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Short Definition : make impossible; prevent; exclude; eliminate

(verb) keep from happening or arising; make impossible
Example Sentence
  • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer
  • Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project
(verb) make impossible, especially beforehand
Synonyms : close out rule out
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preclude

PRECLUDE is to EXCLUDE or keep out, whereas INCLUDE which is its opposite means to take in as part of a group.

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pre+(con)clude ->pahle hi conclude karke eliminate karna or prevent karna.

prevent to conclude

pre+include....Now pre- (prefix) is mostly used as before, prior to, like prehistoric....So we cannot Include or change anything previous or past.So Include of Pre is impossible or ruled out

PREvent+inCLUDE: To prevent something from ever happening and thus stop the inclusion of it into the history.



include=> (in)+clude(close) preclude => pre(before)+clude(close): make impossible

pre+clude—pre conclude— we pre conclude, i.e., we analyze things in advance so that WE CAN PREVENT ITS OCCURANCE


Short Definition : advanced in development; N. precocity

(adj) characterized by or characteristic of exceptionally early development or maturity (especially in mental aptitude)
Example Sentence
  • a precocious child
  • a precocious achievement
(adj) appearing or developing early
Example Sentence
  • precocious flowers appear before the leaves as in some species of magnolias
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it can be pre+conscious(conscious). i.e. thing or person who/which is very conscious in advance.

pre(early) + cock(genital of man in slang) -> a "pre"-teen who has a huge "cock" is precocious.

pre cocoon

read it as=pre+cocious=pre cooked child

PRECOCIOUS = PRE(before) + CONSCIOUS. Precocious means developing and maturing CONSCIOUSness BEFORE the time that is normal.

precocious = early perspicacious

pre-conquer or pre-cook - Latin root prae-coquere; meaning to ripen early or to cook/boil early. The word conquer looks similar to the Latin root coquere & while it implies force/effort it also means to master/overcome something

Pre + Cautious >>> when someone is pre cautious about his actions and acts wisely before 18, he/she has become matured before time...

precocious; he has use his cock previously than us, so it is precocious.

pre cock io us; before maturity cock comes to us.

girls be concious if you dont want your stomach to develop early! :p :p

Sheldon Cooper ;)


Short Definition : forerunner; predecessor

(noun) a substance from which another substance is formed (especially by a metabolic reaction) Definition
(noun) a person who goes before or announces the coming of another
Synonyms : forerunner
(noun) something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for precursor

"precursor" = pre(before) + cursor(that points out) == something that points out in advance == forerunner :)

She PREpared him for the CURSORy scene he was about to witness, serving as a PRECURSOR.

cursor is at the place while precursor is before so to tell fortune


Short Definition : predatory animal or bird; predatory person; creature that seizes and devours another animal; person who robs or exploits others; ADJ. predatory: living by preying on other organisms; plundering; N. pr

(noun) someone who attacks in search of booty
Synonyms : marauder piranha vulture
(noun) any animal that lives by preying on other animals
Synonyms : predatory animal


Short Definition : former occupant of a post

(noun) one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office) Definition
(noun) something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for predecessor

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PRE(before)+decessor( sounds like SUCCESOR)=smoeone before SUCCESSOR = FORMER OCCUPANT OF POST


Short Definition : determine in advance; predestine; settle or decide beforehand; influence markedly

(verb) determine beforehand Definition
(verb) cause to be biased
Synonyms : bias
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for predetermine

pre [before] + determine [estimate]. So if you understand or evaluate someone beforehand, you frame either +ive or -ive image for her/him, so you r getting 'biased' in that sense.


Short Definition : difficult situation; tricky or dangerous situation; dilemma

(noun) a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one
Synonyms : plight quandary
Example Sentence
  • finds himself in a most awkward predicament
  • the woeful plight of homeless people
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for predicament

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predicament-> sounds like predict. The king called his minister to predict his future putting the poor fellow in a tricky/dangerous situation.

In prison, when the inmates tries to DICK A MEN, so the poor guy is in a predicament situation

PREDICAMENT ~ PREDIC (T) - AMENT : imagine a situation where YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT will happen (can't predict) or WHAT TO DO..is a predicament.

read pred as in predator and cament as coming so predator=coming hence dilema and dangerous situation...

predicament= forward + dict(speak).when u orate or do public speaking u tend to get nervous but now that u climbed the podim ,u have to give the speech too.therefore u cannot even get down.therefore,situation where u r trapped

predict-amend ...so amending the prediction can become a tricky situation

if u have an ailment in ur dick,,thats a pretty dangerous situation and u get into a state of dilemma of how to use ur dick while....

predicament --> red cement. imagine u stepped in a pile of red cement and u peed in it. it has become hard and u r trapped. u dont know how to get out from this dangerous risky situation. u cannot predict the outcome of this.


Short Definition : preference; partiality

(noun) a predisposition in favor of something
Synonyms : orientation preference
Example Sentence
  • a predilection for expensive cars
  • his sexual preferences
  • showed a Marxist orientation
(noun) a strong liking
Example Sentence
  • my own preference is for good literature
  • the Irish have a penchant for blarney
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for predilection

pre(before)+dialect(local language); you generally become partial when you are taking an interview and you meet someone who speaks your language ( :) assume the interview is in the US)

You come to a split in the road and must choose --->PREFERRED DIRECTION

pre+di+election...predetermining the result of election btw 2 parties..tat is da result will b PARTIAl

PRE means before DIL shows the inclination for something iction is a homophone to addiction

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pre(prefix) = before and dilect rhymes with select.. so the meaning would be something like pre-select or lenient or preference.

pre di 'liketion'

pre'DIL'ection means your heart has previously(pre)selection of something..thats is your heart has previously prefferance of something...


PRE(before)ELECTIONS political leaders show PARTIALITY towards the people

predilection.. dilection= deflection.. i.e. inclination towards something

pre(preferred)+ dilect (dialect) so a person with same dialect(or region) is always preferred over anyone else

predilection = pre + dialect + election; before dialect he has taken the action so we are giving preference to tata company they donot need more talk.

Imagine licking an ice cream.Something that you enjoy eating.And there's a "Leck" in predilection.


Short Definition : give an inclination toward (in advance); make susceptible to; Ex. predispose people to certain cancer; N. predisposition

(verb) make susceptible
Example Sentence
  • This illness predisposes you to gain weight
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for predispose

if wastes are not disposed from the body, it makes us susceptible for diseases

pre(pehle se) +dispose (batana)...

dispose: remove; predispose: signs before removing you from job!

dispose: remove; predispose: signs before removing you from job!

Pre-Before Disposition-this position or suitable for this position...so predispose


Short Definition : outstanding; superior

(adj) greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
Synonyms : leading
Example Sentence
  • our greatest statesmen
  • the country's leading poet
  • a preeminent archeologist
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for preeminent

preeminent sounds like prominent


here the last part of the word rhymes wid rap singer EMINEM who is superior or supreme in the field of RAP style...

sounds like "prime-minister" "leading person" of the nation

remind from eminent mall means outstanding

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Preeminent = Pre + Eminent.

preeminent -the word eminent scientist means outstanding scientist

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