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Short Definition : cheating; deceitful; Ex. fraudulent means; N. fraud: deception; swindle

(adj) intended to deceive
Synonyms : deceitful fallacious
Example Sentence
  • deceitful advertising
  • fallacious testimony
  • smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice
  • a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fraudulent

fraud(fraudulen).. one who is fraud... deceptive, one who cheats


Short Definition : filled (with something unpleasant); full; Ex. fraught with danger and difficulties; CF. freight

(adj) marked by distress
Example Sentence
  • a fraught mother-daughter relationship
(adj) filled with or attended with
Synonyms : pregnant
Example Sentence
  • words fraught with meaning
  • an incident fraught with danger
  • a silence pregnant with suspense
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fraught

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fraught->sounds like drought and both of dem are opposites

fraught = fraud + caught; The fraud or thief was caught. His pockets were filled with jewels and money.

Fraught sounds like 'fought'. When you have fought a war, your mind is filled with emotional distress from all the killings.

fraught sounds like brought...so means accompanied with!

A Dam (F)ailed to show signs of dRAUGHT, i.e. the Dam is FILLED.

Picture a barge filled wtih FROST.

In Draught : You have no water in fields and in fraught its full


Short Definition : brawl; fight; V: wear away or unravel by rubbing; have loose threads developing; cause to become worn out (a person's temper or nerves); CF. rub

(noun) a noisy fight Definition
(verb) wear away by rubbing
Synonyms : frazzle
Example Sentence
  • The friction frayed the sleeve
(verb) cause friction
Synonyms : chafe fret rub scratch
Example Sentence
  • my sweater scratches
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fray

wen v fry somthin it makes lot of noise.

F RAY -- "F**K .. RAY!!! Teri toh!" some one is shouting because he lost his TEMPER/ NERVES and wants to get into a FIGHT

we only pray to God only when we are in the fray

"the Fray" is a band - the bald lead singer is always fighting with the other band members on stage.

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Fight on the Way(fray)

FRAY=Yelling in a FRAcas (another GRE word which means the same as Fray)


Short Definition : pirate or plunderer who makes war in order to grow rich

(noun) someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for freebooter

someone who BOOTS(kicks) everyone for FREE(no reason) and robs them.

Sounds like Freelooter i.e a pirate who loots/

there was a competition between the pirates for selling boots(shoes in english) for free in order to gain maoney


Short Definition : madly excited; N. frenzy: violent wild excitement

(adj) affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
Synonyms : manic
Example Sentence
  • a frenzied attack
  • a frenzied mob
  • the prosecutor's frenzied denunciation of the accused
  • outbursts of drunken violence and manic activity and creativity
(adj) excessively agitated; distraught with fear or other violent emotion
Example Sentence
  • frantic with anger and frustration
  • frenetic screams followed the accident
  • a frenzied look in his eye
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for frenzied

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wen some one kept in frezer they will get madly exited

No worries FRENZY appears like FRENZ HEE So imagine a bunch of FRENZ (like those of Rang de Basanti), who are so HYPER EXCITED (CRAZY) that they are just screaming and shouting hu ha HEE HEE

Frantic = Frenetic = Frenzied


Short Definition : painting on wet plaster (usually fresh)

(noun) a mural done with watercolors on wet plaster Definition
(noun) a durable method of painting on a wall by using watercolors on wet plaster Definition
(verb) paint onto wet plaster on a wall
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fresco

Fresco = Fresh + Coat. A fresh coat of paint.

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remember "love ajkal"movie,deepika passionate about


Short Definition : be annoyed or vexed; Ex. fret over your poor grades; N: irritation of mind; ADJ. fretful

(noun) agitation resulting from active worry
Synonyms : lather stew sweat swither
Example Sentence
  • don't get in a stew
  • he's in a sweat about exams
(noun) a spot that has been worn away by abrasion or erosion
Synonyms : worn spot
(noun) an ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines (often in relief)
Example Sentence
  • there was a simple fret at the top of the walls
(noun) a small bar of metal across the fingerboard of a musical instrument; when the string is stopped by a finger at the metal bar it will produce a note of the desired pitch Definition
(verb) worry unnecessarily or excessively
Synonyms : fuss niggle
Example Sentence
  • don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now
(verb) be agitated or irritated
Example Sentence
  • don't fret over these small details
(verb) provide (a musical instrument) with frets
Example Sentence
  • fret a guitar
(verb) become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
Synonyms : chafe gall
(verb) cause annoyance in Definition
(verb) gnaw into; make resentful or angry
Synonyms : eat into grate rankle
Example Sentence
  • The injustice rankled her
  • his resentment festered
(verb) carve a pattern into Definition
(verb) decorate with an interlaced design Definition
(verb) be too tight; rub or press
Synonyms : choke gag
Example Sentence
  • This neckband is choking the cat
(verb) cause friction
Synonyms : chafe fray rub scratch
Example Sentence
  • my sweater scratches
(verb) remove soil or rock
Synonyms : eat away erode
Example Sentence
  • Rain eroded the terraces
(verb) wear away or erode
Synonyms : eat away
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fret

Fret if retta(telugu usage) falls on u then ....i think u got it

He became fretted or annoyed since he did not know how to play the fret on the guitar.

The felon became 'fretful' thinking when will he be 'free'!

guys these words r really difficult to have mnemonics but here is a simple one. F ret. when u r fucking and a crow rets(shits) on you then u get annoyed and vexed

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fret over your fat body

Sounds like FREIGHT.All these commercial terms annoy me.

remember fat fred(fret) from the movie xmen origins wolverine. he was angry on logan after he called him that


Short Definition : clash or conflict in opinion; rubbing against

(noun) a state of conflict between persons
Synonyms : clash
(noun) the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another
Synonyms : rubbing
(noun) effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure
Synonyms : detrition rubbing
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for friction



Short Definition : ornamental horizontal band on a wall

(noun) an architectural ornament consisting of a horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice Definition
(noun) a heavy woolen fabric with a long nap
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for frieze

very difficult to keep mnemonics...but remember like this...as freeze(refrigerator) can be used as decoration so frieze is also for decoration....

sounds like prize which are kept as decorations in the drawing room



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its very simple....,..when u r under freezing(cooling).,..,,u will wear frieze,.,,.,.

Ridge is frieze of hills.

Sounds like pricy(costly) ORnaments are always costly. ridges are fieze of hills.

FRIEZE -- Sounds like RAYEEZ (Rich in Hindi). RAYEEZ Aadmiyonke paas Show-Off karnekeliye ORNAMENTS hote hai

Fry easily or else you will burn the ornamental band on kitchen wall


Short Definition : intensely cold; cold in manner; Ex. frigid zone

(adj) sexually unresponsive
Synonyms : cold
Example Sentence
  • was cold to his advances
  • a frigid woman
(adj) extremely cold
Example Sentence
  • an arctic climate
  • a frigid day
  • gelid waters of the North Atlantic
  • glacial winds
  • icy hands
  • polar weather
(adj) devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain
Example Sentence
  • a frigid greeting
  • got a frosty reception
  • a frozen look on their faces
  • a glacial handshake
  • icy stare
  • wintry smile
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for frigid

frigid-concentrate on fridge which is cold

frigid=freeze+rigid=in"intensely cold" everything bocomes rigid

frigid...rigid(in intense cold)

we have heard about frigid zone in geography which means icy areas which is cold in nature...

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