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    digress - Dictionary definition and meaning for word digress

    (verb) lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking
    Synonyms : divagate , stray , wander
    Example Sentence
    • She always digresses when telling a story
    • her mind wanders
    • Don't digress when you give a lecture
    (verb) wander from a direct or straight course
    Synonyms : depart , sidetrack , straggle
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tiger goes for hunting but in way sees a tigress...... so hi goes after the tigress.....nd deviates from his aim... :)

"DIscussion eGRESS" if you egress of the main topic of a discussion, you digress of it.

their is a DIG RACE and if you get SIDE-TRACK you might not win it

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