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Short Definition : serving to warn

(adj) warning of future misfortune
Synonyms : precursory
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for premonitory

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pre means at first or in future and monitor can be judge kar lena

A class monitor, warns people when the misbehave.

prediction of monitary loss in the future


Short Definition : superiority of power, quantity, etc.; V. preponderate: be greater in power, weight, or importance; ADJ. preponderant

(noun) superiority in power or influence
Example Sentence
  • the preponderance of good over evil
  • the preponderance of wealth and power
(noun) a superiority in numbers or amount
Synonyms : prevalence
Example Sentence
  • a preponderance of evidence against the defendant
(noun) exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight
Example Sentence
  • the least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preponderance

ponderous means weighty, unwieldy...so preponderance may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power

prePONDeRANCe...In monetary value, the POUND is superior to the FRANC.

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pre- pond- e - rance. Consider only pond and d(r)ance .. Earlier times witnessed lot of kings enjoying dance with decorations around ponds and lakes !! So this means superiority of power, quality.

pre(b4)+ponder(think)= such a heavy or large in no. dat u have to ponder about it before..


Short Definition : attractive; CF. preoccupying ?

(adj) creating a favorable impression
Example Sentence
  • strong and vigorous and of prepossessing appearance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prepossessing

she posseses all the stuff already that makes her so attractive.

a prepossessing girl is worth Proposing


Short Definition : absurd; completely unreasonable; ridiculous

(adj) incongruous;inviting ridicule
Example Sentence
  • the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework
  • that's a cockeyed idea
  • ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer
  • a contribution so small as to be laughable
  • it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion
  • a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history
  • her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preposterous

PRE means before POST means after but together in a single word pre+post+erous seems ABSURD.

if u pre post an employment letter for a job that is not opened yet is an ex. of ridiculous activity

pre - means first very earlier, Post - if you do a post of a letter thinking it will reach first is totally ABSURD


Short Definition : privilege; unquestionable right; CF. ask before

(noun) a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right)
Example Sentence
  • suffrage was the prerogative of white adult males
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prerogative

remember "Interrogative" which means questioning by Investigation officers. So prerogative should be something opposite. so unquestionable

prerogative:consider 'pre''rogue'..which means before he was a rogue he HAD PRIIVILEGES TO DO ANYTHING

remember Britney Spear's song: It's my prerogative... she is also like that, and considers herself superior

prerogative is similar as interrogative and interrogative is used while putting questions to other , if u have the power u can question anyone jai shri ram

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PER RUG = He has the right to walk on the rug (red carpet)

PREROGATIVE; he is being roga from earlier that is right.


Short Definition : foretell; be a warning or sign of; N: presentiment; foreboding; omen

(noun) a foreboding about what is about to happen Definition
(noun) a sign of something about to happen
Example Sentence
  • he looked for an omen before going into battle
(verb) indicate by signs
Example Sentence
  • These signs bode bad news
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for presage

pre+sage- a SAGE has the power to PRE-tell the future.

PRESAGE -> PRE-MESSAGE. A message that comes beforehand.

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press+age....In this age press predicts future events also...and without proof publishing also

Pre(past)+S(Sex)+Age... an old person thinks hw strong he was earlier which indicates him that he is still can do...hahah

Presage = presays indicating in advance about the warning


Short Definition : ability to foretell the future; knowledge of actions before they occur; ADJ. prescient

(noun) the power to foresee the future
Synonyms : prevision
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for prescience

pre(before)+science(..knowledge)..i.e. having the knowledge to TELL THE FUTURE BEFORE TIME...

PRE(before)SCIENCE we had prophets to know the future

prescience=portend = presage=premonoitor


Short Definition : premonition; foreboding; feeling something will happen; anticipatory fear

(noun) a feeling of evil to come
Example Sentence
  • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
  • the lawyer had a presentiment that the judge would dismiss the case
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for presentiment

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sentiment means feeling or perciving. presentiment means feeling before hand about the future.

present + mint: when evil comes in(present) the movies the temperature falls and every thing gets cold...mint Take example of dementors in harry potter, Blackheart in Ghostrider


Short Definition : respect or admiration; impression produced by achievements or reputation; ADJ: causing admiration; ADJ. prestigious: having prestige

(noun) a high standing achieved through success or influence or wealth etc.
Synonyms : prestigiousness
Example Sentence
  • he wanted to achieve power and prestige


Short Definition : take for granted; assume; act overconfidently; take liberties; presume on/upon: take unfair advantage of (someone's kindness or connection); N. presumption

(verb) take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof
Example Sentence
  • I assume his train was late
(verb) take upon oneself; act presumptuously, without permission
Synonyms : dare make bold
Example Sentence
  • How dare you call my lawyer?
(verb) constitute reasonable evidence for
Example Sentence
  • A restaurant bill presumes the consumption of food
(verb) take liberties or act with too much confidence
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for presume

pRESUME.... if you have a good RESUME with Good Academics, then you can take Admission in a good University for Granted.

when iam peeing if there is no tissue paper I just use my resume bcz iam OVER CONFIDENT that i vl get a job even without resume

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