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Short Definition : hostile invasion; advance that lessens the quantity or difficulty of something; Ex. The long illness made serious inroads on his savings; CF. raid

(noun) an encroachment or intrusion
Example Sentence
  • they made inroads in the United States market
(noun) an invasion or hostile attack
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inroad

in road ... road par log encroachment karte hain ...


Short Definition : unwholesome; not healthful; Ex. insalubrious place

(adj) detrimental to health
Synonyms : unhealthful unhealthy
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insalubrious

salu = healthy (salu for salman khan is very healthy)... insalubrious = not friend of salu... not healthy

salu for salman khan is VERY HEALTHY... in(NOT)salubrious who doesn’t have health as that of SALMAN...IS NOT HEALTHY

compare it to 'Saloon' which is an unhealthy place.

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insALUbrious - rememeber alu (potato).. eating aloo everyday is not good for health

using Saulab Sauchalya(public toilet) is not healthy.. hope u get it !!


Short Definition : not easily satisfied; unquenchable; Ex. insatiable appetite

(adj) impossible to satisfy
Synonyms : insatiate unsatiable
Example Sentence
  • an insatiate appetite
  • an insatiable demand for old buildings to restore
  • his passion for work was unsatiable
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insatiable

in(means not)+satia(ble).satiSFIED..SO someone who is NOT satisfied.

sate or satiate means to satisfy; therefore IN SATIATE means that can NOT be satisfied!


Short Definition : difficult to understand; impenetrable; not readily understood; mysterious

(adj) of an obscure nature
Example Sentence
  • the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms
  • a deep dark secret
  • the inscrutable workings of Providence
  • in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life
  • rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inscrutable

you cant SCRU(screw) a TABLE b'coz you can't have a penetration... may b b'coz it doesn't have a hole(a place to peek into)

IN(not)+SCRUTINY(critical observation or examination)....a thing that cannot be examined or understood is inscrutable.....

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in[not]+screw+table...a table which cannot be screwd is impenetrable and we dont readily understand why cant we screw it which is mysterious

That cannot be scrutinized

It was a mystery what was behind the wall, so Ebenezer SCROOGE INserted his drill INto the wall and SCREWED IN a hole so he could peep INto it.

To screw a girl in a table is mysterious for virgin boys.:p

scrutiny is to examine closely. Inscrutable whereas means something that can not be examined closely as it is not understood in the first place.

Read it as Inscru Table... Have you heard of this type of table anywhere ? ? .. Hence it is " impossible to understand / interpret "


Short Definition : without feeling; lacking sense; foolish

(adj) devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation
Synonyms : insentient
Example Sentence
  • insentient (or insensate) stone
(adj) without compunction or human feeling
Example Sentence
  • in cold blood
  • cold-blooded killing
  • insensate destruction
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insensate

Insensate: who has no sense can not be moved or has no sense

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in i.e no & sunset (for sensate)= if u dont get any feelings by looking at sunset this means u r an insensate person

In(no)+sen(sense)+sate(seth=sir)..when sate ask you "how u feeling"..u say NO SENSE(feelings) SETH(In sen sate)


Short Definition : unconscious; unresponsive; insensitive; unaware; imperceptible; Ex. insensible of his danger/to pain; Ex. insensible change; CF. not the opposite of sensible

(adj) incapable of physical sensation
Example Sentence
  • insensible to pain
  • insensible earth
(adj) unaware of or indifferent to
Synonyms : unaffected
Example Sentence
  • insensible to the suffering around him
(adj) barely able to be perceived
Example Sentence
  • the transition was almost indiscernible
  • an almost insensible change
(adj) unresponsive to stimulation
Synonyms : senseless
Example Sentence
  • he lay insensible where he had fallen
  • drugged and senseless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insensible

in (without..) +sensible (sense..)i.e. without sense we are UNCONSCIOUS or UNRESPONSIVE..


Short Definition : treacherous; stealthy; sly; working or spreading harmfully in a stealthy manner; Ex. insidious spreading of dry rot

(adj) beguiling but harmful
Example Sentence
  • insidious pleasures
(adj) intended to entrap Definition
(adj) working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
Synonyms : pernicious subtle
Example Sentence
  • glaucoma is an insidious disease
  • a subtle poison
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insidious

insidious= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.

