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Short Definition : patience; forgiveness; V. forbear: refrain from (in a generous and forgiving way); be patient; Ex. forbear to send him to prison

(noun) good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
Synonyms : longanimity patience
(noun) a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges; refraining from acting
Example Sentence
  • his forbearance to reply was alarming
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for forbearance

FOR BEARing something such as requires PATIENCE

FOR + BEARING ... What is needed for bearing some uninteresting stuff ? --- PATIENCE

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split it as FOR+BEAR+ANCE...'for'getting the 'beer' frm de shop we shld have PATIENCE

FOUR BEARS want to DANCE, but must wait their turn on the dance card.

i can bear to wait for you (bear for you) ... so i am patient

4 bears (animal) are under the tree on which u are hiding,, u need a lot of patience, to wait for them to leave

Bear means::Put up with something or somebody unpleasant. I cannot bear this GRE vocab anymore. My head is going to implode...So Forbearance = 4 * bear. That's lot of patience.


Short Definition : place where a river can be crossed on foot; V.

(noun) United States film maker (1896-1973)
Synonyms : john ford
(noun) grandson of Henry Ford (1917-1987)
Synonyms : henry ford ii
(noun) son of Henry Ford (1893-1943)
Synonyms : edsel bryant ford
(noun) English writer and editor (1873-1939) Definition
(noun) 38th President of the United States; appointed vice president and succeeded Nixon when Nixon resigned (1913-) Definition
(noun) United States manufacturer of automobiles who pioneered mass production (1863-1947)
Synonyms : henry ford
(noun) a shallow area in a stream that can be forded
Synonyms : crossing
(noun) the act of crossing a stream or river by wading or in a car or on a horse
Synonyms : fording
(verb) cross a river where it's shallow
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for ford

ford car....you crossed the ford in your ford.

if u have a ford car and you take it in beside a river, the river give way (just as it gave way to lord RAMA), where there is ford there's a way

in a ford...no need for a CORD for crossing..

ford rhymes with board; u need not board a ship to cross a ford - you can cross the river on foot!

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ford =place the river that can be crossed by ford car , "can be crossed by foot" , shallow

we all have hear RIVER FORD.a place where you can alk along with river

cant afford a ford to cross the river wading through it..!!


Short Definition : premonition of evil; feeling of coming evil; V. forebode: be a warning of (something unpleasant)

(noun) a feeling of evil to come
Example Sentence
  • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
  • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
(noun) an unfavorable omen Definition
(adj) ominously prophetic
Synonyms : fateful portentous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for foreboding

Foreboding = replace the "o" in boding with "a" Fore(forward/future) + Bading ,i.e., Foreboding = Fore bading ,i.e is future is bad .. hence bad omen..

foreboding - Fore(before)+ boding.. solving questions of boding plot in an exam is difficult(an evil ques) so predictin it for comin exam means 'premonition of evil'. :D

consider the BOD in foreBODing.and try to relate it with boad exam.students r in state of worried when reults r gona come.

Foreboding sounds like.. FORE (Before) a bad thing i.e premonition of a bad thing


Short Definition : suitable to debate or courts of law; of or used in legal proceedings and the tracking of criminals; Ex. forensic science/medicine

(adj) of, relating to, or used in public debate or argument Definition
(adj) used or applied in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law
Example Sentence
  • forensic photograph
  • forensic ballistics
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for forensic

for making someone sick....i.e.convicting criminals or opposing others in public debate we use forensic evidence


Short Definition : predecessor; one that comes before and indicates the approach of another

(noun) a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
Synonyms : precursor
(noun) something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone Definition
(noun) anything that precedes something similar in time
Synonyms : antecedent
Example Sentence
  • phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for forerunner

Fore means something that precedes and runner means someone is approaching so the meaning


Short Definition : give an indication beforehand; be a sign of (what is coming); portend; prefigure

(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for foreshadow

A 'shadow' of an assasin alerts you 'before' his arrival.


Short Definition : ability to foresee future happenings; prudence in providing for the future

(noun) providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future Definition
(noun) seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing
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Fore + sight >> Future or front sight... can predict future..


Short Definition : prevent by taking action in advance

(verb) keep from happening or arising; make impossible
Example Sentence
  • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
  • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
(verb) act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for forestall

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Fore means before. Stall means to stop. Hence Forestall == Before Stop. i.e to stop something before it happens.

stall is to stop.. fore means before.. i.e fore + stall = taking precautions before itself, to prevent unwanted action..

Go FORward with putting the horse in the STALL to prevent him from getting out and causing trouble.

FORESTALL sounds like (Force to stop) him in Advance Before he release it was the End of the road.

Toll naka

forestall = he has installed it previously; fore means previous.


Short Definition : something surrendered as punishment for a crime or breach of contract; V: lose as a forfeit; N. forfeiture

(noun) something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty
Synonyms : forfeiture
(noun) a penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something
Synonyms : forfeiture
Example Sentence
  • the contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time
(noun) the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.
Synonyms : forfeiture sacrifice
(verb) lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime
Example Sentence
  • you've forfeited your right to name your successor
  • forfeited property
(adj) surrendered as a penalty
Synonyms : confiscate forfeited
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for forfeit

forfeited == fore (before) + feet , that is when u have done some mistake u fall on some ones feet for excuse..

You have made some counterfeit coins so now you have to forfeit actual money(As a punishment).

If you have four feet or you pretend to have four feet, you will have to pay penalty....

fore(before)+feet that is before you get kicked by feet,pay the penalty


Short Definition : counterfeit; reproduce fraudulently; form by heating in a forge and hammering into shape; move with a sudden increase of speed or power; Ex. forged ahead in the last two years; N: furnace where metals

(noun) furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping Definition
(noun) a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering
Synonyms : smithy
(verb) create by hammering
Synonyms : hammer
Example Sentence
  • hammer the silver into a bowl
  • forge a pair of tongues
(verb) make a copy of with the intent to deceive
Synonyms : counterfeit fake
Example Sentence
  • he faked the signature
  • they counterfeited dollar bills
  • She forged a Green Card
(verb) come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
Example Sentence
  • excogitate a way to measure the speed of light
(verb) move ahead steadily
Example Sentence
  • He forged ahead
(verb) move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy
Synonyms : spirt spurt
(verb) make something, usually for a specific function
Synonyms : form mold mould shape work
Example Sentence
  • She molded the rice balls carefully
  • Form cylinders from the dough
  • shape a figure
  • Work the metal into a sword
(verb) make out of components (often in an improvising manner)
Synonyms : fashion
Example Sentence
  • She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for forge

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forgery of sign

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