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Short Definition : curse

(noun) the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult)
Synonyms : imprecation
Example Sentence
  • he suffered the imprecations of the mob
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malediction

MALEDICTION=MAL+DICTION. MAL means 'evil or ill' and DICTUM is 'saying'. So to say something evil is to CURSE.

male+(edict..sounds simillar to addict)....and imagine a situation where there is only one male in family who earns and if he becomes addicted to all bad habits like gambling,robbery,and alcoholism......he is curse on the family and society

Slang :: To see sheMALE(Chakka's) DICK(penis) is a CURSE for many of us.

living in a male dominated country is like a curse

male+dictionary has curses is in it. similarly, 1) malefactor=male has criminal factor in him 2) malevolent=male is voilent(evil) sry!It was just to remember

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mal(bad)+ediction(addiction)...hence any bad addiction is a CURSE by god..or some1

MAL means evil & DICTION means to speak, thus evil speak = MALEDICTION

Opposite of BENEDICTION (i.e blessing) .....so this MALEDICTION is curse.



Short Definition : evildoer; criminal

(noun) someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
Synonyms : criminal crook felon outlaw
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malefactor

see it as MAL-EFFECTOR who affects in wrong way

statistically(factually),male-fact; most of the malefactors are MALES.

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sounds like fearfactor(tv show)......in which they do all deeds which are done by criminals......like breaking glass,eating insects,etc

suppose a woman commits a crime. Every1 calls her a hard ass. She is a hard ass. She has a certain Mele Factor


Short Definition : wishing evil; exhibiting ill will; N. malevolence

(adj) wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred
Example Sentence
  • a gossipy malevolent old woman
  • failure made him malevolent toward those who were successful
(adj) having or exerting a malignant influence
Synonyms : evil malefic malign
Example Sentence
  • malevolent stars
  • a malefic force
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malevolent

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malevolent = male +violent Violent males can cause more harm to society than females

opposite of benevolent

violent males are wishing evil to the society

mal(bad)+vol(wish) bad wish or evil wish

woo for evil ~ woo is to wish aspire something


Short Definition : wrongdoing; misconduct (by a public official)

(noun) wrongful conduct by a public official
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malfeasance

Sounds like MAL FEES ANCE What do we mean by it if we say MAL FEES?? Certainly its a bribe. So Malfeasance means officials indulged in taking bribes, a misconduct.

feasance=performance of an act (or feasibility=possible) mal = bad so, overall meaning is "wrong doing" or "possibly wrong"

malfeasance = male+ feast. i.e in the FEAST OF MAN ONLY,they will surely do SOMETHING WRONG.


Short Definition : hateful; spiteful; expressing malice; N. malice: desire to harm others; spite

(adj) having the nature of or resulting from malice
Example Sentence
  • malicious gossip
  • took malicious pleasure in...watching me wince
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malicious

Malaysians(sounds similar) cannot be malicious, the buddhism in the country says never harm others

mal(bad)+us...we always hate someone who thinks bad for us


Short Definition : speak evil of; bad-mouth(criticize spitefully); defame; ADJ: harmful; Ex. malign influence

(verb) speak unfavorably about
Example Sentence
  • She badmouths her husband everywhere
(adj) evil or harmful in nature or influence
Example Sentence
  • prompted by malign motives
  • believed in witches and malign spirits
  • gave him a malign look
  • a malign lesion
(adj) having or exerting a malignant influence
Synonyms : evil malefic malevolent
Example Sentence
  • malevolent stars
  • a malefic force
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malign

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Ma(bad) Lign(language) bad language

sounds like MELLA(dirty) ...so to speak dirty/evil about others


mal=bad, ling=related to language (lingual)...so, malign=use of bad language Also, it's opposite of BENIGN

similar to malingerer(one who avoids works on excuse of illness) ...if u call someone a malingerer u bring disgrace to his name.

Hindi - Jisaki pratima malin ki gayee hai by using slanderous remarks

maa ka land ... is a bad foul language

Malli(dirty)+ Liguist ---> Malign


Short Definition : tending to cause death; highly injurious; aggressively malevolent; Ex. malignant tumor

(adj) dangerous to health; characterized by progressive and uncontrolled growth (especially of a tumor)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malignant

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When Malign( gandi) +ant (ant) ne mujhe kaata ,it was DANGEROUS TO HEALTH.



MAL(bad)+AIL+ANT...bad ant that ails you is malignant means infectious and you get infetions on your body after ant bites you

maa ka ligament kharab ho gaha ... cancer ho gaya ... about to die

malignant cancer...it spreads throughout the body...hence it has evil influence

Mali(gardener) g ke liye NAN(a kind of chapati) injurious hai


Short Definition : one who feigns illness to escape duty; V. malinger: feign illness to avoid work

(noun) someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity
Synonyms : shammer skulker
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malingerer

Ma linger= child lingering around her mom to avoid going to school.

Malinga feigned illness to avoid bowling to Tendulkar

mali+inger(sounds like injure)(p.s MY MALI IS INDER :)))))),.......my mali got injured yesterday while working... so today he is feigning illness and refused to come

'linger' is to hang around, 'malinger' is to skulk and hang around, and 'malingerer' is one who skulks and hangs around.

Players like M.Vijay would rather fake illness than face players like MALINGA

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this-tent. This is my tent. It swelled because of the hot steam from the cook inside

linger is to hang around, lingerer is someone that hangs around, malingerer is someone that doesn't like to hang around at work

mal ( disease ) + loiter (wander aimlessly) ... that is you are running away from your duty


Short Definition : (of a metal) capable of being shaped by pounding(beating); pliable; (of someone) impressionable(easily influenced); easily controlled; tractable

(adj) easily influenced
Synonyms : ductile
(adj) capable of being shaped or bent or drawn out
Example Sentence
  • ductile copper
  • malleable metals such as gold
  • they soaked the leather to made it pliable
  • pliant molten glass
  • made of highly tensile steel alloy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malleable

relate with meltable; so possible to reshape

Many women believe they can mold their MALE (malle) partners into ABLE-bodied husbands.

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malleability is the capability of stretching to a wire Ductility is the capability of pressing to a sheet. Both are properties studied in material science

Malleable: Malle(Male=Boys)+Able(capable),so Males only able/capable to build their body(shape) to 6Pack or 8Pack by doing exercise.So MalleAble=capable of being shaped

Sounds like mouldable Easy to shape or bend

mallet is a hammer, we use a hammer to hit sth into another shape -> they are malleable

BIg malls are impressing malleable minds of children .


Short Definition : foul-smelling

(adj) having an unpleasant smell
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malodorous

mal(means bad)+odor(sounds simillar to odour)..+us.......smelling..bad odour of some chemicals is dangerous to health.

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