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    drab - Dictionary definition and meaning for word drab

    (noun) a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown
    Synonyms : olive drab
    (adj) lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise
    Synonyms : dreary
    Example Sentence
    • her drab personality
    • life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas
    • a series of dreary dinner parties
    (adj) lacking brightness or color; dull
    Synonyms : sober , somber , sombre
    Example Sentence
    • drab faded curtains
    • sober Puritan grey
    • children in somber brown clothes
    (adj) of a light brownish green color
    Synonyms : olive-drab
    (adj) causing dejection
    Synonyms : blue , dark , dingy , disconsolate , dismal , drear , dreary , gloomy , grim , sorry
    Example Sentence
    • a blue day
    • the dark days of the war
    • a week of rainy depressing weather
    • a disconsolate winter landscape
    • the first dismal dispiriting days of November
    • a dark gloomy day
    • grim rainy weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for drab

rhymes with crab, which is a dull creature.

With out RAB(love) life is dull remnant of the movie" Rab Ne Bana Di jodi"

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Sounds like drag, if a movie is dragged unnecessarily it becomez boring or dull

drab - sounds close 2 dara(in hindi.. 2 make sme1 fear) so darane ke liye u switch off lights ,becomes dull n lacking colors! :D

sounds like "drav" means "pani"..water.. which is "lacking in color" and wen it is in form of tears it shows dat u r "cheeerless'...

dra , dara hua lookin pale or dull or laking colors on her/his face.. so kisi ko mat darao aur wo bhi B dikha ke.. :D

drab is DReary and is the opposite of FAB (common abbreviation for Fabulous).

dr+ab—as DOCTOR AB(a person) docators are usually said to be nerdy, BORING, LACKING BRIGHTNESS(NO OFFENSE TO DOCTORS)

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