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    rumple - Dictionary definition and meaning for word rumple

    (verb) disturb the smoothness of
    Synonyms : mess up , ruffle , ruffle up
    Example Sentence
    • ruffle the surface of the water
    (verb) to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
    Synonyms : cockle , crumple , knit , pucker
    Example Sentence
    • She puckered her lips
    (verb) become wrinkled or crumpled or creased
    Synonyms : crease , crinkle , crumple , wrinkle
    Example Sentence
    • This fabric won't wrinkle
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for rumple

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Rumple means rumpel stilt skin who wears a wrinkled dirty looking dress. He is a fairy tale character with long beard as well

(c)rumple is to crumple or wrinkle

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