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Short Definition : tranquillity; calmness

(noun) a state of peace and quiet
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quietude

quiet.+tude.look at the word.quiet..means..calm...silent...so quietude means calmness..tranquill

quietude== quiet+ attitude. so when someone have quiet attitude he or she musta be calm and cool.



Short Definition : purest and highest embodiment; perfect example; apotheosis; most essential element; Ex. quintessence of wit; ADJ. quintessential; CF. fifth essence

(noun) the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies
Synonyms : ether
(noun) the purest and most concentrated essence of something Definition
(noun) the most typical example or representative of a type
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quintessence

we have quintal(quint) of PURE and SACRED feeling(ESSENCE) for GOD


Short Definition : taunt; clever sarcastic remark; V.

(noun) a witty saying
Synonyms : epigram
(noun) witty remark
Synonyms : crack sally wisecrack
(verb) make jokes or quips
Synonyms : gag
Example Sentence
  • The students were gagging during dinner
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quip

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qu+tip---why should i give tip for such cheap service?

whip for a quip..whip your friend for quipping you

can any one give me useful mnemonic for this..?

quip rhymes with whip...SIDDHU is famous for whipping CLEVER N SARCASTIC quotations

if you are not equip with proper amenities, your friend will taunt you.

eQUIP some one who gave a QUIP

QUIP sounds like SIP, When you sip a drink in a noisy way, others will taunt or criticize you.


Short Definition : sudden sharp turn or twist; startling twist; caprice; idiosyncrasy; peculiarity of behavior; Ex. by a quirk of fate

(noun) a strange attitude or habit Definition
(noun) a narrow groove beside a beading Definition
(verb) twist or curve abruptly
Example Sentence
  • She quirked her head in a peculiar way
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quirk

Sounds like "quick" (sharp turn).

<BR>A clerk <BR>walking in murk <BR>he hit something and got a knee-jerk <BR>he bent to see, what did he hit <BR>from a lamp some smoke emit. <BR>Genni appeared and told the clerk, <BR>it is a QUIRK <BR>ask for any 3 perk.

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QUI(kyon)RK(rukta)...kyon koi SHARP TURN par rukta nahin hai??


Short Definition : traitor who aids invaders; CF. Vidkun Quisling

(noun) someone who collaborates with an enemy occupying force
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quisling

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Quisling; split like QUIT+LINK means a culprit quits and collaborate (link)with enemy

Quislings are prone to QUIZZLINGS by the government when caught!

Quisling sounds like sibling who aids betraying

quit + ling = one who quits linguistic love.

Quisling, after Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling, who assisted Nazi Germany to conquer his own country and ruled the collaborationist Norwegian government, is a term used to describe traitors and collaborators.

the culprit was questioned(QUIZ)...who is the TRAITOR in (LINGuistic department)who helped him to leak out the paper.

"quisling" == actually sounds like "wrestling" , ie "traitors" are always in a mood to wrestle with you

QUISLING -> CHRIST + LYING. In the Bible, Judas was caught LYING to CHRIST as he plotted to betray him.

quis+ling ; quis sounds like wise/cunning person

quisling = quis + ling; quit link i.e. quit the link is always a betrayer.


Short Definition : tremble; shake; N.

(noun) an almost pleasurable sensation of fright
Example Sentence
  • a frisson of surprise shot through him
(noun) a shaky motion
Example Sentence
  • the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe
(noun) case for holding arrows Definition
(noun) the act of vibrating
Synonyms : quivering vibration
(verb) shake with fast, tremulous movements
Synonyms : palpitate quake
Example Sentence
  • His nostrils palpitated
(verb) move back and forth very rapidly
Example Sentence
  • the candle flickered
(verb) move with or as if with a regular alternating motion
Synonyms : beat pulsate
Example Sentence
  • the city pulsated with music and excitement
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quiver

Quiver..... sounds like shiver.... when we have fever we shiver/ quiver..... tremble/ shake.

