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Short Definition : harmful; causing injury

(adj) harmful to living things
Synonyms : deleterious hurtful
Example Sentence
  • deleterious chemical additives


Short Definition : hint; slight indication

(noun) a slight suggestion or vague understanding
Example Sentence
  • he had no inkling what was about to happen
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inkling

a wINK can give us a hint

ksameer_coep you beat me to it..but still, A murder in which the killer stabbed the victim with a pen, and the Ink trail was an INKLING for the cops to catch him.

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When you ink, it means you are showing something

you give a hint to someone that the pen ink is leaking...

jumble the words . inkling -> linking .. a linking is a hint or clue.

That ink was linked to killer


Short Definition : inborn

(adj) not established by conditioning or learning
Example Sentence
  • an unconditioned reflex
(adj) being talented through inherited qualities
Synonyms : born natural
Example Sentence
  • a natural leader
  • a born musician
  • an innate talent
(adj) present at birth but not necessarily hereditary; acquired during fetal development
Synonyms : congenital inborn
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for innate

he always ATE in an INN(restaurant),it was his INBORN habit

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Root word nate = Inborn

Remember INmATE: thatis anything inmate in somone

The characteristic was imprisoned inside him from birth like an INMATE.


Short Definition : harmless

(adj) not injurious to physical or mental health Definition
(adj) not causing disapproval
Synonyms : unobjectionable
Example Sentence
  • it was an innocuous remark
  • confined himself to innocuous generalities
  • unobjectionable behavior
(adj) lacking intent or capacity to injure
Synonyms : innocent
Example Sentence
  • an innocent prank
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for innocuous

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in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...

innocuous ~ innocent

Although some spiders are POISONOUS, most of them are INNOCUOUS (harmless)

Nokia+Us- Amongst 'fell' phones, Nokia is the most harmless to Us.

He is locked IN the box and he KNOCKS TO US, but we ignore him because he is now harmless.

INjury NO COw tO US ...no injury is given to us by cow

in + no + c + u + ous >>> means u do not have an eye on us.. so u r not harmful to us..

"Innocuous" is closely related, in both origin and meaning, to "innocent"

Innocuous: ENO (antacid) quon US mein nahi lete log, ye to completely HARMLESS hai.

Innocuous= I NO KILL US :-)

In-Noc(sounds like Knock "knock the door" to come inside) If someone knocks to come inside then he is harmless. Harmful people just barged in.


Short Definition : change; something newly introduced; introduction of something new; V. innovate: begin or introduce (something new); be creative; ADJ. innovative

(noun) a creation (a new device or process) resulting from study and experimentation
Synonyms : invention
(noun) the creation of something in the mind Definition
(noun) the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new
Example Sentence
  • she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
  • the foundation of a new scientific society


Short Definition : indirect or subtle (derogatory) hint; insinuation; Ex. sexual innuendo

(noun) an indirect (and usually malicious) implication
Synonyms : insinuation
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for innuendo

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INN(loopala)ENDO UNDI...hint lies inside something

"The salesman was making innuendos towards our 16 year old daughter" is salesman ne ladki chhedi, INNU UNDE(eggs) maaro.....

ok this is poor but does the job....you go for a stay in an INN but U END up washing kitchen utensils...what does it imply? you had no money to pay!!

INN(inside)ENDO(inside)something is there inside..usually hint lies inside something

another one...in the song IN THE END by Linkin Park, it implies that he has lost something which he had tried so hard to get

innuendo -> i + knew + end... how does one manage to guess the end result?? from the "hints" provided.. thus innuendo means hints..

in(to, toward) + nuere[to nod.] An indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression

IN the END u get Offended

INN(shirt ki inn)+U+ENDO....you end doing inn of your shirt because soon you are going to be a beggar...It,s a kind of remark or hint....

in+nuen+do--- IN church NUN(nuen) gave me a HINT to DO work(eg: start singing the prayer , ring the bells)


Short Definition : untimely; inappropriate or ill-timed; poorly chosen

(adj) not opportune
Example Sentence
  • arrived at a most inopportune hour
  • an inopportune visit
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inopportune

though i was offered free coaching for GRE from my university in FE i didnt opt for it bcoz though the OPPORTUNITY was good but it was UNTIMELY..INOPPORTUNE..:)

opportunity @ appropriate time Inopportune @ inappropriate time

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inopportune=inconvenient, unfortunate, inappropriate, unsuitable, untimely, unfavourable, mistimed, inauspicious, ill-timed, ill-chosen, unseasonable, unpropitious, malapropos....... The dismissals came at an inopportune time...:)


Short Definition : beyond reasonable limits; unrestrained; excessive; Ex. inordinate demands

(adj) beyond normal limits
Example Sentence
  • excessive charges
  • a book of inordinate length
  • his dress stops just short of undue elegance
  • unreasonable demands
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inordinate

you are in ordinate(y-axis) and y axis goes upwards without limit

split it as in+ord+din+ate... remember it as IN DIN(ner) he ORD(ered) and ATE EXCESSIVELY.

in+ordinary = inordinate means unrestrained.

inordinate:in (not) +ordinate(ordinary)-so not ordinary which is beyond the normal

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inordinate.split it in(not),ordinate(order),when some body is not in order with higer authority or they r free to do whatever they want.so they become UNRESTRINED.


Short Definition : eager for knowledge; unduly curious

(adj) showing curiosity
Example Sentence
  • if someone saw a man climbing a light post they might get inquisitive
  • raised a speculative eyebrow
(adj) inquiring or appearing to inquire
Example Sentence
  • an inquiring look
  • the police are proverbially inquisitive
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inquisitive

IN+QUIZ+itive, contestents IN a QUIZ are eager for knowledge.

Curiously (INQUI-sitive) Inquiring and (in-QUIS-itive) Questioning


Short Definition : questioner (especially harsh); investigator; person making an inquisition

(noun) a questioner who is excessively harsh
Synonyms : interrogator
(noun) an official of the ecclesiastical court of the Inquisition
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inquisitor

INQUISITOR - sounds like in-quiz-itor, so someone in a quiz who asks questions, is a questioner.

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INQUISOTOR-one who is INQUISitive, always asks questions , he is a QUESTIONER.

The later part rhymes as visitor, usually tend to be harsh & questions a lot in school and colleges hence called 'investigator'.


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