• word of the day


    fickle - Dictionary definition and meaning for word fickle

    (adj) marked by erratic changeableness in affections or attachments
    Synonyms : volatile
    Example Sentence
    • fickle friends
    • a flirt's volatile affections
    (adj) liable to sudden unpredictable change
    Synonyms : erratic , mercurial , quicksilver
    Example Sentence
    • erratic behavior
    • fickle weather
    • mercurial twists of temperament
    • a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for fickle

imagine you are in a grocery shop. you need to select a PICKLE bottle . there are so many varieties of pickle there so ur FICKLE (changing mind) about which one to buy

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you tickle your gf and she kicks you hard at the main point... you start to doubt if she is faithless and changeable... lol

FEES...fees of engineering colleges are constantly changing and kal fee kya hogi no one can predict...

Fickle rhymes with Firal(hindi).firal can change his mind anytym beacuse he is considered a bit cracked mind

when he saw a million nickels, his friendship[ for his friend fickled.

some use our friendship as pickle and throw us when we are not needed.(faithless)

sounds like flicker,which means changing suddenly

pickle changed itself to fickle so fast,so it is changeable and can't be trusted to be eaten

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