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Short Definition : mix; work dough; mix and work into a uniform mass (with the hands); Ex. knead dough

(verb) make uniform
Synonyms : work
Example Sentence
  • knead dough
  • work the clay until it is soft
(verb) manually manipulate (someone's body), usually for medicinal or relaxation purposes
Synonyms : massage rub down
Example Sentence
  • She rubbed down her child with a sponge
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for knead

knead = k-nead(need)...what do you need? ..food? Then you will have to mix the dough

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Knit- similar to knit, but knit is used of fabric.

knead= to make a cake u need dough hence knead=dough

knead = kn for karnataka reading (ead) industry is mixing of several courses other than engineering.

we will need to knead the bread dough.


Short Definition : go down on one's knee(s)

(noun) supporting yourself on your knees
Synonyms : kneeling
(verb) rest one's weight on one's knees
Example Sentence
  • In church you have to kneel during parts of the service
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for kneel

Kneel (go down on your knees) karte karte mere ghutnon (knees) mein NEEL pad gaye.

kneel = katrina (k) neel down in front of salman for her mistake for mixing up with sharuk.


Short Definition : tolling of a bell especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, etc.; sound of the funeral bell; V.

(noun) the sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a funeral or the end of something Definition
(verb) ring as in announcing death Definition
(verb) make (bells) ring, often for the purposes of musical edification
Synonyms : ring
Example Sentence
  • Ring the bells
  • My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for knell

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knell== k + (hell+bell) === when u die u wil be in hell... so knell means tolling of a bell to indicate funeral

Knell the Bell to indicate Hell.

when andrew nel(of south africa) comes ganguly thinks that today his death bell has been rung... uski fast bowlers se fat-ti hai

KNELL the BELL... ring a bell to give an alarm or signal.

Nell is a grain which is generally said as Nell Mani. Mani is bell.

Knell of the bell sends his ass to hell!!!

knell....kali(black)+bell....so kali bell tolls especially to indicate funeral, disaster, etc.

Knell...funeral di bell


Short Definition : contract into wrinkles; grow together; join together closely; make (a fabric or garment) by interwining yarn or thread; Ex. knit the brow; Ex. The bones should knit together in a few weeks.

(noun) a fabric made by knitting Definition
(noun) a basic knitting stitch Definition
(noun) needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine
Synonyms : knitting knitwork
(verb) make (textiles) by knitting
Example Sentence
  • knit a scarf
(verb) tie or link together
Synonyms : entwine
(verb) to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
Example Sentence
  • She puckered her lips
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for knit

She wanted everything neat and when it wasnt she would knit her eyebrows in anger!!

knit = kn + IT; Information Technology in karnataka grow up many company together.

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KNIT- in NIT (national institute of technologies)students grow together.

its like KIT


Short Definition : little round hill; hillock

(noun) a small natural hill
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for knoll

knoll: kno(know)+ll(all).so if u know everything u will feel as u r top, ur on a hill

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KNOLL= KNOT + HILL, i.e-- its like a knot on a thread.... which is like a small aberration on the thread.. implying a small hill on the land

here k is silent so read it as -- KNOting+HILL

it can be spit into no + owl ; in hilly areas due to coldness there will be no owls there.

imagine ureself rolling from a small hillock

bangalis say nal(=tap) as knoll. imagine a bengali bala (eg bipasha basu) on a hillock fetching water in a pitcher...typical old hindi movie scene

Nalappatta murganalaye mudila. Imagine muigan on palani. Palani is a hillock.

knoll - roll - rock and roll - rock - hillrock

Knoll(Knot+Roll)- In order to roll on a round hill a knot should be tied to u

knoll = kn + roll; Karnataka has many roll in its way.


