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Short Definition : boastful; pompous

(adj) lofty in style
Synonyms : grandiloquent tall
Example Sentence
  • he engages in so much tall talk, one never really realizes what he is saying
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for magniloquent

magni(means large, big, a lot of(especially of showing)) + eloquent (some one who can speak well)....people who try to show off verbally are very pompous people.

"loqu" refers to speaking e.g., grandiloquous, magniloquous, loqacious etc.,


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magni + loquent(speaking) >>> jo badi badi baatein karna..


Short Definition : greatness (in size or extent); extent

(noun) the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)
Example Sentence
  • they tried to predict the magnitude of the explosion
  • about the magnitude of a small pea
(noun) a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities; two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other; the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10
Synonyms : order of magnitude
(noun) relative importance
Example Sentence
  • a problem of the first magnitude


Short Definition : mutilate; injure lastingly; disable; cripple; Ex. maimed for life

(verb) injure or wound seriously and leave permanent disfiguration or mutilation
Example Sentence
  • people were maimed by the explosion
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maim

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sounds like 'MAYHEM' which means violence.

sound like" my aim"......an accident happened when i was driving my car but believe me my aim was not to maim her......i did not do it intensionally to her ...i never wanted to disable her.

my aim is to help disable and crippled people

in Miami they fight with guns ..

ma(mother)+im(something bad) . so some injury that happend to ur mother.

mayam(telugu)=become invisible..


Short Definition : temporary expedient or substitute (in the case of urgent need); Ex. makeshift shelter

(noun) something contrived to meet an urgent need or emergency
Synonyms : make-do stopgap
(adj) done or made using whatever is available
Synonyms : improvised jury-rigged
Example Sentence
  • crossed the river on improvised bridges
  • the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear
  • the rock served as a makeshift hammer
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for makeshift

make+shift....and when do u shift people in your office ,its when you need them urgently as a substitute in place of other employee

When u dont have shift in d factory(emergency), u make it,i.e TEMPORARILY arrange it. Makeshift


Short Definition : clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling

(adj) not adroit
Example Sentence
  • a maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve
  • a maladroit translation
  • maladroit propaganda
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for maladroit

mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(it means skillful ).......and someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a maladroit person

maladroit== mal (bad) + adroit(skillful) therefore maladroit means person having no skill, he musta be clumsy.

this mnemonic is in hindi....as this word sound like..mala+ad(aaj)+roi+t........mala aaj roi thi because her boss scolded her for not working skillfully and carefully

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mala +droit( its a french word for right hand ...)and right hand people are considered as skillful and clever........so mala is droit girl.

ADROIT means skilful but if a person is not skilled he is a MALADROIT.

mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(means skilled) = Not skilled.


Short Definition : illness

(noun) any unwholesome or desperate condition
Example Sentence
  • what maladies afflict our nation?
(noun) impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malady

mala D is a pill ( contraceptive ):: and you take pills when you become ill.

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Malaria is a type of malady

sounds like mal +lady...........mal(means not in good state or in bad condition)+lady...........means.a lady who is ill

It denotes a girl with a defect in reproduction.

Malady rhymes with Melody, the chocolate. Excessive consumption of chocolate will make you fall ill

malady - MALA D tablets - illness (i hope everybody will get this)

when ur in malady, hear melody songs...!!!

What to call her a maal or a lady was a malady!

my lady has become ILL....

Mal(bad)+ Body; so illness


Short Definition : uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health (without any particular pain or appearance of disease)

(noun) physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)
Synonyms : unease uneasiness
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malaise

mal(means bad, not good (of condition)+aise(sounds like ease)....and someone who is not at ease is one who is feeling ill

Think of malaria

mal hai tu... always making me uneasy. Mal hai tu!!!

I ate a jar of MAYONNAISE. Now I feel sick.

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Malai - se; you go to a function and eat a lot of malai dar things and then u feel uneasiness and vague feeling of ill health!

Malaise in mind when wearing maile(dirty) se clothes.

Malaise- AALAS aalas lagta hai means dull dul whn some one is feel ill. so malaise = uneasiness or vague feeling of ill health.


Short Definition : comic misuse of a word; CF. Mrs. Malaprop

(noun) the unintentional misuse of a word by confusion with one that sounds similar
Synonyms : malaprop
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malapropism

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mal (negative) + prop (proper usage) .. improper usage of words

Mrs Malaprop was a very famous character of an english play "The Rivals" where she misuses words, creating a comical effect.


Short Definition : inappropriate; ADV.

(adj) of an inappropriate or incorrectly applied nature Definition
(adv) at an inconvenient time
Synonyms : inopportunely
Example Sentence
  • he arrived inopportunely just as we sat down for dinner
  • she answered malapropos
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malapropos

a PROPOSal to a girl(named MALA) must always be at APPROPIATE TIME, AND IN APPROPRIATE MANNER/NATURE....tus malapropos meaning can b understood

(mal)means bad..and (apro)apropriate=not apropriate or inapropriate

again the same thing,as she always used the word which conveyed a different meaning. Obviously anything which is not spoken correctly is always inappropriate



Short Definition : person dissatisfied with existing state of affairs; discontented person; ADJ: discontented

(noun) a person who is discontented or disgusted Definition
(adj) discontented as toward authority
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for malcontent

mal(means not in good state)+content(means satisfied)........iif you are not in a good state you cannot be satisfied.

mal(not ,bad)+content with(satisfied with)

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Malcontent: With "Maal" (in Hindi means Goods) "Content" inside gifts nobody seems satisfied, so malcontent means dissatisfied or displeased person.

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