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Short Definition : distinguish; make distinctions on the basis of preference

(verb) recognize or perceive the difference
Synonyms : know apart
(verb) treat differently on the basis of sex or race
Synonyms : separate single out
(verb) distinguish
Example Sentence
  • I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish
(adj) marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions
Example Sentence
  • discriminate judgments
  • discriminate people
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discriminate

"discri" + "minate" = "describe in one minute" when someone can describe something in one minute he can distinguish that.




Short Definition : able to see differences; discerning; prejudiced; N. discrimination

(adj) showing or indicating careful judgment and discernment especially in matters of taste
Example Sentence
  • the discriminating eye of the connoisseur
(adj) having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
Example Sentence
  • an acute observer of politics and politicians
  • incisive comments
  • icy knifelike reasoning
  • as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang
  • penetrating insight
  • frequent penetrative observations


Short Definition : (of a person or writing) digressing; rambling (without any clear plan)

(adj) proceeding to a conclusion by reason or argument rather than intuition
Synonyms : dianoetic
(adj) (of e.g. speech and writing) tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects
Example Sentence
  • amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
  • a rambling discursive book
  • his excursive remarks
  • a rambling speech about this and that
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discursive

Think of it as cursive writing which deviates from the central point.

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dis(means NOT)+CURSIVE(MEANS NEAT AND CLEAR)...so anything which is not clear and neat, is said to be discursive.ex a discursive novel.

Cursive is flowing or running. Discursive is running or flowing away that is to wander away from the subject.

some1 who keeps going on an excursion...

DISCURSIVE=(DISCourage)ive or EXCURSIVE-->soomething which discourages us to read it because it is broad,lengthy,roundabout & away from the main point.

dis + curve >>> this curve is DEVIATING from a straight line..

DIS+CURSE ive: instead of being discussive, they are being DISCURSIVE, cursing one another that thie point is right

recursive = repeating the sake thing over and over...discursive = digressing from that thing

someone giving 'discourse' wanders away from subject

discursive = dis (not) + cursive; not showing curtsy, i.e deviate from normal.


Short Definition : treat with scorn or contempt

(noun) lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike
Synonyms : contempt despite scorn
Example Sentence
  • he was held in contempt
  • the despite in which outsiders were held is legendary
(noun) a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient Definition
(verb) look down on with disdain
Synonyms : contemn despise scorn
Example Sentence
  • He despises the people he has to work for
  • The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately
(verb) reject with contempt
Example Sentence
  • She spurned his advances
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disdain

try to relate it with WISDEN...Wisden is the official site that honours cricketers...so DISDAIN is the opposite of that.

divide it like dis(dish)+dain(rhyms like vain..means useless)....think you hav ordered for a dish , but it is useless or in vain, beacuse you can cook better than this, so you REJECT THE order, you disdain the order.

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Dis+dain= not+dainty (dainty means which is tasteful) so disdain mean not pretty and tasteful..

try to imagine dat u ask a girl out & every time u try 2 set a time & date she keeps telling u "This Day?No!",she obviously is treating u with contempt, u probably should focus ur energy on someone else!

another one:dis+(D)ain....just focus on disain....decent..IN TODAY'S world , buisness offers from decent people are REJECTED, because they don't OFFER any BRIBE.

If we are the cause behind DIS(this)+DAIN(dent)on car... one will show contempt on us

dis+pain:u'll shoe contempt on those who hav caused you this pain!!

dis+dain(zidane) footballer zidane of spain showed DISRESPECT to the refree.hence he was shown the red card.

dis+dain;dis+drain(rhymes with dain). you look at the person in drain with contempt..

its like this+day so remmeber as this day was so fucking gone wrong wat else could go wrong so u r actually so tensed up and u treat ur copartners with contempt and scorn and hate and rudeness

sounds Dis + Gain>>> the feelings a person gets when he does something wrong.. hared, contempt.. all -ve feelings..


Short Definition : debark; go ashore (from a ship); unload cargo from a ship; CF. embark

(verb) go ashore
Synonyms : debark set down
Example Sentence
  • The passengers disembarked at Southampton
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disembark

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the ship was parked so the passengers disembarked

dis+sem+back (at colg) if tat happens i will leave by train/ship 2 junagarh! :D lol

disembark is opposite of embark

dis(this),sem(me se),bark(bahar aana).means to get out from this.a vechile or a ship

di(two)+sem(semester)+bark(back):2 sem exams me backs aa gayi,to ghar walo ne n clg walo ne bhahar nikal diya...means,asked to get out..


Short Definition : disfranchise; deprive of a civil right; OP. enfranchise

(verb) deprive of voting rights
Synonyms : disfranchise
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disenfranchise

'Franchise' means right to freedom .. disFranchise means restricted freedom.. deprived of voting!

IPL franchisee ne to players ke civil right bhi chhin liye hain

dis + franchise >>> franchise's of IPL team have right to vote for vote for a player in bidding auction.. dis(-ve) means to take away this right.. means to deprive civil rights..


Short Definition : uncouple; separate; disconnect; stop fighting; OP. engage

(verb) release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles
Synonyms : withdraw
Example Sentence
  • I want to disengage myself from his influence
  • disengage the gears
(verb) free or remove obstruction from
Synonyms : free
Example Sentence
  • free a path across the cluttered floor
(verb) become free
Example Sentence
  • in neutral, the gears disengage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disengage

dis (out) + engage (join or connect)...so you are free or out of connection with something.

the coupled uncoupled coz their engagement broke (disengaged)


Short Definition : mar the appearance of; spoil

(verb) mar or spoil the appearance of
Synonyms : blemish deface
Example Sentence
  • scars defaced her cheeks
  • The vandals disfigured the statue
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disfigure

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It's like.. "Mar Mar ke thopra DISFIGURE kardunga!" this wil help remember Disfigure-mar-spoil

figure(girl) has good appearance ... so the opp disfigure


Short Definition : surrender something (stolen); eject; vomit; OP. gorge

(verb) cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over
Synonyms : shed spill
Example Sentence
  • spill the beans all over the table
(verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
Example Sentence
  • After drinking too much, the students vomited
  • He purged continuously
  • The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disgorge

gorge(george) tried to eject #%^- cum- into mouth, but she vomited,so he had to quickly surrender somthing....plz take it kool...

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If you gorge and gorge (eat) like a pig you are sure to throw up (vomit)sooner or later.

dis + gorgeous . somthing not gorgeous, u'll feel like puking

Dis = not, Gorge -> Gorgeous.. Doing something not gorgeous like VOMIT-ing.

disGORGE(ous).. gorgeous woman - surrender ur heart! :D

15th century. < Old French desgorger "expel from the throat" < gorge "throat"

dis(discharge)+ gorge(eating); discharging whatever u have eaten is vomiting..


Short Definition : make discontented

(verb) put into a bad mood or into bad humour
Example Sentence
  • The employees were disgruntled by their bad working conditions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disgruntle

something which makes people grunt or complain

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pig grunts!(OinK)=OK. disgrunt means not OK, i am not content

divide it like DISG(DISGUSSTING)+R+UNTLE(UNCLE)..so if your UNCLE says you something DISGUSSTING...you NO longer remain in GOOD MOOD,and become DISCONTENTED and start fighting with him.

disgruntle= dis (Not) + grUnt (replace U with A grAnt + le (take in Hindi)= If someone say u not take this grant which make u angry and dissatisfied.

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