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Short Definition : experiencing nausea; nauseated; easily nauseated; squeamish; Ex. feel a little queasy

(adj) causing or able to cause nausea
Example Sentence
  • a nauseating smell
  • nauseous offal
  • a sickening stench
(adj) feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit Definition
(adj) causing or fraught with or showing anxiety
Example Sentence
  • spent an anxious night waiting for the test results
  • cast anxious glances behind her
  • those nervous moments before takeoff
  • an unquiet mind
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for queasy

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Prefix "ku" in Sanskrit converts a word into opposite. ku + easy = uneasy. i.e., feeling uneasy.

sounds like squeezy.that means u feel suffocated.

standing in a long QUEUE is not EASY and it makes us UNEASY

queasy can be pronounced as quiz+y...if teacher takes a surprise quiz you are going to feel nauseated, uneasy, anxious

Standing for long in a QUEUE EASYly makes me uneasy.

sounds like squeeze...when my friend squeezed me I got a feeling of nausea because I just had food....

qu(quite)+easy..so sth which is nt quite easy for you to gulp it down, but still if u do it..u experiance nausea..

remember the word <<dizzy>>which comes usually with the queasy thing :)


Short Definition : strange; eccentric; deviating from the normal

(noun) offensive term for an openly homosexual man Definition
(verb) hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
Example Sentence
  • What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge
  • foil your opponent
(verb) put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position Definition
(adj) beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
Example Sentence
  • a curious hybrid accent
  • her speech has a funny twang
  • they have some funny ideas about war
  • had an odd name
  • the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves
  • something definitely queer about this town
  • what a rum fellow
  • singular behavior
(adj) homosexual or arousing homosexual desires
Synonyms : gay homophile
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for queer

queer:queen-beer, a queen with a beer is strange.

queer is similar to weird which also means STRANGE.

To stand in a QUEUE for bEER is utterly strange.

Queer and beer rhyme..after having a lot of beer queer person(eccentric person meaning 1) started feeling queer(faint/giddy meaning 2)

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remember queen band whose music is eccentric from all others but good...


Short Definition : suppress; put an end to; put down forcibly; extinguish; quiet; Ex. ``Army Quells Rebellion'' in newspaper; CF. kill

(verb) suppress or crush completely
Synonyms : quench squelch
Example Sentence
  • squelch any sign of dissent
  • quench a rebellion
(verb) overcome or allay
Synonyms : appease stay
Example Sentence
  • quell my hunger
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quell


quell sounds simlar to yell and we yell to supress someone or make him/her queite

quell rhymes hell where ur supressed Quell= cool down the hell(fire)

quell comes from "cwellan" which means to kill. quell also rhymes with kill, to an extent.

QUEUE+WELL.i was forcing people to jump into a well to suppress the population

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quell rhymes with HELL were your pleasures will be SUPPRESSED

quell taken from qualen means to vex, this word also rhyme like kill.means when u crash something you are killing something...whatever it may be...so quell means.....to supress or crash completely

quell sounds with quail, which we have learned before, quail means fear, so quail makes you quelled.

quell sounds with quail, which we have learned before, quail means fear, so quail makes you quelled.

fell on one another like a well and suppress and crush below one

Quell means Do well.

QUELL=WELL:water extinguisher and used to put down fire

He quelled his life by a duel.


Short Definition : assuage or satisfy (thrust); slake; douse or extinguish; put out; suppress

(verb) satisfy (thirst)
Synonyms : allay assuage slake
Example Sentence
  • The cold water quenched his thirst
(verb) put out, as of fires, flames, or lights
Example Sentence
  • Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained
  • quench the flames
  • snuff out the candles
(verb) electronics: suppress (sparking) when the current is cut off in an inductive circuit, or suppress (an oscillation or discharge) in a component or device Definition
(verb) suppress or crush completely
Synonyms : quell squelch
Example Sentence
  • squelch any sign of dissent
  • quench a rebellion
(verb) reduce the degree of (luminescence or phosphorescence) in (excited molecules or a material) by adding a suitable substance Definition
(verb) cool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid
Example Sentence
  • quench steel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quench

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rhymes with drench (which also means the same).

quench == quen(queen)+ ch(cha), so u urged your queen(gf or wife)to get you a cup of cha(tea or drinks).

its satisfying that the QUE moved few iNCH

lunch satisfy and suppress your hunger.


