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    virtuoso - Dictionary definition and meaning for word virtuoso

    (noun) someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field Definition
    (noun) a musician who is a consummate master of technique and artistry Definition
    (adj) having or revealing supreme mastery or skill
    Synonyms : consummate , masterful , masterly
    Example Sentence
    • a consummate artist
    • consummate skill
    • a masterful speaker
    • masterful technique
    • a masterly performance of the sonata
    • a virtuoso performance
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for virtuoso

One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.

virtuoso = picasso who is a SKILLED artist

this is the only barrons word that ends with OSO(OM SHANTI OM)........to produce such a great movie "OSO" Farah K han must have required lots of HIGHLY SKILLED ARTISTS=VIRTUOSO(having lots of VIRTUes)..........:D

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A VITUOSO (skilled artist) is a MAESTRO (master of any art).

it is like virtuosa,it is big software company,i think many body know this

Potential Vars in Swayamvar were asked to display their choosene ki (Sucking) Skills to decide who is the best.


virtuoso ends with osHo.. so osho has wide knowledge. so virtuoso is the person like osho.

virtusa workers are highly skilled musician

continuation of above,in that company only high skilled peapole are taken

a good or admirable quality or property: the virtue of knowingone's weaknesses. One who has many "virtues" is called a virtuoso.

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