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    kid - Dictionary definition and meaning for word kid

    (noun) a young person of either sex
    Example Sentence
    • she writes books for children
    • they're just kids
    • `tiddler' is a British term for youngster
    (noun) soft smooth leather from the hide of a young goat
    Synonyms : kidskin
    Example Sentence
    • kid gloves
    (noun) English dramatist (1558-1594)
    Synonyms : kyd , thomas kid , thomas kyd
    (noun) a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age
    Synonyms : child
    Example Sentence
    • they had three children
    • they were able to send their kids to college
    (noun) young goat Definition
    (verb) tell false information to for fun
    Synonyms : pull the leg of
    Example Sentence
    • Are you pulling my leg?
    (verb) be silly or tease one another
    Synonyms : banter , chaff , jolly , josh
    Example Sentence
    • After we relaxed, we just kidded around

Word used in video below:
text: a big deal now you know when i was a kid
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