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Short Definition : reflection; thought; V. meditate

(noun) continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature
Synonyms : speculation
Example Sentence
  • the habit of meditation is the basis for all real knowledge
(noun) (religion) contemplation of spiritual matters (usually on religious or philosophical subjects)
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meditation



Short Definition : element that is a creature's natural environment; nutrient setting in which microorganisms are cultivated; appropriate occupation or means of expression; channel of communication; compromise; middle p

(noun) a means or instrumentality for storing or communicating information Definition
(noun) the surrounding environment
Example Sentence
  • fish require an aqueous medium
(noun) an intervening substance through which signals can travel as a means for communication Definition
(noun) (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms
Synonyms : culture medium
(noun) a liquid with which pigment is mixed by a painter Definition
(noun) (biology) a substance in which specimens are preserved or displayed Definition
(noun) an intervening substance through which something is achieved
Example Sentence
  • the dissolving medium is called a solvent
(noun) a state that is intermediate between extremes; a middle position
Example Sentence
  • a happy medium
(noun) someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead
Synonyms : sensitive spiritualist
Example Sentence
  • he consulted several mediums
(noun) (usually plural) transmissions that are disseminated widely to the public
Synonyms : mass medium
(noun) an occupation for which you are especially well suited
Synonyms : metier
Example Sentence
  • in law he found his true metier
(adj) around the middle of a scale of evaluation
Synonyms : average intermediate
Example Sentence
  • an orange of average size
  • intermediate capacity
  • medium bombers
(adj) (meat) cooked until there is just a little pink meat inside
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for medium

after studying in english MEDIUM(means of expression) for 12 years , i thought that verbal GRE will be quite easy for me,so that i can do MS IN US IN CS,which i think is the best MEDIUM(appropriate occupation) for me.


Short Definition : mixture

(noun) a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources
Synonyms : pastiche potpourri
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for medley

Medley sounds like Melody: melody = tune; sequence of notes that makes up a musical phrase.

MEDLEY swimming is a mixture of 4 different swimming styles


Short Definition : submissive; patient and long-suffering

(adj) humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
Synonyms : mild modest
Example Sentence
  • meek and self-effacing
(adj) very docile
Synonyms : tame
Example Sentence
  • tame obedience
  • meek as a mouse
(adj) evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant
Synonyms : spiritless
Example Sentence
  • compliant and anxious to suit his opinions of those of others
  • a fine fiery blast against meek conformity
  • she looked meek but had the heart of a lion
  • was submissive and subservient
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for meek


meeku..sounds like lil boy's name..n lil boys are submissive

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meek resembles to last name of Barbara Meek an American actress who was very much submissive, humble and patient.

sounds like sound of a cat..MEOW..word meek has most of the characteristics of a cat


Short Definition : mania for doing grandiose things; mental disorder characterized by delusions of wealth, power, or importance

(noun) a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for megalomania

mega means big .. mania means craze.. for doing things... therefore MEGALOMANIA means a CRAZE for doing things in a BIG way with a show of wealth and power etc.

mega (large) + mania (mental illness).

mega means something large or better ones and mania means wish to do

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MEGALOMANIA - ME MANIA,i.e. Me(I) will be everywhere


meghalu(clouds)+ mania they wanna reach clouds


Short Definition : gloomy; morose; blue; N. ADJ. melancholic; CF. melancholia

(noun) a feeling of thoughtful sadness Definition
(noun) a constitutional tendency to be gloomy and depressed Definition
(noun) a humor that was once believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen and to cause sadness and melancholy
Synonyms : black bile
(adj) characterized by or causing or expressing sadness
Synonyms : melancholic
Example Sentence
  • growing more melancholy every hour
  • her melancholic smile
  • we acquainted him with the melancholy truth
(adj) grave or even gloomy in character
Synonyms : somber sombre
Example Sentence
  • solemn and mournful music
  • a suit of somber black
  • a somber mood
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for melancholy

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meli(dirty)+choly(skirt,frock)--bride got her choli dirty and so got gloomy due to that.

read in hndi mela(met)+ na +koi(no one) so when nobody met there is feeling of gloomy

A farmer’s ‘Melon and Cauliflower ‘ has been destroyed by flood so he looks melancholy (sad and depressed)

melancholy similar to melancholic = alcoholic; So if you take too much alcohol then you will feel gloomy.

melody (chocolate)brings happiness and melancholy is sadness

melancholy = mel(MAL)+ anchor + ly(adj)...when someeone receives a bad anchor on the tv show title..he/she becomes gloomy

remember football team a c melan.when they get defeated it becomes great sadness that last long time in their players.



Short Definition : fight

(noun) a noisy riotous fight
Synonyms : battle royal scrimmage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for melee

sounds like Bruce Lee...famous for his fights. ME and Bruce LEE in a fight, who would win? ME VS LEE

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mela- there are many fights in a mela(carnival)

melee(in hindi): muje pencil melee but then everyone start fighting meri hai ... mri hai

Melee...mujhe ladki melee...if someone says this the people in pursuit of the girl will start fighting....most of the fights are for females....

sounds like milli on star plus, was a girl who used to fight for her rights...


Short Definition : (of words or a voice) sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious; having a pleasant tune

(adj) pleasing to the ear
Example Sentence
  • the dulcet tones of the cello
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mellifluous

the music played by a 'Flute' is mellifluous.

melli = melody + fluous = smooth flowing..

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mellifluous = melli usually refers to smooth,tiny...+ flu is for flow like in fluids....

mellifluous: melli=honey,flouous:flowing. some thing flowing like a honey, sewwt,pleasant,pleasing.melliflouous~ malli flowers fragrance flowing very pleasently

Melli's voice flowed as she sang or spoke.

melloidiously flowing


Short Definition : token; reminder of the past; keepsake; Ex. memento of your visit

(noun) a reminder of past events
Synonyms : souvenir
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for memento

u got a momento some is calling and reminding u..

Memento is the movie from which Ghajini was inspired/copied. (If you don't know already.)

sounds like memo

Remember the movie Ghajini. Aamir made memntos to remind himself of what happened with Asin..


Short Definition : memoirs; autobiography; biography

(noun) an account of the author's personal experiences Definition
(noun) an essay on a scientific or scholarly topic
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for memoir

memoir-memo+i+r i retrieved my memory and rot a auto biography

sounds are memory + reservoir ... which is persons autobiography

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