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Short Definition : diplomatic etiquette; ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats; first copy of a treaty before its ratification; Ex. Protocol demands that the queen meet him at the airport.

(noun) (computer science) rules determining the format and transmission of data Definition
(noun) forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state Definition
(noun) code of correct conduct
Example Sentence
  • safety protocols
  • academic protocol
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for protocol

If it's "PRO" people are for it. If it's "TOTAL" everyone is for it. And if people want it, they will CALL for it. So if its a manner of behavior that people want, we have PRO-TOTAL-CALL.


Short Definition : original work used as a model by others

(noun) a standard or typical example
Synonyms : epitome image paradigm
Example Sentence
  • he is the prototype of good breeding
  • he provided America with an image of the good father


Short Definition : prolong; lengthen in time; draw out

(verb) lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer
Synonyms : draw out extend prolong
Example Sentence
  • We prolonged our stay
  • She extended her visit by another day
  • The meeting was drawn out until midnight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for protract

remember protractor which we use for problems in geometry. It "extends" from 0 to 180 or 360 degrees.

you must have heard of company PROTRACT &GAMBLE....WHICH has existed for A PROLONGED TIME PERIOD.

see if you are attracted to some 1 you will lengthen the time of ure relationship. pro + attract

protract(v)...protraction(n) which is like opposite of contraction..

Pro-tract:-it takes PROlonged time to TRACK.


Short Definition : stick out; jut; project; Ex. protruding teeth

(verb) extend out or project in space
Example Sentence
  • His sharp nose jutted out
  • A single rock sticks out from the cliff
(verb) bulge outward
Example Sentence
  • His eyes popped
(verb) swell or protrude outwards
Synonyms : bulge pouch
Example Sentence
  • His stomach bulged after the huge meal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for protrude

intrude: coming in protrude: bulging out


Short Definition : protrusion; swelling; bulge

(noun) something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
Example Sentence
  • the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
  • the hump of a camel
  • he stood on the rocky prominence
  • the occipital protuberance was well developed
  • the bony excrescence between its horns
(noun) the condition of being protuberant; the condition of bulging out
Example Sentence
  • the protuberance of his belly
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for protuberance

protuberance as we pump air to tube it protuberances i.e bulges in size

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protuberance pro + tuber + ance tuber sound like tumor means cancer's bulg


Short Definition : place of origin; origin or source of something; Ex. Gunpowder is of Chinese provenance; CF. come

(noun) where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
Example Sentence
  • the birthplace of civilization
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provenance

provenance = province+ance, remember when someone asks you: where do you belong to or to which province do you belong to?..which means whats your origin? Provenance=(Province of oneself )

divide it like PROVEN+ance..now just focus on PROVEN....so what type of things can be proven......ONLY WHICH HAS ITS ORIGIN FROM SOMEWHERE....which have a source from where they have originated

Provenance ---> Proven + Ans.....every ans which is proven has a origin or source....which is the meaning...

basically it is taken from..provenir...which means to come forth...so comefoth and see the ORIGIN AND NATIVITY OF SOmebody or something...

prOVENance place of orgin of oven was US

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Just take it as prove and sense hence prove how this make sense that you belong to India i.e the place of origin

A birth certificate is a proof that this 'province' is my 'provenance'.


Short Definition : dry food for livestock; fodder

(noun) food for domestic livestock
Synonyms : feed
(noun) a stock or supply of foods
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provender

Some vendors sell dry food and hence product sold by a vendor = Provender

Pro Vendor : A vendor pro in supplying food etc and has stocks of that in his shop...

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In Telugu Enda = Hot. In hot weather generally dry food is available with vendor(merchant, seller).

In Telugu Enda = Hot. In hot weather generally dry food is available with vendor(merchant, seller).

to PROViDE for livestock means, first and foremost, to feed them.



Short Definition : adage; someone or something well known for notoriety; ADJ. proverbial: of a proverb; widely known; ADV. proverbially

(noun) a condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience that is taken as true by many people
Synonyms : adage byword saw


Short Definition : quality of being provident; divine care; god's care; Providence: god; Ex. It seemed like providence that the doctor happened to be there; ADJ. providential: of divine providence; fortunate

(noun) the capital and largest city of Rhode Island; located in northeastern Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay; site of Brown University Definition
(noun) the guardianship and control exercised by a deity
Example Sentence
  • divine providence
(noun) a manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures Definition
(noun) the prudence and care exercised by someone in the management of resources
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for providence

(pro)vide assistance

remmeber provident fund which all govt employes get

Did u see the add of ICCI PROVIDENTIAL


Short Definition : providing for future needs; displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies; OP. improvident

(adj) providing carefully for the future
Example Sentence
  • wild squirrels are provident
  • a provident father plans for his children's education
(adj) careful in regard to your own interests
Example Sentence
  • the prudent use and development of resources
  • wild squirrels are provident
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for provident

to remember this, think about 'LIC PROVIDENT FUND POLICY'which is kept for future use.

Provident=Providing Prudently.

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