Relate it with inside as in "something inside or hidden " .

Insidous Remember the sith lord-darth sidious.He was a vile treacherous person. Thus insidious = sly,treacherous

inside but like - ghar ka bhedhi lanka dhaye

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insidious rhymes with perfidious which means the same: trecherous

In+sid=in+seed. its an old adage: jo seed andar hi andar bo ta hai. means against harmful

insidious; Inside of us the secret is lying how we have succeed.

in(eenni) side neseyndra - ante vaanni mosam cheyyadam


Short Definition : discerning; perceptive

(adj) exhibiting insight or clear and deep perception
Example Sentence
  • an insightful parent
  • the chapter is insightful and suggestive of new perspectives


Short Definition : hint; imply; suggest indirectly; creep in; introduce or insert (oneself) by artful means; Ex. insinuate himself into the boss's favor; CF. ingratiate

(verb) introduce or insert (oneself) in a subtle manner
Example Sentence
  • He insinuated himself into the conversation of the people at the nearby table
(verb) give to understand
Synonyms : adumbrate intimate
Example Sentence
  • I insinuated that I did not like his wife
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insinuate

The girl has lost her memory. The boy telling her - This is the INStitute IN which U ATE. He is trying to HINT, IMPLY to her.

IN(not)+SIGN....without any signal i.e indirectly hint or imply ....

in (sign) ate

when i snatched the cadbuary 4m my small bros hand and ate it my atomach started paining as if its HINTING /IMPLYING to me that :"IN SIN U ATE....".......:)

insinuate sounds like in sign ate So you are showing you finished eating thro signs,gesture of hte hand. Thus insinuate means to hint

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inhe suno

insinuate= un + seen so, when two people are engaged in gambling we give hint such that it is unseen to other... like aankh marna...:)

IN SIN U ATE is the **hint** of your suffering

IN(indicating) SIN(sign) that you ATE

read as IN+SINEW(strength)+ATE. i.e.make him "UNDERSTAND" that he is not strong or "SUGGEST" to become strong..

insinuate = in(not) + sign + u + ate; There is no sign when u will ate.

in sin u ate.. u did a sin and ate all the evidences..but there is always some HINT left behind.. Daya(CID).. dheere se uska dost ban jaao(2nd meaning) aur baat ka pata lagao

"in sin you ate" - trying to subtly tell someone they broke kashrut


Insulin goes in the blood in a slealthy way ,in our body,which we cannot perceive..

"sinuous" means winding, complicated and insinuate means to understand. narly opposites.

but basically this word is taken from latin insinuare, which when splited forms in + sinuare means to bend, or curve...so you need to BEND A PIPE to INSERT it into another pipe.


Short Definition : lacking in flavor; lacking interest; dull; Ex. insipid food/character

(adj) lacking taste or flavor or tang
Example Sentence
  • a bland diet
  • insipid hospital food
  • flavorless supermarket tomatoes
  • vapid beer
  • vapid tea
(adj) lacking interest or significance or impact
Synonyms : jejune
Example Sentence
  • an insipid personality
  • jejune novel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for insipid

in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor.

in+ sipid(spell it as spit..) ,we spit when the FOOD LACKS FLAVOR : or it is TASTELESS..

if u take a SIP IN, and realize that u were stuPID enough to taste such a flavor , then the drink is insipid

IN+SIP+IT: is there anything IN this?! i took a SIP and IT is awful and bland!

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sounds like in + stupid.

not worth a sip

sip it. If it was good you would gulp it.

IN: SIP ID. It's in, all drinks have a sip ID now, this means you first have a shot at tasting it, just in case you don't like it. If it was good you would gulp it and you have to pay for that.

To be INSIPID ,if you ask me, is to be STUPID.

If you can identify (<B>ID</B>) with just a <B>SIP</B> then it must be flavorful. <B>IN</B>sipid would be the opposite.

Our waitress said the new mochas would be excellent; They were bland instead; so we sipped it every three minutes to pretend that we liked it. The mochas were so insipid that we left to buy the restaurant a recipe book, and so we went. When we ret

During cooking you need to sip the food, otherwise it may be sipid

Inspire meaning increasing interst; insipi+d ; if don’t inspire , it will become boring and will lack flavor

the actors were insipid so the director was livid.

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