• word of the day


    abase - Dictionary definition and meaning for word abase

    (verb) cause to feel shame; hurt the pride of
    Synonyms : chagrin , humble , humiliate , mortify
    Example Sentence
    • He humiliated his colleague by criticising him in front of the boss
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for abase

abase-abe(a slang used to degrade acvv person)+shhh(se)usually an attempt to degrade a person's opinion..ovral goes to humiliate a person....

Abase > to bring someone down back to A BASE level.

a= no, negative, less & base = base, position, grade.. combinedly lessen the position/grade

A baseball player tripped over A BASE marker thus humiliating himself.

abase = a + base; without a base; Imagine you shifted to a new house whose base is not very strong (without base) and hence it may fall down anytime and can abase you in front of your neighbours.

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abase=BASEti karna(beizzzati)

abase.....means without base n one will b fall down without base nd become lower hence lower in rank

bring to the base the lowest level

one addressing u as 'abe' 'sale' in vidharbha......which means he is degrading u.....

Abash- bash can be drub, which is humiliating

Abase Abash Same Stash of Embarrassing (or Humiliating) Trash

A BASEment is always in the LOWer part of the house.

abode, b and d are symmetric, so abode = home and adobe = my company where I work.

Abasing someone in front of others is not a good practice.

Teachers,sometimes ask their student to sit at base(degrade them) when they have not complete their homework.

abash is ab bas matlab dimaag kharab ho gaya feeling embarrased

Nubile:adj.marriageble Newly(recently)able to be married.

No offense.... SAy someone who is very fat as a big TIRE(tyre)---- ridicule

ABASE can be termed as (ABE-YASH)suppose that in reality show gobinda called YASHRAJ ABE YASH means he abases him.

lower yourself to the base.

Juniors are often abased by their seniors.

a+bide, bide sounds like bind, a thing that makes you to bind yourself


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