quiver=quick+waver waver means moving back n fro...so quick+waver means moving bk n fro quickly...means shaking


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the soldier quivered when he found that there are no more arrows left in his quiver...!!!

quiver rhymes with fever....when we have high fever we started TREMBLNG

quiver = quick + waver


Short Definition : idealistic but impractical; CF. Don Quixote

(adj) not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
Synonyms : romantic wild-eyed
Example Sentence
  • as quixotic as a restoration of medieval knighthood
  • a romantic disregard for money
  • a wild-eyed dream of a world state
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quixotic

quixotic== quick + exotic, if you desire something exotic to happen quickly in your life it is just a daydream.

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THIS WORD IS DERIVED FROM THE NOVEL....Don Quixote de la Mancha...where the HERO IN THE NOVEL..Cervantes GETS inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impractical ideals.................... SO QUIXOTE....QUIXOTIC....MEANS HAVING IMPRACTICAL IDEAS.......

divide it as quix(quick)+otic.. i IDEALY wanted to be a quick runner but it was IMPRACTICALas i am a fat person..

quixotic=quick+sotic(sortic)...if u sort out things quickly without thinking u ll be FOOLISH AND IMPRACTICAL

if we divide quixotic, we will notice xotic which is similar to exotic which mean unusual

Quick so thick....He is Quick and so thick(fat here)...which is unrealistic.

Don Quixote sings the song "The Impossible Dream" in the Broadway play based on the book Don Quixote. So, to be quixotic is to dream impossible dreams.


Opposite of PRAGMATIC.....

He has given quick tick on the question paper i.e. without understanding i.e. not practical.


Short Definition : curious; suggesting puzzlement (without saying); questioning; teasing; mocking; bantering; Ex. quizzical glance

(adj) playfully vexing (especially by ridicule)
Synonyms : mocking teasing
Example Sentence
  • his face wore a somewhat quizzical almost impertinent air
(adj) perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know)
Synonyms : questioning
Example Sentence
  • he had a quizzical expression
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quizzical

quizzical =quizz+comical =quizz(curious) in a comical(teasing,mocking) way

FOCUS ON QUIZZ+ICAL..quizes increase curiosity.

quizzical =quizz+comical =quizz(curious) in a comical(teasing,mocking) way

how you feel in a difficult quiz?


Short Definition : minimal number of members necessary to conduct a meeting

(noun) a gathering of the minimal number of members of an organization to conduct business
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quorum

for status quo, u need a minimum number of people

quorus is a group of people singing a line. The minimum number of people required for singing is one - quorum (singular) :)

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The core persons for a meeting - quorum

Quorum - QUantity (number)+ scRUM (Daily Status Meeting). Number of persons in scrum (daily status meeting)

quorum is a forum.for the forum there needs to minimum number of people for to conduct a discussion

core persons of forum needed for meeting

"maintain the de(QUORUM) of the house", decorum could be maintained only minimal members are present or it is a mess


Short Definition : daily; commonplace; customary; Ex. quotidian routine

(adj) found in the ordinary course of events
Example Sentence
  • a placid everyday scene
  • it was a routine day
  • there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for quotidian

split it as "quote+indian".QUOTE AN INDIAN every day. Newspapers quote opinions of Indians everyday.. so its a DAILY occurence,customary

akin to quote. A quote is told repeatedly - i.e., a cliche.

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Qoutidian=Quoted every day

Thought of the day or the quote is a regular mundane thing

Remember the movie 3 idiots in which the QUOTE OF DEAN is always REPEATING

A <U>common</U> feature of the Shadowmoon Valley Zone is the continual bombarded by chat messages of what Illidan Stormrage is saying. Think: <B>Quote Illidan</B>.

quiti (quota) in a day ie daily mundane work

while dividing we have to take the quotient not the reminder it is customary, daily,


dian=daily.as there are very few words with Q


Quotidian work of wearing coat in the court.

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