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Short Definition : unmoved or unconcerned by; having no interest in; mediocre; neither good nor bad

(adj) marked by a lack of interest
Synonyms : apathetic
Example Sentence
  • an apathetic audience
  • the universe is neither hostile nor friendly; it is simply indifferent
(adj) showing no care or concern in attitude or action
Example Sentence
  • indifferent to the sufferings of others
  • indifferent to her plea
(adj) (usually followed by `to') unwilling or refusing to pay heed
Synonyms : deaf
Example Sentence
  • deaf to her warnings
(adj) (often followed by `to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other
Synonyms : immaterial
Example Sentence
  • whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial (or indifferent)
  • what others think is altogether indifferent to him
(adj) fairly poor to not very good
Example Sentence
  • has an indifferent singing voice
  • has indifferent qualifications for the job
(adj) having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive
Synonyms : inert neutral
Example Sentence
  • inert matter
  • an indifferent chemical in a reaction
(adj) marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another
Example Sentence
  • indifferent about which book you would give them
  • was indifferent to their acceptance or rejection of her invitation
(adj) characterized by a lack of partiality
Synonyms : unbiased unbiassed
Example Sentence
  • a properly indifferent jury
  • an unbiasgoted account of her family problems
(adj) being neither good nor bad
Synonyms : so-so
Example Sentence
  • an indifferent performance
  • a gifted painter but an indifferent actor
  • her work at the office is passable
  • a so-so golfer
  • feeling only so-so
  • prepared a tolerable dinner
  • a tolerable working knowledge of French
(adj) neither too great nor too little
Example Sentence
  • a couple of indifferent hills to climb
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indifferent

A girl always looks for a guy who is different from the others, thus if he is in(not) different , he is MEDIOCRE hence she will be UNMOVED AND UNCONCERNED BY his proposals. :P

he showed "no difference" in his face...it means he is unmoved or unconcerned...!!!


Short Definition : poverty

(noun) a state of extreme poverty or destitution
Example Sentence
  • their indigence appalled him
  • a general state of need exists among the homeless
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indigence

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Indica + Zen (Cars)…Cars owned by poor people. Antonym:"Opulence" which means "Rich" Mnemonic :Opel Astra(Its a car owned by very rich people)

Indian gents are very poor as compared to other countrymen

indigence- indigenous or aboriginal people in most of the countries are passing their days in extreme poverty.

indigence = india+janta, which is in very poor condition

indigence ... indigestion due to lack of food... poverty...

DIG IN for a six pENCE to give the poor

in(not)+digestion-- poverty striken people who doesnot have food cannot digest.


Short Definition : native; Ex. plant indigenous to the New World

(adj) originating where it is found
Example Sentence
  • the autochthonal fauna of Australia includes the kangaroo
  • autochthonous rocks and people and folktales
  • endemic folkways
  • the Ainu are indigenous to the northernmost islands of Japan
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indigenous

indian+geniuses.....native or local talent or genius....


Short Definition : poor; destitute

(adj) poor enough to need help from others
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indigent

indigent == indian + gents (they are mostly poor ,needy due to demands of their wives)..hahahahhha

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The first 3 letters of Indigent is I.N.D which can be an acronym for I NEED DOLLARS !!!!

'Indigent' people are bound to eat 'Indige.stible' food due to lack of money.

The INDIA AGENT is a poor man.

see indigence

In+dig+gent : Imagine "In I dig and dig on the ground for food (etc tapioca] of a gent" to relate to being very poor to the extend of digging for food on the ground

The first 3 letters of Indigent is I.N.D which can be an acronym for I NEED DOLLARS !!!!

in-d-igent: One who has INsufficient Dollars to spend is POOR!


Short Definition : anger at an injustice; Ex. righteous indignation; ADJ. indignant

(noun) a feeling of righteous anger
Synonyms : outrage
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indignation

think of india + nation, where its' very difficult to get justice. So you are angry at an injustice.

indignation: if anyone don't care about your dignity unjustifiedly, you will be angry

indignation->almost like indigo nation..so when an indigo nation shirt is torn you get angry..

IN+DIG+NATION....in digging nation, you will be very ANGRY as roads will contain pits everywhere.....

In Dig nation, unhappy & angry citizens dug their way out of a country surrounded by brick walls


Short Definition : treatment or situation that causes shame or loss of dignity, respect; offensive or insulting treatment; humiliating or degrading treatment; Ex. I suffered the indignity of having to say that in front

(noun) an affront to one's dignity or self-esteem
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indignity

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in(not)+dignity.....if you lose your dignity then you will get insulting treatment

In+Dignity= A behavior or treatment that strikes In your Dignity(hurts your dignity) i.e. insult or humiliation


Short Definition : choosing at random; confused; not based on careful distinctions

(adj) failing to make or recognize distinctions Definition
(adj) not marked by fine distinctions
Example Sentence
  • indiscriminate reading habits
  • an indiscriminate mixture of colors and styles
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indiscriminate

in-'not,unable' + discriminate, meaning you are unable to discriminate between the right and the wrong. In such a situation you get CONFUSED and CHOOSE something RANDOMLY.


Short Definition : too certain to be disputed; beyond doubt

(adj) not open to question; obviously true
Example Sentence
  • undeniable guilt
  • indisputable evidence of a witness
(adj) impossible to doubt or dispute
Synonyms : sure
Example Sentence
  • indisputable (or sure) proof
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indisputable


indisputable sounds like something put on table.. which is clearly displayed so no faking !!! so cannot be doubted. :)


Short Definition : permanent; impossible to dissolve or disintegrate

(adj) (of a substance) incapable of being dissolved
Synonyms : insoluble
(adj) used of decisions and contracts
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indissoluble

oil and water are indissoluble and remain permanently separate when mixed up

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not soluble ...

Indissoluble-> Cannot be dissolved, something that remains as it is ,permanent..


Short Definition : write; compose

(verb) produce a literary work
Synonyms : compose pen write
Example Sentence
  • She composed a poem
  • He wrote four novels
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for indite

when you are on DIET(indiet)...,u write down whatever u ate to count calories!

inDITE. Concentrate on the letters in caps. DITE rhymes with WRITE, so the meaning goes...

Erudite endites.

indite:INDia unITEs::::::: i.e. The whole India unites together to produce a literary work.........

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In+DAT(tooth)....when you bring your emotions in you teeth i.e you speak and PUT(your emotions) INTO WORDS i.e compose

I m going to INDITE something on how to be "IN DIET"

I m going to INDITE something on how to be "IN DIET"

I m going to INDITE something on how to be "IN DIET"

INDITE and ERUDITE. Anyone capable of an INDITE is an ERUDITE.

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