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Short Definition : what someone deserves

(noun) an outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved
Synonyms : comeupance comeuppance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for deserts

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DESSERT(sweet) IS GIVEN TO THEM who deserve


Short Definition : dry up

(verb) preserve by removing all water and liquids from
Synonyms : dehydrate
Example Sentence
  • carry dehydrated food on your camping trip
(verb) remove water from
Synonyms : dehydrate
Example Sentence
  • All this exercise and sweating has dehydrated me
(verb) lose water or moisture
Example Sentence
  • In the desert, you get dehydrated very quickly
(adj) lacking vitality or spirit; lifeless
Synonyms : arid desiccated
Example Sentence
  • a technically perfect but arid performance of the sonata
  • a desiccate romance
  • a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desiccate

desi cake is always dried up.

"Desert Cake": Cake that has been dried out and turned dull in taste.

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Desi+cat is always dry because if she will be wet she will be called bheegi billi...remember 9xm.

Dessicate =Desi(hindi) =Land Cate is similar to cactus Hence land where cactus grows which means dry and arid

"Desi Katte" dekhte hi sab sookh jaate hain.

Desiccate=The Sukka(dry) ate eat.

sounds close to decant

Desi cat hamesha dry hoti h

Cat(CATE) is carrying dashboard(DESI) in a very dry(DRY UP) area and suffering from dehydration(DEHYDRATE)

Desiccate = des (country) + icc + ate; country is been ate by icc cricket so the offices in working days are empty i.e dry up due to match between india & pakistan.


Short Definition : make desolate; forsake; abandon and desert

(verb) leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
Synonyms : abandon desert forsake
Example Sentence
  • The mother deserted her children
(verb) reduce in population
Synonyms : depopulate
Example Sentence
  • The epidemic depopulated the countryside
(verb) cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly
Example Sentence
  • The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion
(adj) providing no shelter or sustenance
Synonyms : bare barren bleak stark
Example Sentence
  • bare rocky hills
  • barren lands
  • the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
  • the desolate surface of the moon
  • a stark landscape
(adj) crushed by grief
Example Sentence
  • depressed and desolate of soul
  • a low desolate wail
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desolate

de + solate sounds like I + SOLATE..and who lives an isolated life? Obviously a person who has been ABANDONED by his family.

I-SOLATE. Being the last survior after the destruction.

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DE+SO+LATE = If DESis are always late (like always ;)) then the country will remain robbed of joy; lay waste to corruption; etc...

desolate: de(the) + sol (solution) + ate (eaten); The solution of the examination destroyed, Therefore we are unhappy.

desolate-> de+isolate abandon and desert


Short Definition : reckless, desperate outlaw

(noun) a bold outlaw (especially on the American frontier)
Synonyms : desperate criminal
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desperado

Desperado==despera+do--desperate dacoit(or criminal)

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for movie buffs.. desperado movie: salma hayek and antonio bendaras ;)

bad ppl are always desperate to do something so "despera-do"


One who is DESPErate for a RADO watch

divide it like desper(desperate)+do....so someone who is very desperate to do the activity which he has been asked not to do.....but still he is persisting with that..and A RECKLESS PERSON ONLY CAN DO THAT.....

desperado (des+pared) large no of criminals did pared on des(country) so they are reckless on crime

desperado - mask of zorro hero is out law


Short Definition : having lost all hope; despairing; reckless and violent because of loss of hope or despair; undertaken as a last resort

(noun) a person who is frightened and in need of help
Example Sentence
  • they prey on the hopes of the desperate
(adj) arising from or marked by despair or loss of hope
Synonyms : despairing
Example Sentence
  • a despairing view of the world situation
  • the last despairing plea of the condemned criminal
  • a desperate cry for help
  • helpless and desperate--as if at the end of his tether
  • her desperate screams
(adj) desperately determined
Synonyms : do-or-die
Example Sentence
  • do-or-die revolutionaries
  • a do-or-die conflict
(adj) (of persons) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair
Example Sentence
  • a desperate criminal
  • taken hostage of desperate men
(adj) showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort
Synonyms : heroic
Example Sentence
  • made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber
  • the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war
  • they took heroic measures to save his life
(adj) showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire
Example Sentence
  • felt a desperate urge to confess
  • a desperate need for recognition
(adj) fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless
Synonyms : dire
Example Sentence
  • a desperate illness
  • on all fronts the Allies were in a desperate situation due to lack of materiel
  • a dire emergency
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for desperate

desperate(des+pe+rate)sarkar ne desh bechne per rate lagadiya uuske baad aandolan reckless and violent hogaya

dress+per+rate lost all hope of buying dress


Short Definition : look on with scorn; regard as worthless or distasteful; ADJ. despicable: contemptible

(verb) look down on with disdain
Synonyms : contemn disdain scorn
Example Sentence
  • He despises the people he has to work for
  • The professor scorns the students who don't catch on immediately
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for despise

de + spice ....when things happening around you are not spicy enough you regard it as distasteful and worthless.

