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    blemish - Dictionary definition and meaning for word blemish

    (noun) a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body)
    Synonyms : defect , mar
    Example Sentence
    • a facial blemish
    (verb) mar or spoil the appearance of
    Synonyms : deface , disfigure
    Example Sentence
    • scars defaced her cheeks
    • The vandals disfigured the statue
    (verb) mar or impair with a flaw
    Synonyms : spot
    Example Sentence
    • her face was blemished
    (verb) add a flaw or blemish to; make imperfect or defective
    Synonyms : flaw
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for blemish

see blame in it..if u blame some one then you put a black mark on his reputation

blam + ish -- blam -- blame --> a person is blamed of spoiling the beauty or appearance of something beautiful.

kisee pe blame lagana-- daag lagana-- hence blame = daag

blemish sounds like blaming, blaming is the only flaw or defect which our math teacher had when I was in school except that he was very good teacher

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