• word of the day


    inert - Dictionary definition and meaning for word inert

    (adj) unable to move or resist motion Definition
    (adj) having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive
    Synonyms : indifferent , neutral
    Example Sentence
    • inert matter
    • an indifferent chemical in a reaction
    (adj) slow and apathetic
    Synonyms : sluggish , soggy , torpid
    Example Sentence
    • she was fat and inert
    • a sluggish worker
    • a mind grown torpid in old age
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for inert

recollect your chemistry . INERT gases hardly react, therefore INERT means LACKIN ABILITY TO MOVE OR ACT.


Powered by Mnemonic Dictionary

inert: in + earth : unable to move as they are in earth

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