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Short Definition : stoppage

(noun) a stopping
Synonyms : surcease
Example Sentence
  • a cessation of the thunder
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cessation

cessation comes from cease.. which means to stop..

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cessation >> ce(see)+STATION............. station is the place for stopage.

cessation pronounciation is simlar to aSSASSINATION...which means putting an end :)

essa(essay)- think of a situation where u are writting essay competition.after the time limit,there is a sudden stopage.

remember cease fire which means stop firing.


Short Definition : yielding to another; ceding

(noun) the act of ceding
Synonyms : ceding
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for cession

cession comes from cede.. which means to yield

recession---to decrease

browser c(s)ession is very productive so it's yielding.

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recession----stoopage of money flow.....cession--stoppage

recession=It leads to yielding of inflation~yielding other thing..

cess-, past participle of cedere "yield"]

cession comes from Accession which means to join or to add something,..


Short Definition : warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing; N.

(noun) soreness and warmth caused by friction
Example Sentence
  • he had a nasty chafe on his knee
(noun) anger produced by some annoying irritation
Synonyms : annoyance vexation
(verb) become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
Synonyms : fret gall
(verb) feel extreme irritation or anger
Example Sentence
  • He was chafing at her suggestion that he stay at home while she went on a vacation
(verb) cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
Example Sentence
  • Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
  • It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
(verb) tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading
Synonyms : excoriate
Example Sentence
  • This leash chafes the dog's neck
(verb) cause friction
Synonyms : fray fret rub scratch
Example Sentence
  • my sweater scratches
(verb) warm by rubbing, as with the hands
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chafe

the word resembles cafe- cafe is a place where u can see lovers rubbing each others hands, to make things warm and sore..lol..

sounds like cafe....cafe is always hot..and if its in a china cup it gets hotter by rubbing.

pronounced as cheyf whch rhymes with kaif....mohammad CHAFE (kaif) always keeps is hand WARM BY RUBBING against each other

chei rub chesthey hot avthunthi



Short Definition : worthless products of an endeavor; husk(outer seed cover) separated from grain; Ex. separate the wheat from the chaff

(noun) material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds Definition
(noun) foil in thin strips; ejected into the air as a radar countermeasure Definition
(verb) be silly or tease one another
Synonyms : banter jolly josh kid
Example Sentence
  • After we relaxed, we just kidded around
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chaff

chaff -> haff -> half; if a work is half done then it is worthless.

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sounds like saaf. Jab wheat ko saaf karte hain to worthless material nikalta hai.

sounds like COUGH...it is always worthless. as evryone throughs it out of throat...


chef gets to eat worthless outer cover ie chaff

When my mom used to separate worthless things from rice chaff chaff sound used to come 

The chef chunked the chaff.


Short Definition : annoyance and disappointment; vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride)

(noun) strong feelings of embarrassment Definition
(verb) cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
Example Sentence
  • He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chagrin

I was in a meeting and to my chagrin, CHAI GIR gayi on my pant making it very embarrassing for me.

Chagrin?? I'm surprised nobody though of this! You're SHAGGING in your room and your chacha walks in.. gives you a GRIN- ;-)You're freakin EMBARRASSED! please Rate!

When someone laughs and GRINs at u,u feel humiliated,irritated.

'cha'-disappointment, 'grin'-annoyance....

CHARGING....when you call your friend and he doesn't pick up your call and says that he was CHARGING his mobile and tries to avoid you....it's will make you ANNOYED,DISAPPOINTED...

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ike chandilier in FRIENDS who is embarrassed by joey in presence of women

shag + grin =embarassment :D

The mentally disturbed woman had a madnes in her eyes and SHE GRINNED

chagrin = "cha"(character) + "grin" i.e. someone grins on ur character /Strong feeling of embarrasment/

agri-angri-angry. somthing annoying ..wen u looses in a challenge,u are angry,caused by the humiliation and injured pride..

chagrin = no grin

rachel grin in friends broke up with ross, so she was very disappointed in the serial.

also grin- u grin wen u a re angry and annoyed..

Chagrin sounds like charge, taking charge on some one means annoying them.

Chagrin is like the opposite of grinning


chagrin=CHild+Always+GRINs...if yout child always grins in front of everyone, it brings humiliation, annoyance, and disappointment


Short Definition : goblet; consecrated cup

(noun) a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; especially the Eucharistic cup
Synonyms : goblet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chalice

it is pronounced as chaalis (40); imagine ali baba 40 chor having jadui cup .. or very prestigious cup : ornamented with gems

CHALICE can be pronounced as CHAI PLEASE... so he gets you CHAI in a CONSECRATED CUP

ch+alice visualize Alice having a consecrated cup

chalice->u ask your friend showing the glass CHAL ICE dhaal..

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Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire.

alice in wonderland remember the girl ll become big and small by drinking a liquid in consecrated cup. chalice = holy cup

chalice(chai) + lice (chinese people drink chai in a bowl-shaped vessel)

chalice=chal(go)+ice...how wil u go and get ice?.... in a cup or vessel


Short Definition : lizard that changes color in different situations

(noun) a changeable or inconstant person Definition
(noun) a faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere near Apus and Mensa
Synonyms : chamaeleon
(noun) lizard of Africa and Madagascar able to change skin color and having a projectile tongue
Synonyms : chamaeleon
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chameleon

u know chameli film kareen is a bitch who changes guys !! just like that the lizard changes colors

ChamBaz public time moto rong paltay..

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Chas (Charles)me & Leon found the lizard changing colors.


Short Definition : support militantly; fight for; N: person who fights for or supports strongly (a principle, movement, person, etc.)

(noun) someone who has won first place in a competition
Synonyms : champ title-holder
(noun) someone who fights for a cause
Synonyms : fighter hero paladin
(noun) a person who backs a politician or a team etc.
Example Sentence
  • all their supporters came out for the game
  • they are friends of the library
(noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Definition
(verb) protect or fight for as a champion
Synonyms : defend
(adj) holding first place in a contest
Synonyms : prizewinning
Example Sentence
  • a champion show dog
  • a prizewinning wine
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for champion

Champions are like super man who has capability to support and defend there friends [Secondary Meaning]


Short Definition : position of champion; defense or support; competition held to determine a champion

(noun) the status of being a champion
Synonyms : title
Example Sentence
  • he held the title for two years
(noun) a competition at which a champion is chosen Definition
(noun) the act of providing approval and support
Synonyms : backing backup patronage
Example Sentence
  • his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives


Short Definition : legal official of high rank; CF. chancellery(chancellory): position of a chancellor

(noun) the British cabinet minister responsible for finance Definition
(noun) the person who is head of state (in several countries)
Synonyms : premier prime minister
(noun) the honorary or titular head of a university
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for chancellor

Chance played cello for the chancellor.

chancellor=chance+llor so its a chance to have a high rank or to be a minister =)

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