• word of the day


    disconsolate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word disconsolate

    (adj) sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled
    Synonyms : inconsolable , unconsolable
    Example Sentence
    • inconsolable when her son died
    (adj) causing dejection
    Synonyms : blue , dark , dingy , dismal , drab , drear , dreary , gloomy , grim , sorry
    Example Sentence
    • a blue day
    • the dark days of the war
    • a week of rainy depressing weather
    • a disconsolate winter landscape
    • the first dismal dispiriting days of November
    • a dark gloomy day
    • grim rainy weather
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for disconsolate

If you can identify the word consol(console), then... you would console someone who has lost every hope and is hopelessly sad.

if u dont console a crying person. they will be sad and dissapointed at you

in GADAR, when pakistan COUNSELATE refuse(DIS) to give visa to SUNNY DEOL son, this leads to very SAD moment for SUNNY , AMISHA & their SON.

She consoled the disconsolate soul.

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we console people generally when they are SAD...

if dis+consolate people reject ur visa u will be very sad!!

disconsolate not console

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