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Short Definition : confuse; upset; embarrass; perturb

(verb) cause to feel embarrassment
Synonyms : confuse flurry put off
Example Sentence
  • The constant attention of the young man confused her
(verb) cause to lose one's composure
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disconcert

When you are getting ready to perform at a concert, you are tensed and confused as to how your show will fair with the audience.

If your bands concert is cancelled you will be - confused; upset; embarrassed

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I went to a very expensive CONCERT and came out DISCONCERT. I'm so upset.

DIS+CONCERT....disappointed by the concert, public started agitating....

dis+concert— we enjoy in concert, disconcert means disturbing in concert, so DISTURB


Short Definition : hopelessly sad (at the loss of something)

(adj) sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled
Example Sentence
  • inconsolable when her son died
(adj) causing dejection
Example Sentence
  • a blue day
  • the dark days of the war
  • a week of rainy depressing weather
  • a disconsolate winter landscape
  • the first dismal dispiriting days of November
  • a dark gloomy day
  • grim rainy weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disconsolate

If you can identify the word consol(console), then... you would console someone who has lost every hope and is hopelessly sad.

if u dont console a crying person. they will be sad and dissapointed at you

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in GADAR, when pakistan COUNSELATE refuse(DIS) to give visa to SUNNY DEOL son, this leads to very SAD moment for SUNNY , AMISHA & their SON.

She consoled the disconsolate soul.

we console people generally when they are SAD...

if dis+consolate people reject ur visa u will be very sad!!

disconsolate not console


Short Definition : conflict; lack of harmony; dissonance (when musical notes are played)

(noun) lack of agreement or harmony
Synonyms : strife
(noun) disagreement among those expected to cooperate
Synonyms : dissension
(noun) a harsh mixture of sounds
Synonyms : discordance
(noun) strife resulting from a lack of agreement
Synonyms : discordance
(verb) be different from one another
Synonyms : disaccord disagree
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discord

DIS(not)+ACCORD(agreement)...accord means agreement...hence discord means disagreement....

when ur not strucking the CHORD together,,it resultz in disharmony (of an instrument)

When you donot have a healthy communication with people, it may give rise to conflicts and cause a lack of harmony. Similarly for musical cords, when there is a discord, there is dissonance in the sound.

DISCORD sounds like DIS ACCORDANCE which means not synchronous no agreement

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The chef DISCARDED the soup made by a cook because it was too sweet. The chef & the cook had different opinions about taste.

DIS + ACCORD = DISCORD... which means not agree... so then pleople flight.. due to conflicts!...

accord means in agreement or in harmony, DIS+CORD, dis accord means the opposite, not in harmony


Short Definition : not harmonious; conflicting

(adj) not in agreement or harmony
Example Sentence
  • views discordant with present-day ideas
(adj) lacking in harmony
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discordant

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FOCUS ON disco-RDANT. dISCOs ARE always inharmonious. same as cacophonous

dis+chord as in not a chord, so it is conflicting or harsh in sound

Con+Cordant means "with agreement". Dis+Cordant means "Without Agreement"

DISCORDANT = DIS(not) CORDANT(can be taken as COORDINATION) .. when there is NO COORDINATION there will be NO HARMONY and there is a possibility to CONFICT..

dis+chord as in not a chord, so it is conflicting or harsh in sound-PIANO WITH HARSH NOT HARMONIOUS SOUND

dis+cord. cord-related to heart. So if heart doesn't meet that is discordant

dis+cord—CORDial means friendly, DISCORDANT means not friendly, NOT IN HARMONY, HARCH IN SOUND, also antonym of CONCORD, ACCORD

discordant=dis+accord, accord is an agreement. hence, discordant-> conflicting, not harmonious


Short Definition : disregard; regard (a story or news) as unimportant; deduct from a cost

(noun) the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise Definition
(noun) interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan Definition
(noun) a refund of some fraction of the amount paid
Synonyms : rebate
(noun) an amount or percentage deducted
Synonyms : deduction
(verb) bar from attention or consideration
Example Sentence
  • She dismissed his advances
(verb) give a reduction in price on
Example Sentence
  • I never discount these books-they sell like hot cakes
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discount

DISCOUNT - DO NOT COUNT IT (DISREGARD IT) since it is unimportant or untrue or unnecessary.

discount on paying attention


Short Definition : serious speech, writing, or conversation; formal discussion (either written or spoken); conversation; V.

