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Short Definition : part of stage in front of curtain; front arch of a stage

(noun) the part of a modern theater stage between the curtain and the orchestra (i.e., in front of the curtain)
Synonyms : apron forestage
(noun) the wall that separates the stage from the auditorium in a modern theater
Synonyms : proscenium wall
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proscenium

PRO+SCEN in front of the scene..in front of the curtain

do not click the phone add to your right. It is a virus so if you wanna test this then touch it. Yes u are correct!!---rakei

proscenium:- Pro means beter scenario is always available at cinema screen.


Short Definition : prohibit; ostracize; banish; outlaw

(verb) command against
Example Sentence
  • I forbid you to call me late at night
  • Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store
  • Dad nixed our plans
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proscribe

When you want a magazine, you PREscribe(subscribe) it. Similarly when you want to stop it, you will have to PROSCRIBE. SO PROSCRIBE = prohibit

A doctor Prescribes medicines and Proscribes unhealthy food...

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it can be written like this pro means before + scribe means to write .SO A WRITER WHOSE WRITING ARE PROHIBITED TO BE PUBLISHED in that country.

Anyone know Salman Rushdie? (PRO)secute the (SCRIBE) if he writes derogatory remarks about Islam. derogatory

always getting confused b/w proscribe and tanscribe so lets end it here and now. TRANS is through/accross hence transcribe is to copy through some magazine, whereas proscribe is banning of noobs into game of cs by pros

opposite of prescribe

when we suggest something i.e. we support something its PRESCRIBE and when we oppose something not good, its PROSCRIBE

the book prescribed for us has been PROSCRIBED in america

Prosecutor Bribe=proscribe;so bribing a prosecutor is forbidden

subscribe=offer to do something,proscribe =banish ,forbid to do

Selling drugs without prescription is proscribed!


Short Definition : (induce someone to) convert to a religion or belief; N. proselyte: new convert to a doctrine or religion

(verb) convert to another faith or religion
Synonyms : proselytise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for proselytize

relate it to hypnotize....changing someones religion by telling them prose(epics)and hypnotizing

pros+sel+ytize— PROStitutes CONVERT THEIR RELIGION into SELing their body

prose+lytize =Prose sunakar leta kar means mantra mugdh karke religion convert karna

prose suni ya li aur ty(Thai) religion me change ho gaya!!!!!

give rose and christanize


Short Definition : art of versification; study of the metrical structure of verse

(noun) the patterns of stress and intonation in a language
Synonyms : inflection
(noun) (prosody) a system of versification Definition
(noun) the study of poetic meter and the art of versification
Synonyms : metrics
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prosody

prosody is converting 'prose' into mel'ody'. ie versificatn

break it like pros + sody..."prose" containing all "sody" {dumb matter} ..connote that to the boring poems, the art of versification

Prosody=pros(art or theory)+ ode(song i.e verses).=Art of versification


Prosody sounds like episode i.e a pattern.


Short Definition : become successful (esp. financially); thrive; grow well; Ex. children prospering under his care

(verb) make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance
Synonyms : flourish fly high thrive
Example Sentence
  • The new student is thriving


Short Definition : good fortune and financial success; physical well-being

(noun) an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment Definition
(noun) the condition of prospering; having good fortune
Synonyms : successfulness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prosperity

PROSPERITY is success


Short Definition : successful; rich; affluent; well-to-do; well-off

(adj) in fortunate circumstances financially; moderately rich
Example Sentence
  • they were comfortable or even wealthy by some standards
  • easy living
  • a prosperous family
  • his family is well-situated financially
  • well-to-do members of the community
(adj) very lively and profitable
Example Sentence
  • flourishing businesses
  • a palmy time for stockbrokers
  • a prosperous new business
  • doing a roaring trade
  • a thriving tourist center
  • did a thriving business in orchids
(adj) marked by peace and prosperity
Synonyms : golden halcyon
Example Sentence
  • a golden era
  • the halcyon days of the clipper trade
(adj) presaging or likely to bring good luck
Example Sentence
  • a favorable time to ask for a raise
  • lucky stars
  • a prosperous moment to make a decision


Short Definition : stretch out full on ground; make prostrate; enervate; Ex. prostrating illness; ADJ: lying face down; having lost all strength

(verb) get into a prostrate position, as in submission
Synonyms : bow down
(verb) render helpless or defenseless
Example Sentence
  • They prostrated the enemy
(verb) throw down flat, as on the ground
Example Sentence
  • She prostrated herself with frustration
(adj) stretched out and lying at full length along the ground
Synonyms : flat
Example Sentence
  • found himself lying flat on the floor
(adj) lying face downward
Synonyms : prone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prostrate

pro+strate...lay straight on the ground If prostrate glands are removed, male will be enervated. just to remember

Prostrate can be broken into PRO(Forward) + STRATE( sounds Straight)...i.e. stretch forward.

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Pro+STRATE== Pro means in favour of and one who is in favour of STREIGHT WAR will be laid down

NFS prostrate where our car eneravtes and streches 2 ground

Remember this way..Prostrate cancer is not curable, so doctors are exhausted finding cure and are rendering their helplessness.


Short Definition : leader or noticeable supporter of an idea; chief character in a play or story

(noun) a person who backs a politician or a team etc.
Example Sentence
  • all their supporters came out for the game
  • they are friends of the library
(noun) the principal character in a work of fiction
Synonyms : agonist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for protagonist

protagonist->sounds similar to protest _ ist. Some one who protests, a leader in such movement..

Protagonist X Antagonist

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pro(minent) + tag + onist (rhymes like artist). So artist having prominent role.

pre(in front of)+tiger+least=in front of a tiger but the fear is the least =hero


Short Definition : able to take on many forms; versatile; CF. Proteus: sea god to change his shape at will

(adj) taking on different forms
Example Sentence
  • eyes...of that baffling protean grey which is never twice the same
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for protean

If you eat proteins rather than carbohydrates you will be strong and flexible(versatile) rather than fat.

'protean' -- > sounds like protein as sm1 above had already said and we all have learnt in organic chemistry that this protiens "can take many forms".

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imagine the proteas( SAF cricket team as they are called).. the are so flexible

Pro (like a) tean (a teen: variable, not stable, ever changing)

protean - protein........the requirement of proteins varies from person to person...

TEENS need lots of PROTEIN because their bodies are going through a lot of growth and constant change.

PROTEAN can be thought of as a "PRO" in a TEAM(TEAN).. a pro is usually versatile

pro(b4)+tean(teen)every child are versatile;able to change to any form.

amoeba ate protein to vary shape

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