Short Definition : intricate; difficult; tangled; CF. knot

(adj) making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe
Example Sentence
  • a baffling problem
  • I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast
  • a problematic situation at home
(adj) used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots
Example Sentence
  • gnarled and knotted hands
  • a knobbed stick
(adj) highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious
Example Sentence
  • the Byzantine tax structure
  • Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
  • convoluted legal language
  • convoluted reasoning
  • the plot was too involved
  • a knotty problem
  • got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
  • Oh, what a tangled web we weave
  • tortuous legal procedures
  • tortuous negotiations lasting for months
(adj) tangled in knots or snarls
Synonyms : snarled snarly
Example Sentence
  • a mass of knotted string
  • snarled thread
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for knotty

knotty- with lots of knots -difficult to disentangle, difficult to manage.

k+notty(naughty)..naughty childrens are difficult to manage.

a NAUGHTY KNOT cannot be opened easily..

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knotty = k + not + ty; Katrina not try another time she is complex.

knotty = kn + ot; Karnataka over time labor demands more than any other place.


Short Definition : honor; glory; acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement

(noun) an expression of approval and commendation
Example Sentence
  • he always appreciated praise for his work
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for kudos

KUDO(to jump in Hindi). one JUMPS with joy on recieving an HONOUR.

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sounds lik judo..so when u win win in judo ull be "honoured" with k-belt(like black belt in karate).

kud means small + os ( operating system); small operating system is always praise worhty & surely approval and commendation.


Short Definition : likely to change; unstable; Ex. emotionally labile; N. lability

(adj) (chemistry, physics, biology) readily undergoing change or breakdown Definition
(adj) liable to change
Example Sentence
  • an emotionally labile person
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for labile

LABILE ...read it as "liable" to change,i.e UNSTABLE

Label (prize tag) changes when prize increases.


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lab+oil...we have to keep oil(petrol,kerosene) in a lab coz it's unstable

Labile ~ Lab-like, some thing to make innovation, change

laa bile...consider a person suffering from bile. people tell him "things will change, hosla rakho"

liable changed to labile ... hence it is labile or simply liable to change ...

liable changed to labile ... hence all are labile or liable to change

le abhi le (i.e. to change immediate)

labile sounds like bible which one change many times; so unstable

rhymes with mobile which means change

Its Sounds like "Jabile" means moon in telugu dat is always change


Short Definition : demanding much work or care; tedious

(adj) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
Example Sentence
  • worked their arduous way up the mining valley
  • a grueling campaign
  • hard labor
  • heavy work
  • heavy going
  • spent many laborious hours on the project
  • set a punishing pace
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for laborious

laborious (labour -hard working) labour percentage is more in industry so-----hard working and industrious

science labs demand much work and is a tedius job to take care of them


Short Definition : maze

(noun) complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
Synonyms : maze
(noun) a complex system of interconnecting cavities; concerned with hearing and equilibrium
Synonyms : inner ear internal ear
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for labyrinth

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Break this word as LAB+YRIN(wiring)+'n'th. Generally in maths we use 1,2,3,4,...nth term. So statement is "There are so many(n)wires in the LAB which leads to complexion.--> which is the meaning.

in that LAB the way is not straight like margins in RIN soap but complex like jalebi

lab+yrin(wiring)—its is complicated network of paths kind of MAZE

labyrinth > lady + rin > A lady so desperate 2 find rin in a supermarket, she finds d huge supermarket like a 'maze'!

laby+r+in+th— it’s a kind of a MAZE(complicated network of paths) to handle a BABY(LABY) when its IN the house

sounds like (LABOUR+'n'TH)a path which requires much(n times) the normal LABOUR to get through

Forensic lab should be in labyrinth way especially in INDIA.....bcs scoundrel try to use RIN to remove confidential data.

LAB mein dekha ki RIN mein kitne complex molecules hote hain, poora janjaal hota hai

Since you were finding the clothes to be so complex to wash that felt like you were in a Maze. You bro helped "Le Bhai Rin" (Take this Rin)to get out of this Labyrinth !

labyrinth - sounds like lady-ring. Focus on a lady spider in its web... whick is like a maze of ring-like shapes!

Library and lab in the labyrinth of streets.

dexters lab was a maze,, it ws difficult to find Didi

LABYRINTH = lab + yr inth;

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