Short Definition : given to complaining; complaining; fretful; whining

(adj) habitually complaining
Synonyms : fretful whiney whiny
Example Sentence
  • a whiny child
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for querulous

One who keeps questioning (querying) everything.

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querulous : quarrelsome louse.


querulous - querying all the rules and complaining always that is lousy

querulous="kopam" mas=getting kopam...hehe

QUERULOUS just sounds like CURIOUS, who questions all the time


Short Definition : inquiry; question; V.

(noun) an instance of questioning
Example Sentence
  • there was a question about my training
  • we made inquiries of all those who were present
(verb) pose a question
Synonyms : question
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for query

query is to enquiry


Short Definition : line (of waiting people or vehicles)

(noun) a line of people or vehicles waiting for something
Synonyms : waiting line
(noun) (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted Definition
(noun) a braid of hair at the back of the head Definition
(verb) form a queue, form a line, stand in line
Synonyms : line up queue up
Example Sentence
  • Customers lined up in front of the store
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for queue



Short Definition : minor objection or complaint; V: raise minor objections; carp; cavil

(noun) an evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections
Synonyms : cavil quiddity
(verb) evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections Definition
(verb) argue over petty things
Example Sentence
  • Let's not quibble over pennies
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quibble

mnemonic in hindi.. read it as qui(kyun)+bble(bill)..KYUN BILL ITNA ZYADA HAI?, you OBJECT to reading of meter & COMPLAIN to the authorities..

Query + babble (minor objection/murmuring).

Remember, the magazine by Luna LoveGod's father - "The quibbler", it was called so because it carried petty criticism of people.

QUIBble->quib->rhymes with crib(cribbing) means complain, raise petty objections

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pebble...small piece of rock..

Quibble is to Squabble..

relate it to foible



Short Definition : mercury

(noun) a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures Definition
(adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change
Synonyms : erratic fickle mercurial
Example Sentence
  • erratic behavior
  • fickle weather
  • mercurial twists of temperament
  • a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quicksilver

quicksilver, is a mercury which is very volatile

mercury will be in silver color and reacts quickly with others.

Beats of DJ Quicksilver change quickly. - erratic


Short Definition : dormant; temporarily inactive; at rest; N. quiescence

(adj) not active or activated
Example Sentence
  • the quiescent level of centimeter wave-length solar radiation
(adj) marked by a state of tranquil repose
Example Sentence
  • the quiescent melancholy of the town
(adj) being quiet or still or inactive Definition
(adj) (pathology) causing no symptoms
Example Sentence
  • a quiescent tumor
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quiescent

quiescent => quies ~ quiet = motionless

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quies(QUITE)+scent(in hindi shant means quite)..so someone who is quite or shant for a period of time.

quiz + cent, teacher asks students who will get cent(100) in the quiz...everyone reamains silent for sometime

quiescent=quiet+descent..........lady1:->"What a QUIEt and deSCENT son u have..."...lady2:->"please dont go on his TEMPORARY INACTIVENESS...come to our house some day and u shall realise that he is an active volcano..!!!".......:D

queue scent for buying a scent a stand in a queue and bcom quiescent

It sounds like QUICKSAND, which looks harmless but deadly . A dormant threat .

quie(quiet)+scent=scent or scence means 'growing' as in aduloscent.so quiescent means GROWING QUITER

Diesel Accent was quiet and quiescent

quiet+sometime....quiet for sometime..dormant

qui- quality, e-scent- perfume(in hindi), so, a quality scent stands still on our clothes for hours, hence motionless..

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