who doesn't need something, he doesn't notice it either

seedless - no need to notice the seed while having it

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