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Short Definition : home of a hermit

(noun) the abode of a hermit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hermitage

home for aged people


Short Definition : one who studies reptiles; CF. herpetology: branch of zoology that deals with reptiles and amphibians

(noun) a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for herpetologist

herpetologist(sounds like he +reptologist(like a reptile))

herpetologist - herp - sarp - snake ... one who studies about reptiles.

just remember... Jake the Snake, a herpetologist, gave me herpes. This should associate herpetologist with reptiles.

her+pet+ologist, one who studies her pet(reptiles)


Short Definition : (of beliefs) against accepted opinion; unorthodox; unconventional

(adj) characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards
Synonyms : dissident heretical
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heterodox

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heterodox--hetero-means different+ dox --means opinion, so different or many opinions. Orthodox, heterodox are from the same root.

opposite of ORTHODOX


Short Definition : dissimilar; mixed; not homogeneous; consisting of dissimilar elements or plants

(adj) consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature
Synonyms : heterogenous
Example Sentence
  • the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous
(adj) originating outside the body
Synonyms : heterogenous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heterogeneous

If you have a group of people of various sexes and races, you have a HETERO GENUS group of people.

If you are HETEROsexual then you like people not of the same gender


Short Definition : cut to pieces with ax or sword; chop; N.

(verb) make or shape as with an axe
Synonyms : hew out
Example Sentence
  • hew out a path in the rock
(verb) strike with an axe; cut down, strike
Example Sentence
  • hew an oak
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hew

CHEW- when you chew, you try to chop the thing with your teeth.

"hew"... "(s)hew" it is the sound of the sword or ax.

If you have seen a villager use an axe, u may remember that when striking the wood, he would breadth out strongly, that sounds like a hew.

sounds lyk jew.... palestine ppl think jewisj ppl should be cute into pieces by sword...


Short Definition : time of greatest success or power; prime

(noun) the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for heyday

hey!!!!+day...when you pass a time of great suceess in a day...you say...hey!!!!!! what a day it was..I will always rememeber it.

sounds like matthew HAYDEN. during his time australian cricket team passed their heyday

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yaaaayyyy!!!! (sounding very happy at the time of success ))


Short Definition : gap; pause; gap or interruption in space or time; break

(noun) an interruption in the intensity or amount of something Definition
(noun) a missing piece (as a gap in a manuscript) Definition
(noun) a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure
Synonyms : foramen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hiatus

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split it as HI+AT+US.....if anyone says 'Hi' on the way, we will definitely stop for a while.

anyone who says HI AT US its definately after a long gap...and we pause to meet dat person..

Hi + at + us >>> if someone says Hi to us, then we take a gap from our work and chat with that person...

Hiatus = we had taken a break at hiat hotel.


Short Definition : wintry; wintery; of or like winter

(adj) characteristic of or relating to winter
Synonyms : brumal hiemal
Example Sentence
  • bears in brumal sleep
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hibernal

Similar to hibernate. Bears hibernate during the WINTERY season.

Hi+Burn+All..call everyone to burn all wood to overcome extreme winter cold.

hibernal~like siber one of the coldest region in the world (russia)


Short Definition : sleep throughout the winter; N. hibernation

(verb) sleep during winter
Synonyms : hole up
Example Sentence
  • Bears must eat a lot of food before they hibernate in their caves
(verb) be in an inactive or dormant state
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hibernate

hibernate - mode in computer, make it inactive


Short Definition : skin of an animal

(noun) the dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal)
Synonyms : fell
(noun) body covering of a living animal
Synonyms : pelt skin
(verb) prevent from being seen or discovered
Synonyms : conceal
Example Sentence
  • Muslim women hide their faces
  • hide the money
(verb) be or go into hiding; keep out of sight, as for protection and safety
Synonyms : hide out
Example Sentence
  • Probably his horse would be close to where he was hiding
  • She is hiding out in a cabin in Montana
(verb) cover as if with a shroud
Synonyms : cover enshroud shroud
Example Sentence
  • The origins of this civilization are shrouded in mystery
(verb) make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing
Example Sentence
  • a hidden message
  • a veiled threat
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hide

Animals' organs are hidden inside their skin.

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