De-Spice: How will you feel if ur roommate cooks food without spice.U must despise him.

DE+SPICE ie. without spices the food is prepared.hence, distasteful.

DE+SPICE - dis fellow lacks spice (ZEAL).He no longer ny use to us

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when some one asks you to lend money then if u give DES + PISE ( dus paise)...then he will look on you with scorn!..

Your favorite dish is DESPICED, so you regard it as worthless and distasteful.

despise-> desi not even worth a paise, distasteful, worthless

despise=des(desi sharab)+pi(pine walo)+se sari dunia nafrat karti hai


Short Definition : plunder; sack; Ex. despoil the village

(verb) steal goods; take as spoils
Example Sentence
  • During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners
(verb) destroy and strip of its possession
Synonyms : plunder rape spoil violate
Example Sentence
  • The soldiers raped the beautiful country
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for despoil

The mob SPOILED (equivalent to destroyed ) the whole house and looted the valuables.

desh+ spoil; our desh(India) was spoiled because of despoil by english ppl

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despoil(de=they{criminal}+spoil)they spoil the country ,took the rifle,violate the law made foray on village,loot and plunder people ,raped the ladies.

war booty means spoils of war , so despoil is a bigger form of spoil which spoils a whole landscapea and plunders the country side


Short Definition : without hope and courage; depressed; gloomy; N. despondency: loss of hope with gloom; dejection

(adj) without or almost without hope
Synonyms : heartsick
Example Sentence
  • despondent about his failure
  • too heartsick to fight back
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for despondent

the word despondant looks like pepsodent. So wen u don't brush in the morning... Ur day will be gloomy and depressing.

think like des 'pond'-> 'ponder' when we dont ponder(think) eventually we lose hope

DEreSPOND...means no response...a person who is in low spirits doesn't respond hence suffer from despondency

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desp+on+dent = desperate person dented (hit emotionally) = gloomy and depressed...

relate it with response. one who is in good mood gives response. one who is depressed relate it to response. one who is cheerful gives response, one who is depressed(despondent) does not give ane response.

despondent is like desperate, (also called despo in slang).. he loses almost all hope

when u get disappointed by something....thn u become depress by it

Imagine a sad and hopeless person sitting on the edge of a 'pond' and 'pondering' over his misfortune....desPONDent.


Because North Korea is ruled by a despot, the whole country feels hopeless.

despondent=desh already is in ponded in corruption no body can rectify it...

rem with correspondent-take despondent as removing him from post-so he will be depressed,gloomy.


sounds like de + sponsor. You would be desponsored only if they lose hope on you and give up on you

if you don't score good in GRE even after diligent hardwork u feel despondent

DE+ (corre)SPONDENT : if u are even replying to a correspondent then u r very DEPRESSED and GLOOMY.

opposite of respondant (cheerful)....

despondent : des (this) + ponde (pond) + nt (not); We are despondent as 'this pond' also does 'not' have any water and there is no other source of water left in our village.

when u r 'Respondent' u r not 'Respondent', u r too 'depressed' to answer and talk to others

in despair, disappointed, not responding, depressed, sitting near a pond and pondering in gloom


Short Definition : tyrant; harsh, authoritarian ruler; CF. despotism

(noun) a cruel and oppressive dictator
Synonyms : autocrat tyrant
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for despot

Cruel dictators kill thousands of people on de (the) spot (despot)

de + sportive..a person who is not sportive is authoritative

de-spot in many movies we hear the word SPOT being used by the villains in reference to murdering someone. this symbolizes harshness

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despot sounds like despo.......so when v r despo for something v may become harsh

despot=দেশ পটানো শাসক,যে সবাইকে manage করে একাই দেশ চালায়।so tyrant.

Des+pot sound like Desh ko pot me rakhta hai


Short Definition : extremely poor; lacking means of subsistence; utterly lacking; devoid; Ex. destitute of any experience

(adj) poor enough to need help from others Definition
(adj) completely wanting or lacking
Synonyms : barren devoid free innocent
Example Sentence
  • writing barren of insight
  • young recruits destitute of experience
  • innocent of literary merit
  • the sentence was devoid of meaning
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for destitute

desi+tit+cute like prostitute ->they r poor thats why they det into prostitution.... no hard feelings

Break it as DE+INSTITUE...that means the person whi has never been to any INSTITUTE..i.e. who is ILLITERATE is very poor

destitute ~ desi (indian) tutors are always ready to teach students in destitute condition for free.

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sounds like desi tute(tution)....so a guy who is attending tution in desi langaues shows he is very poor.

Dave's attitude (homophone of destitute) looks like a poor's.

Destitute sounds like 'this institute'; Imagine someone advising you "It's not worth studying in this institute, as it's difficult to get a job after studying from there and hence will destitute you (make you poor)."

Person who is not astute ends up being destitute.

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