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Short Definition : important in history; Ex. historic battle

(adj) belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past
Synonyms : historical
Example Sentence
  • historic victories
  • historical (or historic) times
  • a historical character
(adj) important in history
Example Sentence
  • the historic first voyage to outer space


Short Definition : connected with history; based on events in history (whether regarded as important or not)

(adj) of or relating to the study of history
Example Sentence
  • historical scholars
  • a historical perspective
(adj) having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary
Example Sentence
  • the historical Jesus
  • doubt that a historical Camelot every existed
  • actual historical events
(adj) belonging to the past; of what is important or famous in the past
Synonyms : historic
Example Sentence
  • historic victories
  • historical (or historic) times
  • a historical character
(adj) used of the study of a phenomenon (especially language) as it changes through time
Synonyms : diachronic
Example Sentence
  • diachronic linguistics


Short Definition : theatrical; excessively dramatic or emotional; affected; of actors or acting; N. histrionics: histrionic behavior

(adj) characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected
Synonyms : melodramatic
Example Sentence
  • histrionic gestures
  • an attitude of melodramatic despair
  • a theatrical pose
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for histrionic

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histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical.

Sounds like "hysteria-onic". Hysteria means a state of extreme emotion, same as histrionics.

history + tonic: After driniking history tonic he was over acting.


Short Definition : box for bees; V: cause to go in a hive

(noun) a teeming multitude Definition
(noun) a man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of bees
Synonyms : beehive
(noun) a structure that provides a natural habitation for bees; as in a hollow tree
Synonyms : beehive
(verb) store, like bees
Example Sentence
  • bees hive honey and pollen
  • He hived lots of information
(verb) move together in a hive or as if in a hive
Example Sentence
  • The bee swarms are hiving
(verb) gather into a hive
Example Sentence
  • The beekeeper hived the swarm
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hive

relate it to arcHIVE where we store several documents or data....similarly HIVE ==>storing of bees(BEEHIVE)


Short Definition : stockpile; accumulate for future use; N: supply stored for future use

(noun) a secret store of valuables or money
Synonyms : cache stash
(verb) save up as for future use Definition
(verb) get or gather together
Example Sentence
  • I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife
  • She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis
  • She rolled up a small fortune
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hoard

A whore make so much money through prostitution that she has a hoard of cash. she has to make money earlier in her age..... as she cannot sell herself once she becomes old

hoard - lord ; the land lord had hoard so much of property and money that his useless sons never bothered to make money of their own !

HoARD-we work HARD at our young age to njoy tranquility when we grow old

[hoard=Lord] Lord will COLLECT good people in heaven

Hore(more) and hoard also means to collect more and more.

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Hoard = board, board members have asked us to store all important information in files not in laptop.

hoard.in hindi we said thard are use to pese kamane ki hoard lagi hai.means accumulating a lot of money.


Short Definition : white with age

(adj) showing characteristics of age, especially having grey or white hair
Example Sentence
  • whose beard with age is hoar
  • nodded his hoary head
(adj) ancient
Synonyms : rusty
Example Sentence
  • hoary jokes
(adj) covered with fine whitish hairs or down
Synonyms : canescent
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hoary

Hoary or Hairy (white here).

since old, obviously old with white hair; white with age

"hoary" "hoary" -- like the hindu old men pray "hori hori" -- their hair become white with age ,,

tumhare hair white ho-rai(hoary) hai due to old age... use L'Oreal...

HOARY -> HAIRY -> grey HAIR = OLD.

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Read it as "whory" they are horny and hairy :-/

Hoary = Old Harry

Hoary = hoa (becomes) + r (red) + y (yellow); becomes red & yellow i.e gray like color.


Short Definition : trick which makes someone take action; practical joke; Ex. hoax mail; V.

(noun) something intended to deceive; deliberate trickery intended to gain an advantage Definition
(verb) subject to a playful hoax or joke
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for hoax

rhymes with 'JOKES'. a practical joke or simply a trick

hoax reminds me of coax...which is to flatter(kind of a trick)....so if our boss is fired then we try flatter them by making jokes!

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Rhymes with Fox...which is a clever animal known for DECEIVING qualities.

hoax call....

olx site is deceiving by false advertisement


Short Definition : destruction by fire; CF. burnt whole; CF. Holocaust

(noun) an act of mass destruction and loss of life (especially in war or by fire)
Example Sentence
  • a nuclear holocaust
(noun) the mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime from 1941 until 1945
Synonyms : final solution
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for holocaust

holocaust - conc. on (caust) - we read it as caustic ... caustic is something that causes burning sensation , acidic ... holocaustic is extreme of caustic that is fully destroyed by burning ..

holocaust-> "Cause" a "hole" by "intense fire"in a metal shield and destroyed it cmpletly.

Caustic Soda causes a Holocaust.

Caust--> cost , when the whole costly things burnt it is holocaust.


Short Definition : leather pistol case (that hangs on a belt around the waist)

(noun) a sheath (usually leather) for carrying a handgun Definition
(noun) a belt with loops or slots for carrying small hand tools
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for holster

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holster rhymes with gangster.. a gangster wud ve a holster with him to keep his pistol and Bolster Himself

A holster HOLDS a gun.

A HOSTLER can have only holster in room as pistol is not allowed.

resembles bolster=support.therefore holster means handgun support

Heard of the Famous pistol "COLT",its also the name of the person who made revolver -> pistol.

HOLe of a gangSTER ! (to keep gun)


Short Definition : honor; tribute; great respect; Ex. pay/do homage to

(noun) respectful deference
Synonyms : court
Example Sentence
  • pay court to the emperor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for homage

Homage = Home + Age; In our culture, we respect the aged persons of our home.

homage,aged people are honored by life time achivement award.like big B,

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