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    spew - Dictionary definition and meaning for word spew

    (verb) expel or eject (saliva or phlegm or sputum) from the mouth
    Synonyms : ptyalise , ptyalize , spit , spue
    Example Sentence
    • The father of the victim spat at the alleged murderer
    (verb) eject or send out in large quantities, also metaphorical
    Synonyms : eruct , spew out
    Example Sentence
    • the volcano spews out molten rocks every day
    • The editors of the paper spew out hostile articles about the Presidential candidate
    (verb) eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
    Example Sentence
    • After drinking too much, the students vomited
    • He purged continuously
    • The patient regurgitated the food we gave him last night
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for spew

spew : threw you throw things with great force similarly when you vomet you spew out all food

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remember hw old ppl eject saliva nd all frm deir mouth... ah thew!!..rhymes wid spew

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