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    jejune - Dictionary definition and meaning for word jejune

    (adj) lacking in nutritive value
    Synonyms : insubstantial
    Example Sentence
    • the jejune diets of the very poor
    (adj) displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
    Synonyms : adolescent , juvenile , puerile
    Example Sentence
    • adolescent insecurity
    • jejune responses to our problems
    • their behavior was juvenile
    • puerile jokes
    (adj) lacking interest or significance or impact
    Synonyms : insipid
    Example Sentence
    • an insipid personality
    • jejune novel
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for jejune

think of june.. students feel dull as their summer holidays are about to end

sounds like JEE JAAN...(in hindi)...laboroures who work whole day with full jee jaan but still the food that they EAT IS ALWAYS LACKING IN NUTRITIVE VALUE...OR IS NOT NUTRITIOUS.

Think of telling someone, "GEE, JUNE, couldn't you find something more interesting to talk about?"

JE+JUNE....in marathi je juna hota tyat interest kami hoto...

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