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    arduous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word arduous

    (adj) characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort
    Example Sentence
    • worked their arduous way up the mining valley
    • a grueling campaign
    • hard labor
    • heavy work
    • heavy going
    • spent many laborious hours on the project
    • set a punishing pace
    (adj) taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance
    Synonyms : straining , strenuous
    Example Sentence
    • his final, straining burst of speed
    • a strenuous task
    • your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here
    (adj) difficult to accomplish; demanding considerable mental effort and skill
    Example Sentence
    • the arduous work of preparing a dictionary
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for arduous

arduous = read it as: "hard to do for us"

(h)ard + u (you) + ous (we); This work is very difficult and required full of hard work from us and your side.

Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

aath(8)+dus(10):lot of hard work so v require 8 or ten ppl

It takes a large amount of effort to maintain a pregnancy, especially when the baby is DUE. It's very arDUous

Art's climb up the mountain was a duel. Art's climb up the mountain was 'Artduelous'

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