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Short Definition : unavoidable

(noun) an unavoidable event
Example Sentence
  • don't argue with the inevitable
(adj) incapable of being avoided or prevented
Example Sentence
  • the inevitable result
(adj) invariably occurring or appearing
Example Sentence
  • the inevitable changes of the seasons
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inevitable

Remember inevitable sounds like IN-EVERY-TABLE( what is UNAVOIDABLE in every table? Answer is food)Food is unavoiadable in every(dinning)table.So ineveitable=unavoidable


In every table (in hell which yama maintains for our sins) ..its unavoidable to escape from punitive ..!! :)

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తప్పదు ఇక


Short Definition : relentless; unyielding; implacable; not capable of being changed by entreaty or efforts; Ex. inexorable price rises

(adj) not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
Example Sentence
  • grim determination
  • grim necessity
  • Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty
  • relentless persecution
  • the stern demands of parenthood
(adj) impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason
Example Sentence
  • he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
  • Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him
  • an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inexorable

in(not)+exhort(means to pressurize):that means a person who is inexorable cant be pressurised;he will not yield

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exor is logic gate which changes. so in exorable is that cannot be changed or stopped

inexhorable sounds likein-exhaust.. so a person who never gets exhausted by torturing people.an inhuman(as he is not getting exhausted),showing inhuman traits

Exo bar advert-Cleans even the most unyielding of stains.

Sound like inflexible- inflexible ppl are inexorable

Imagine a door that is so solid you cannot break it down even by throwing you body against it, so you cannot EXIT. The door is INEXORABLE.

exorable means jo x ka o bana de.. so inexorable means who is adamant and does not yield to making x ka o

sounds like inexporeable... i.e person cant be explored even asking his again and again..

in-x-horrible:doing x(sex) with ur gf/bf continiously/relentlessly is horrible.So inexorable means relentless

INEX sounds like INXS, the music group; ORABLE sounds like horrible. INXS used to be unstoppable until the lead singer did that horrible thing and hanged himself.

inexorable=which cannot be washed with exo(barsoap for utensils) =ziddi dag=adamant

If you doN't EXeRcise you will not be ABLE-bodied and flexible

inexorable sounds like

inexitable i.e. unyielding, determined

inexorable = in + exort(urge). You can't change it. You can't stop it.

sounds like uxorial which means connecte with wife and the behaviour of wife is inexorable :P


Short Definition : from which it is impossible to get free; that cannot be untied; Ex. inextricable troubles; Ex. inextricable two histories

(adj) not permitting extrication; incapable of being disentangled or untied
Example Sentence
  • an inextricable knot
  • inextricable unity
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inextricable

U have EXTRA CABLE of your net connection in your room which irritates u...so u knot that in a bundle...

pronounce it as inexitable!...from which there is no exit

INEXTRICABLE:addINg EXTRa CABLE....... Adding this extra cable will make this connection very strong and no one will b able to open it .....

inextricable-> In(not) and EXtricable-> "able to exit". SO Inextricable -> unable to exit.

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In movies, if some one is locked up in a room, the escape (EXIT) using a (CABLE) made from saree/ cloth. INEXTRIBLE == NO EXIT


Short Definition : unerring; never making mistakes

(adj) incapable of failure or error
Example Sentence
  • an infallible antidote
  • an infallible memory
  • the Catholic Church considers the Pope infallible
  • no doctor is infallible
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infallible

IN(not)+FALL...A person who doesn't fall is a person who doesn't make mistakes....

Do not fall into errors



Short Definition : notoriously bad; notorious; well known for being bad; Ex. infamous behavior; N: infamy: infamous act; evil fame or reputation

(adj) known widely and usually unfavorably
Synonyms : ill-famed notorious
Example Sentence
  • a notorious gangster
  • the tenderloin district was notorious for vice
  • the infamous Benedict Arnold
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infamous

IN + FAMOUS (well known)...famous for his noteriety.



Short Definition : childish; infantlike

(adj) indicating a lack of maturity
Synonyms : childish
Example Sentence
  • childish tantrums
  • infantile behavior
(adj) of or relating to infants or infancy
Example Sentence
  • infantile paralysis
(adj) being or befitting or characteristic of an infant
Example Sentence
  • infantile games
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infantile

very easy, look at the word INFANT....A NEW BORN BABY...SO SOMEONE behaving like an infant...is infantile. Be careful not to confuse with "infantry" - (ground troops, soldiers who fight on foot)


Short Definition : deduce; conclude; N. inference

(verb) reason by deduction; establish by deduction
Synonyms : deduce deduct derive
(verb) draw from specific cases for more general cases Definition
(verb) conclude by reasoning; in logic
Synonyms : deduce
(verb) guess correctly; solve by guessing
Synonyms : guess
Example Sentence
  • He guessed the right number of beans in the jar and won the prize
(verb) believe to be the case
Synonyms : understand
Example Sentence
  • I understand you have no previous experience?
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infer

in-fer is like re-fer(send for making decision) and infer is making decision

infer = draw inference from any meeting.


Short Definition : pertaining to hell; devilish; N. inferno: place of fiery heat or destruction

(noun) an inhabitant of Hell
Example Sentence
  • his roar made the infernals quake
(adj) characteristic of or resembling Hell
Example Sentence
  • infernal noise
  • infernal punishment
(adj) extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell
Example Sentence
  • something demonic in him--something that could be cruel
  • fires lit up a diabolic scene
  • diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils
  • a fiendish despot
  • hellish torture
  • infernal instruments of war
  • satanic cruelty
  • unholy grimaces
(adj) expletives used informally as intensifiers
Example Sentence
  • he's a blasted idiot
  • it's a blamed shame
  • a blame cold winter
  • not a blessed dime
  • I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
  • he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
  • a deuced idiot
  • an infernal nuisance
(adj) of or pertaining to or characteristic of a very uncontrolled and intense fire
Example Sentence
  • infernal heat
(adj) being of the underworld
Example Sentence
  • infernal regions
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infernal

Rhymes as IN+Funeral, someone who is always in funeral could be 'devilish'.

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infernal - in + fern (fernace ~ furnace) + al (all) ; so putting all people in the furnace is a devilish or cruel activity; these things are generally conducted in hell.

suppose u went went to funeral ceremony of a DON.who was very annoying and took many inocent life.so ppl said he will definately go to HELL.this covers both the meaning

eternal means heaven, infernal means hell.


Short Definition : inhabit in numbers large enough to be harmful; Ex. Mice infested the house; Ex. shark-infested waters

(verb) invade in great numbers
Synonyms : overrun
Example Sentence
  • the roaches infested our kitchen
(verb) occupy in large numbers or live on a host
Synonyms : invade overrun
Example Sentence
  • the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North
(verb) live on or in a host, as of parasites
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infest

a place full of ... PEST

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IN+FESTival....In Rangpanchami festival roads are INFESTED because of huge traffic on roads and most of them are drunken...


Short Definition : unbeliever (with respect to a particular religion)

(noun) a person who does not acknowledge your god
Synonyms : gentile heathen pagan
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for infidel

Infy+Dell : NO ONE will BELIEVE if someone says infy and dell merged.

bhagav.phani what the hell r u trying to say in your blank mnemonic?????????????

infidel(ity) :fidelity means faithfulness so infidel is one who has no failth or belief

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in-fidel: fidel castro is a pious man,has belief in god..so infidel means no belief in god; fidelity-means belief

in(not)fido infidel is not believing in god(trust) s

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