(noun) extended verbal expression in speech or writing Definition
(noun) an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
Synonyms : preaching sermon
(noun) an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic
Synonyms : discussion treatment
Example Sentence
  • the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic
  • his treatment of the race question is badly biased
(verb) to consider or examine in speech or writing
Synonyms : discuss talk about
Example Sentence
  • The author talks about the different aspects of this question
  • The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'
(verb) carry on a conversation
Synonyms : converse
(verb) talk at length and formally about a topic
Synonyms : dissertate hold forth
Example Sentence
  • The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discourse

discourse sounds like discuss and hence it means to formally discuss a subject

Discourse: "This Course has....". In the beginning of any course there is always a serious speech on what you will learn in the course.

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when any one joins an institute then the staff will firstly have a discourse of the course!...

say discuss in italian style and it sounds like discourse


Short Definition : defame; disgrace; destroy confidence in; disbelieve; N. CF. discreditable: causing discredit; shameful

(noun) the state of being held in low esteem
Synonyms : disrepute
Example Sentence
  • your actions will bring discredit to your name
  • because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute
(verb) cause to be distrusted or disbelieved
Example Sentence
  • The paper discredited the politician with its nasty commentary
(verb) damage the reputation of
Synonyms : disgrace
Example Sentence
  • This newspaper story discredits the politicians
(verb) reject as false; refuse to accept
Synonyms : disbelieve
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discredit

U will give the credit card to that person whom u have confidence.Dis means not having confidence

REMEMBER this word means, not to give credit, as opposed to credit (TO GIVE FAME OR CREDIT).

to reduce the credit's of some one!..

the person who takes things on credit (udhar) is always defamed or discredited

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when u dont get credit to ur work ull destry ur confidence...

read as opposite of credit. Credit means to acknowledge, so when you don't give credit to others you defame him/her, or when your confidence in him/her is destroyed


Short Definition : lack of consistency or agreement as between facts; difference; Ex. discrepancy between two descriptions

(noun) a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions
Example Sentence
  • a growing divergence of opinion
(noun) an event that departs from expectations
Synonyms : variance variant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discrepancy

break into dis+creep+fancy= this is creep and this is fancy what an inconsistency with this item .i.e fancy and creep are different

dis + crep (crap)...if you think its crap, it will obviously lack consistency because your opinions will differ from the others...so discrepancy.

sounds like dis consistency


Short Definition : separate; unconnected

(adj) constituting a separate entity or part
Synonyms : distinct
Example Sentence
  • a government with three discrete divisions
  • on two distinct occasions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discrete

this crate (thats used to keep cold drink bottles ) that keeps the bottles separate n unconnected... so that they don break dis+crate

if u can remember the discrete maths ,u can see that one topic is separated from the other and subtopics also unconnected to each other.

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The islands of Crete (Greece) are discrete.

Discrete has a rhyming with seperate which is the meaning


Short Definition : prudence; ability to adjust actions to circumstances; freedom of action or judgment; ADJ. discreet; CF. discretionary

(noun) freedom to act or judge on one's own Definition
(noun) knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress
Example Sentence
  • the servants showed great tact and discretion
(noun) refined taste; tact
Synonyms : delicacy
(noun) the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies
Synonyms : free will
(noun) the trait of judging wisely and objectively
Synonyms : discernment
Example Sentence
  • a man of discernment
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for discretion

discrete... means separate..that is we are separate & are not dependent on any one, hence we have the FREEDOM OF ACTION OR JUDGEMENT...

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discretion=discete(unconnected or free)+action.so discretion means free action.

dis+cretion(creation)=> when we want to create something like movie v shold create it with INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM AND WITH CARE

She was able to DISCREDIT their claims because she was responsible and researched the topic with caution. Hence, she practiced DISCRETION.

No Discrimination means fair judgement

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